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Sustainability is a complex subject. It is of vital importance to all because it deals with

the survival of human species and almost every living creature on the planet. Sustainable
and eco-friendly architecture is one of the main aims that humans for creating a better
life have made as the ultimate model for all their activities. For this reason, moving
towards a greener architecture
is well-thought-out the main goal of the present architecture of our time.

At the rate the development needs of this world is using the scarce and limited
resources found on the earth, it is becoming obvious that unless there are major changes
to Man's thinking and behaviour, the future of civilization as known today is dubious.
Green architecture, or green design, is an approach to building
that minimizes harmful effects on human health and the
environment. The "green" architect or designer attempts to
safeguard air, water, and earth by choosing eco-friendly building
materials and construction practices.

Green architecture defines an understanding of environment-friendly architecture

under all classifications, and contains some universal consent, It may have many of
these characteristics:

• 􀁸 Ventilation systems designed for efficient heating and cooling

• 􀁸 Energy-efficient lighting and appliances
• 􀁸 Water-saving plumbing fixtures
• 􀁸 Landscapes planned to maximize passive solar energy
• 􀁸 Minimal harm to the natural habitat
• 􀁸 Alternate power sources such as solar power or wind power
• 􀁸 Non-synthetic, non-toxic materials
• 􀁸 Locally-obtained woods and stone
• 􀁸 Responsibly-harvested woods
• 􀁸 Adaptive reuse of older buildings
• 􀁸 Use of recycled architectural salvage
• 􀁸 Efficient use of space
Green building involves consideration in four main areas: site development, material
selection and minimization, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality.

• Consider site development to reduce the impact of development on the natural

environment. For example, orient the buildings to take advantage of solar access,
shading and wind patterns that will lessen heating and cooling loads.
• Carefully select materials that are durable, contain recycled content, and are locally
manufactured to reduce negative environmental impacts.
• Incorporate energy-efficient design into buildings to create an efficient and comfortable
environment. Take advantage of the natural elements and technologies to conserve
resources and increase occupant comfort/productivity while lowering long-term
operational costs and pollutants.
• Design for high indoor air quality to promote occupant health and productivity.
• Minimize the waste in construction and demolition processes by recovering materials and
reusing or recycling those.
The green building design process begins with an intimate understanding of the site in all
its beauties and complexities. Designers can create features in their buildings that mimic
the functions of particular eco-systems. Creating new habitat on structures in urbanized
areas is especially important to support bio-diversity and a healthy ecosystem.
The following points summarize key principles, strategies and technologies which are
associated with the five major elements of green building design which are:
Passive solar design refers to the use of the sun’s energy for the heating and
cooling of living spaces. The building itself or some element of it takes advantage of
natural energy characteristics in its materials to absorb and radiate the heat created by
exposure to the sun. Passive systems are simple, have few moving parts and no
mechanical systems, require minimal maintenance and can decrease, or even eliminate,
heating and cooling costs.

Passive solar design uses these to capture the sun’s energy:

• Solar passive features
• Shape and form of buildings.
• Orientation of the facades.
• Design of Building plan and section.
• Thermal insulation and thermal storage of roof.
• Thermal Insulation and thermal storage of the exterior walls.

Designs depend on direction & intensity of Sun & wind, ambient temp., humidity
etc. Different designs for different climatic zones.

Green building materials are generally composed of renewable rather than non-renewable
resources. Green building materials can be selected by evaluating characteristics such as
reused and recycled content, zero or low off-gassing of harmful air emissions, zero or low
toxicity, high recyclability, durability, and local production.

The materials common to many types of natural building are clay and sand. When mixed
with water and, usually, straw or another fibre, the mixture may form adobe (clay

Other materials commonly used in natural building are: earth (as rammed earth or
earth bag), wood (cordwood or timber frame/post-and-beam), straw, rice-hulls,
bamboo and stone.

A wide variety of reused or recycled non-toxic materials are common in natural building,
including urbanite (salvaged chunks of used concrete).

Green roofs serve several purposes for a building, such as absorbing rainwater,
providing insulation, creating a habitat for wildlife, increasing goodness and
decreasing stress of the people around the roof by providing a more aesthetically
pleasing landscape, and helping to lower urban air temperatures and mitigate the
heat island effect.

There are two types of green roof:

• Intensive roofs, which are thicker, with a minimum depth of 12.8 cm, and can
support a wider variety of plants but are heavier and require more maintenance.
• Extensive roofs, which are shallow, ranging in depth from 2 cm to 12.7 cm, lighter
than intensive green roofs, and require minimal maintenance.

The term green roof may also be used to indicate roofs that use some form of green
technology, such as a cool roof, a roof with solar thermal collectors or photovoltaic
Also known as vertical greenery is actually introducing plants onto the building
façade. Comparing to green roof, green walls can cover more exposed hard surfaces in
the built environment where skyscrapers are the predominant building style.

There are three types of Green Walls:

The green walls can be divided into three fundamental types according to the species of
the plants; types of growing media and construction method.

• Wall-climbing Green wall is the very common and traditional green wall method.
Although it is a time consuming process, climbing plants can cover the walls of building
naturally. Sometimes they are grown upwards with the help of a trellis or other
supporting systems.
• Hanging-down Green Wall is also another popular approach for green walls. It can
easily form a complete vertical green belt on a multi-story building through planting at
every story compare to the wall-climbing type.
• Module Green Wall is the latest concept compared to the previous two types. It
requires more complicated design and planning considerations before a vertical system
can come to place. It is also probably the most expensive green walls method.
Green building is not a simple development trend; it is an approach to building suited to
the demands of its time, whose relevance and importance will only continue to increase.

• Comfort. Because a well-designed passive solar home or building is highly energy

efficient, it is free of drafts. Extra sunlight from the south windows makes it more
cheerful and pleasant in the winter than a conventional house.

• Economy. If addressed at the design stage, passive solar construction doesn’t have to
cost more than conventional construction, and it can save money on fuel bills.

• Aesthetics. Passive solar buildings can have a conventional appearance on the

outside, and the passive solar features make them bright and pleasant inside.

• Environmentally responsible. Passive solar homes can significantly cut use of

heating fuel and electricity used for lighting. If passive cooling strategies are used in
the design, summer air conditioning costs can be reduced as well.
1. Courtyard
Courtyard homes are more prevalent in the study area, as an open central court can be
an important aid to cooling house in warm weather. Courtyard draws fresh air down
through the wind catch. The comforts offered by a courtyard-air, light, privacy, security,
and tranquillity - provides the shadows are properties nearly universally desired in human
housing. Courtyard used for many purposes including cooking, sleeping, working, playing,
gardening, and even places to keep animals.
2. Thickness of stone walls
The walls are designed to provide insulation, sunlight filters through increase wall
thickness (40-50 cm).

3. Roof
It is placed a mixture of sand and lime mortar above the linoleum protect the bishop from
the impact of the sun's heat and reduces the permeability of water falling from the rain in
the winter.

4. Narrow openings
Narrow openings and high from the ground to prevent the entry of heat during the day for
the inside and maintain them for the night
This study produced prototype referred to as Typical Housing Prototype which is built
with a central courtyard, single-story two bedrooms. The plan of the prototype is shown
in Fig. below:

Building orientation determines the amount of solar radiation it receives. In addition to other
elements such as Evergreen trees were planted on north side to act as a wind break in winter, while
deciduous trees on south side to shade in summer only.
• Courtyard design. The central courtyard allows spaces for relaxation and
interaction of occupants keeping their activities away from neighbours in addition to
passive cooling strategies. It achieves enough daylight penetration, reduces solar
heat and promotes cooling breezes while keeping out hot and dusty wind.

• Sun angles and Shadings. The design doesn’t oversize the amount of south-facing
windows as oversizing can lead to overheating. Horizontal exterior overhangs are
used on the south side of the building to block direct summer sun. The overhang is
large enough to block summer sun, but doesn’t block sun in winter.
• Thermal Mass. The walls of the house are thick and massive. The high-mass walls
are cooled from the cool night time temperatures. In turn, the walls then cool the
occupants during the day by accepting the heat radiating from their bodies.

• Construction Materials. Walls: Solid 8" Masonry wall which could be double wall
for maximizing thermal mass. Roof Construction: Flat light weight concrete (20 cm)
and plaster (1 cm). Floor: Slab on Grade covered by carpet or casework.

• Rain water harvesting. The roof of the building consists of gutters or pipes that
deliver rainwater falling on the rooftop to the storage tank. Harvested water can be
used for toilet flushing and garden irrigation.

• Aquifer water. Well pumps are built to be used for extracting water from an
underground source.
Energy Systems
• Biogas Plant production. Biogas is one of many renewable energy systems that
provide greater independence at very low cost. Produced gas from anaerobic digestion of
organic material will usually be piped from the top of the tank to a biogas cooking stove
and/or biogas lights.
• Photovoltaic (PV array). Photovoltaic panels are installed on south-facing roof which is
inclined with an angle to maximize the amount of electricity produced.
• Solar domestic hot water. Solar hot water systems are used to collect energy from the
sun in panels or tubes to produce domestic hot water used in the house.

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