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Improving basic flexibility & time
Technical upgrade
Improving basic safety conditions response by
of production
flow of processes for Accessories increasing
production production
- Basic engineering and layout
- Installation details (Electrical, Mechanical, and Piping)
- Automation Engineering
- Coordination

Local Acquisitions
- Miscellaneous materials for installation
- Fabrication Coating booth

Imported Acquisitions
- Coating Machine Airless Pump, accesories

Civil Works
- Area preparation, demolitions

Mechanical, Electrical and Piping installation

Type Ring Spraying Nozzle
1) Main System Delivery Pump:
This pump is the device that actually drives or delivers
the coa tin g fro m th e tote to the co a tin g
cha m ber/ spra y tips. (Currently set a t 1 ,1 0 0 P S I)
2) Main Air Control Pressure Regulator:
This air regulator manipulates the air pressure to the
main pump and, is used to regulate the air and
discharge pressure of the Main System Delivery
Pump. The ball valve must be closed during
intervention of application. (Currently set at 57 PSI)
3) High P ressure Fluid Filters:
The filters are located in the high pressure side of the
pump unit, which require regular maintenance to
ensure cleanliness and prevent varnish nozzle
clogging. (Currently at 1,100 PSI)
4) Fluid P ressure R egulator:
This device en a bles contro l of th e fl o w ra tes to th e
coa ting ch a m ber/ spra y tip s. It a lso co ntrols
fluctuation in system pressure due to transitioning of
the pump piston and creates/ maintains consistent
fl o w ra tes. (Currently set a t 4 0 0 - 4 5 0 P S I)
High Pressure Filter BOQ
1) H igh P ressure Filter H ousing:
These housings contain the desired filtering element
(i.e. 100 or 200 mesh) which actually remove debris
from the coating liquid
2) Filter Pressure Gauge:
The pressure gauges read and display the pressure
th a t is cu rrently experien ce d in sid e the fi lter h o us in g.
3) Pressure Release/ Drain Valve:
These are high pressure valves put in place to enable
th e o p era to r to relieve th e pre ssu re o f th e h o u sin g
once isolated, as well as drain fluid from housing prior
to bein g disa sse m ble d fo r Filter Elem en t cle a nin g o r
re pla cin g.
4) Filter Input Isola tion Va lves:
These are the Filter input valves and are used to
isolate or select one filter or the other for use at any
one time. (NOTE: Only one filter should be in operation
at any one time.) The Picture show #1 filter to be in
use and #2 filter isolated.
5) Filter Output Isolation Valves:
These are the Filter Output valves and are used to
isolate the discharge side or select the desired Filter
Housing for use at any one time. (NOTE: Only one filter
should be in operation at any one time.) The Picture
show #1 filter to be in use and #2 filter isolated.

1) S how s S k id feed va lves in rela tion to th e sk id unit

2) This picture show s va lve orienta tion.
The Coating Valve is open and the Solvent Valve is closed. Please Note that these two valves should NEVER
be open at the same time. One MUST be closed prior to the other being opened. Prior to switching these
va lves, the delivery pum p sho uld be turned off .

3) Shows Solvent feed in 55 gallon supply drum.

4) Shows Coating feed line connected to 320 gallon tote. Item#4 optional
The “RED” valve is in the “open” position in the picture, indicated by being parallel to the supply line. When
in the “closed” position, valve handle will be perpendicular to the supply line.
Coating Machine and spray booth
No Items Qty Total
1 Airless pump ex korea, 68:1 or equival 1 Rp 65.000.000
2 Demolition and cleaning 1 Rp 4.500.000
2 Spray booth as drawing attachment 1 Rp 65.000.000
3 Regulator, pneumatic valve and automation 1 Rp 35.000.000
4 Spraying ring piping a nd Nozzle 2 3/8" to 14 3/8'' 1 Rp 57.000.000
5 Installation 1 Rp 9.500.000
6 test and commissioning (exclude 1 drum coating and solvent) 1 Rp 4.250.000
Rp 240.250.000
Time Schedule

No Item weeks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Engineering and coordination
2 Manufacture Local
3 Import material
4 Installation coanting machine and spray booth
5 Test and commissioning

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