1.1.1 TO 1.1.7
Life Cycles
The context for
which a new
system is planned.
A new system is generally made
to replace and older system that
is inefficient, outdated,
redundant or no longer serves
its intended purpose.
The purpose of the new system
can be to increase productivity
or quality or even to minimize
The new system should reduce
or remove the errors/flaws of
the existing one.
The context for which a new system
is planned.
How feasible is the new system?
Change management involves the
change within organization with the
general goal of maximizing benefits and
minimizing negative impact. (especially
the change on individuals)
The need for People can often feel uncomfortable with
change change management as they may feel
that their jobs are at risk. Unfortunately
management in some cases these does become true.
Defined as
“Change management is a systematic approach to
dealing with the transition or transformation of an
organization's goals, processes or technologies. The
purpose of change management is to implement strategies
for effecting change, controlling change and helping people to
adapt to change.”
Legacy system – An old technology, hardware,
computer system or application
Just because it is old it does not mean it does not
play an important role in an organization. It might
Compatibility be that its data cannot be converted to newer
issues resulting
from situations Even NASA using legacy systems ! (what they need
does the job and so there is no need to change it)
including legacy
It is clear that even with today’s technology
systems or combining legacy systems and newer systems can
business still be a big issue.
Compatibility issues resulting from
situations including legacy systems or
business mergers
On premise software?
On-premises software (sometimes abbreviated as "on-prem") is installed and runs on computers on
the premises (in the building) of the person or organization using the software, rather than at a remote
facility such as a server farm or cloud.
Unlike the SaaS on premise software will be installed, upgraded and maintained within the organization
rather than at a remote facility.
This means higher initial costs however could save in the long run as the organization would not have to pay
a subscription fee to maintain the system.
The service would remain in house and so is not operational based on whether or not the internet is
This can prove costly when making upgrades, maintaining etc as hardware such as network & backup
equipment will have to be factored.
Alternative Installation Processes
Alternative • Staff who were part of the pilot can be used to train other staff.
• Disadvantages –
• For the section that is piloting there is no backup
Installation Phased – The new system is introduced in phases as
Processes parts of the old system are gradually replaced with
the new system.
• Advantages –
• Allows other people to get used to the new system
• Training can be done in stages
• Disadvantages –
• If the new part of the system fails there is no back up for that
part of the area..
Activity – Change over Scenarios
An Airport Ticketing system is now outdated and is replaced with a brand new cloud
based system.
A school have been using Microsoft Teams but have trialled new even better software.
They are nervous about switching straight away.
A company outsourced their services to a company who has gone bankrupt and are now
needing a new service.
A high-end stock market company are considering a new type of AI trading software but
are a little unsure of how it will work in their company.
Problems that may arise as a part of data migration
Given a set of Temperatures for a set of Covid checks the following protocol is followed
Any temperature lower than 30.0 is not accepted
Any Temperature higher than 45.0 is not accepted
Temperatures higher than 37.3,but below and including 45 mean that are infected
Temperatures between 30 and 37.3 (including 37.3) are within the acceptable limits
Now determine a range of test data to interrogate the system as best you can.
With thousands of people using this system every day we cannot afford for this to be
Please provide a suitable document to outline and provide details. Brief explanantions or
annotations are acceptable.
Various Types of testing
Alpha testing - Alpha testing is done before the software product is made available to the
general public. Normally, Alpha testing will be carried out by the company that develops the
software in a laboratory type environment and not by the end users in their usual workplaces.
Beta Testing – Beta testing includes comments and suggestions of the users. Unlike Alpha
testing, users outside the company are involved in the testing. In some cases, the Beta
version will be made available to the general public. This can provide vital real-world
information and feedback.
Dry run testing - Dry-run testing is conducted using pen and paper by the programmer.
During dry run testing the programmer mentally runs the algorithm.
Debugging - Debugging is a systematic process of finding and correcting the number of bugs
(errors) in a computer program.
Various Types of testing