Environment-oriented values
Prescribe a society’s relationship to it’s economic and
technical as well as physical environment.
Self-oriented values
Reflect the objectives and approaches to life that the
individual members of the society find desirable.
Other-oriented values
• Individual/Collective: Are individual activity and initiative valued more highly
than collective activity and conformity? Eating alone?? More imitative or less
innovative? ‘Be yourself’- will not work out
• Youth/Age: Is family life organized to meet the needs of the children or the
adults? Are younger or older people viewed as leaders and role models? Who
is given prestige, rank and important social role?
• Extended/Limited family: To what extent does one have a lifelong obligation
to numerous family members? Guidance/advice of parents in decision making
• Masculine/Feminine: To what extent does social power automatically go to
males? Does the husband, wife or make important family decisions?
• Competitive/Cooperative: Does one obtain success by excelling over others
or by cooperating with them? Cultures with more masculine and individualistic
orientations tend to value competitiveness and demonstrate it openly.
• Diversity/Uniformity: Does the culture embrace variation in religious belief,
ethnic background, political views, and other important behaviors and
Environment-oriented values
• Cleanliness: To what extent is cleanliness pursued beyond the minimum
needed for health? Is it a minor issue or next to godliness?? US-germ-
fighting liquid soaps alone are a $16billion market.
• Performance/Status: Is the culture’s reward system based on performance
or on inherited factors such as family or class? Equal opportunity?? A status
oriented society prefers quality or established and prestigious brand names.
• Tradition/Change: Are existing patterns of behavior considered inherently
superior to new patterns of behavior? Is tradition valued? Is change or
progress accepted? Use of technology, modernness.
• Risk taking/Security: Are those who risk their established positions to
overcome obstacles or achieve high goals admired more than those who do
not? Why wait for job-Entrepreneurship! (Blink-din bodol)
• Problem solving/Fatalistic: Are people encouraged to overcome all
problems, or do they take a “what will be, will be” attitude? We can do it/ don’t
have control over the come of the events. Likelihood of formal complaint with
an unsatisfactory purchase
Self-oriented values
• Active/Passive: Is a physically active approach to life valued more highly than
a less active orientation? An exercise or sports theme for bottled water
won’t be appropriate in a country where most people exercise less than
twice a year.
• Sensual gratification/Abstinence: To what extent is it acceptable to enjoy
sensual pleasures such as food, drink, and sex?
• Material/Nonmaterial: How much importance is attached to the acquisition of
material wealth? Does material wealth bring more status than family ties,
knowledge, or other activities?
• Hard work/Leisure: Is a person who works harder than economically
necessary admired more than one who does not? Lifestyle and demand for
leisure activities.
• Postponed gratification/Immediate gratification: Are people encouraged to
“save for a rainy day” or to “live for today”? Credit card/cash or debit card use
• Religious/Secular: To what extent are behaviors and attitudes based on the
rules specified by a religious doctrine? (Aromatic soap/ Lafz body spray)
Determine the Bangladeshi Culture: Past,
Present and Future
Cultural Variations in Nonverbal
Cultural Variations in Nonverbal
The meaning of time varies between
cultures in two major ways:
• Time perspective
• monochronic
• polychronic
Time Perspective
Monochronic Polychronic
One thing at a time Many things at once
Concentrate on 1 Highly distractible
job Deadlines are
Deadlines matter secondary
Commitment to task Commitment to
Adhesion to plans people
Promptness is Changing plans is
valued easy
Short term Promptness
relationships depends
Long term preferred11
Cultural Variations in Nonverbal
• Overall use and meanings assigned to
space vary widely among different
cultures (office space, lift)
Cultural Variations in Nonverbal
Colors, animals, shapes, numbers, and
music have varying meanings across
Failure to recognize the meaning assigned
to a symbol can cause serious problems!
Pink shirt , Thumbs up ad
Owl- wisdom in us, bad luck in India
Number 7- unlucky in Singapore, Kenya
Cultural Variations in Nonverbal
Cultural Variations in Nonverbal
How quickly and easily do cultures form
relationships and make friends?
• Americans tend to form relationships
and friends quickly and easily.
• How much does this commitment
• Few takes time, & what about us???
Cultural Variations in Nonverbal
How does a culture ensure
business obligations are
honored? How are
disagreements resolved?
Some cultures rely on a legal
system; others rely on
relationships, friendships, etc.
Cultural Variations in Nonverbal
The cultural meaning of things leads
to purchase patterns that one would
not otherwise predict.
The differing meanings that cultures
attach to things, including products,
make gift-giving a particularly
difficult task.
Necklace from Aarong as a gift
Clock in China- funeral
Cultural Variations in Nonverbal
The generally accepted ways of behaving in
social situations.
Behaviors considered rude or obnoxious in one
culture may be quite acceptable in another!
Normal voice tone, pitch, and speed of speech
differ between cultures and languages, as do the
use of gestures. (how you come in class)
Cultural values of relevance to Consumer
Change Adjustment
What do the local ads focus? i) reality ii) desire
Is value pattern of the society changing?
Reflection of cultural changes in our local ads-
As there can be broad differences between the cultures of various
societies, there can also be differences within the same culture.
Every culture contains subcultures, defined as groups that share
the values and artifacts of the larger society, but also have
distinctive practices, preferences, and beliefs.
i.e., A distinct cultural group that exists as an identifiable
segment within a larger, more complex society
For example, we are Bangladeshi having a distinct culture, share
certain types of values and maintain certain common norms
around the country. -respecting olders, hospitality, festive and fun
loving, having rice and fish, wearing lungi-panjabi, shari, having
food with hand, maintaining religious values and so ones.
Islam is the dominant religion in the culture of Bangladesh; while
Sunni and Shiaa, for example, may be viewed as subcultures
within the larger Muslim culture here in our country. Businessmen
living in the old part of Dhaka share distinctive subcultures, what
about people in coastal areas(dry fish, resilience), hill tracts ??.
Subculture may also be defined in terms of such factors as region,
rural or urban residence, ethnic background, and religion.
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education Canada 10-23
Types of Subcultures
Categories Examples of
Nationality Subcultures
Bangladeshi, French, Malaysian,
Australian, Indian
Ethnic group
Chakma, Marma, Khasia, Shia, Sunni
region Rural/Urban, Coastal area/others, Hill
Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism
Importance of Subcultures
on with market
values and
core behaviors
Sub- Unique
cultural market
on with a
values and
subculture behaviors
Learning Culture
Informal Learning
Technical Learning
Content Analysis
Consumer Fieldwork
Value Measurement Instruments