Chapter 7 Pad120 Democracy New Silibus

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Lecture Outline
1. Definition of Democracy.
2. Types of Democracy.
i. Direct democracy.
ii. Indirect/Representative
3. Characteristics of Democracy.
4. Advantages of Democracy.
5. Disadvantages of Democracy.
The word “democracy” – Greek word demos:

people and Kratia: Rule.

Thus, literally democracy means rule by the

The most popular definition of democracy given

by Abraham Lincoln: “the government of the

people, by the people and for the people”.
Forms of government
Aristotle: who is the government/ how many
leaders/ what is their goals
Good Bad
One monarchy oligarchy
Few aristocracy
Many mobocracy democracy

Hobbes: ideal state

Rousseou: Social contract
10.1 Definition
1. Abraham Lincoln: “the government of the
people, by the people and for the people”.
2. Austin Ranney: “a form of govt. organized in
accordance with the principle of popular
sovereignty, political equality, popular
consultation, and majority rule.”
3. Gettel: “Democracy is a form of government in
which the mass of the population possesses the
right to share in exercise of sovereign power.”
4. Roskin: “Political system of mass
participation, competitive elections, and
human & civil rights”.
Usually democracy characterized
by FOUR (4) features:
1. The ultimate power to make political
decisions is vested in all the people.
2. “One person, One Vote” - Each adult citizen
has the same opportunity as every other adult
citizen to participate in the decision-making
process & the freedom to choose from
3. Public policies are made only after
ascertaining the wishes of the people.
4. All political decisions must be made
according to the wishes of the majority
(Majority Rule).
10.2 Types of
There are two types of democracy:

1) Direct or Pure Democracy

2) Indirect or Representative
10.2.1 Direct Democracy
Direct democracy is the perfect expression of
popular sovereignty.
Also known as Pure Democracy.
It ca be defined as: a system where the people
rule themselves directly without
Citizen participate in the decision making directly.
Direct democracy emphasizes THREE (3) features:
1. Popular participation. = people engage in decision
making directly
2. Majority rule. = the greater number of people agree
then it will binding to the state to follow
3. Political equality. = everybody has equal rights
 As an expression of popular sovereignty, direct
democracy was the form of government favored
by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. However, there are
unusual circumstances essential to realizing
direct democracy including the following:
i. The number of citizens must be small
ii. Property and wealth must be distributed
equally (or almost equally) = justice
iii. The society must be culturally homogeneous
iv. Those who administer the laws must not be
allowed to function independently of the
popular will that made the laws in the first
 It is said to prevail when people themselves
directly express their views and participate
in the deliberative and administrative
affairs of the government. People in direct
democracy assume all powers of making
laws. They formulate laws at a meeting
attended by all the people.
 This type of democracy was prevalent in
the Greek and Roman city-states of the
ancient period. Direct democracy became
very easy in ancient period, as there
existed less population and geographical
 Citizens acted as both rulers and the ruled
in these ancient city-states. Their wills and
desires prevailed and were considered as
supreme in all public matters.
 But in course of time, with the increase in
population and geographical boundaries,
the city-states were transformed into
extensive nation-states.
 The system of direct democracy became
successful and attained period because there
existed homogenous population inhabiting
limited geographical territories.

 The modern states are not small city-states

but extensive popular country-states. Similar
to ancient city-states, it became an impossible
task for the people living in country-states to
assemble collectively at a single place for
discussing public issues. For example, it is
still prevalent in Switzerland.
10.2.2 Representative
(Indirect) Democracy
Representative democracy is a system of
government in which the citizens elect their
representatives to run the government on their
Usually, ordinary citizens do not make the
governmental decisions themselves but,
instead, choose someone to make decisions for
them (in open elections contested by political
parties, and by individuals of different shades of
 According to J.S. Mill “Representative
democracy is one in which the whole
people or some or some numerous portion
of them exercise the governing power
through deputies periodically elected by

 This
type of democracy for the first time,
came into vogue in England, France,
Germany, Italy, India, Japan, America,
Canada, Holland and Sri Lanka.
 Under this system, citizens who attained the
age of maturity elect their representatives in
times of elections. These representatives
i. Assumes the deliberative and legislative
powers of the government on behalf of the
ii. Formulate different legislative policies in
accordance with the wishes and aspirations of
the electorate
iii. Responsible and responsive to the people for
their acts
Essential conditions to apply
Representative Democracy
1. Citizens are at least one place removed from
actual decision-making.
2. Elected representative stand in place of, or act
on behalf of voters.
3. Free competitive elections at all or most levels
of government as a symbol of the sovereignty
of the people and a way of holding leaders
4. Elections as an efficient and effective way of
organizing political succession.
Conditions favoring
1. Peaceful evolution.

2. Socio-economic pluralism.

3. High level of economic development &


4. Ethnic & cultural uniformity.

5. Leader’s commitment to democracy.

10.3 Characteristics of
1. Popular Government.
 People act as both the rules and ruled
 All those persons who possess the right to vote directly or
indirectly participate in the administrative affairs of the
 The electorate assumes ultimate or final sovereign power.

2. Popular Control.
 People exercise their control over the governmental affairs by
casting their votes in time of election.
 All those citizens who attain the age of maturity are provided
with the right to vote.
 Right to vote acts as a controlling and regulating force upon the
3. Significant to Ordinary Citizens.
 It is the ordinary citizens who enjoy much respect and position in
 Their wills and opinions will have a say in the preparation and
execution of different governmental policies.
 It provides equal opportunities to all the citizens unmindful of
caste, color, sex, creed, property, religion and region.

4. Regular Election.
 Democratic government is a government by election.
 Citizens in democracy enjoy political rights like right to vote, elect,
be elected, and hold public offices and criticism.
 Utilizing their political rights by properly select and elect the
efficient and honest candidates of the political parties.
5. Popular Responsibility.
 The democratic government is immediately responsible to
the legislature and ultimate to the electorate and to the
people at large.
 It continues in the office until it possesses the confidence of
the majority members of the legislature.

6. Ensures Fundamental Rights.

 Enable them to enjoy freedoms relating to their life, liberty
and property.
 All citizens irrespective of any discrimination will enjoy these
rights, which are included in the written and rigid
Pre-requisites for
1. Existence of Independent & Impartial Press.
 It acts as the Bible of democracy.
 It publishes information relating to the various incidents.
 It keeps the people in touch with the problems of the nation
and government.
 It makes rational, constructive and impartial criticism on
various policies and programmes adopted by the government.

2. Enlightened Citizens.
 Citizens should be active in public affairs.
 They should understand the rights and duties to make
democracy a success.
 Democracy becomes a failure as long as its citizens do not
perform their duties properly.
 Citizens should extend cooperation to all good acts of the
government and criticize its wrong policies.
3. Existence of Effective Opposition Party.
 A democratic government becomes an
irresponsible and careless government in the
absence of vigilant, strong and effective opposition
 The opposition parties check the illegal, unpopular
and unconstitutional acts of the minister in

4. Wise & Effective Leadership.

 The leaders should be able efficient, intelligent,
active, honest and wise enough to take decisions
and to make policies of the government.
5. Social & Economic Equality.
 Democracy is based upon social, economic and political
 The reason is that citizens can’t utilize all their rights and
privileges is because of the presence of economic
inequalities, untouchables, bonded labor, differences based
on caste, color, region, language, unemployment, poverty
and hunger.

6. Existence of Decentralisation & Separation of

Governmental Power.
 Democracy can’t function efficiently when the
governmental powers are concentrated in a single organ.
 Such a concentration and centralization of powers results
in despotism and autocracy affecting the rights and
freedoms of the citizens.
 Separation of powers restrains the tyranny of a single
organ or person.
 It acts as a check and balances upon the functioning of the
different departments in government.
7. Regular & Consistence Elections.
 Democracy, in the absence of independent,
impartial and regular elections become
inoperative and degenerate into dictatorship and
tyranny of the majority party.

8. Political Consciousness Among the Citizens.

 Citizens, in the absence of political consciousness,
can’t understand the political problems and fail to
elect their representatives to various institutions
on impartial and efficient manner.
10.4 Merits of
1. Effective Prevention from Dangerous
 Government pays special attention and interest
for the promotion of public welfare by providing
equal opportunities to all citizens alike.

2. Efficient form of Government.

 The representatives are responsible and
responsive to the people
 They always make laws and implement them by
consulting various administrative experts and
eminent leaders.
3. Ensures Equality.
 democracy provides equal rights and liberties to all
citizens in political, economic and social matters.

4. Uphold Individual Liberties.

 rights, liberties and freedoms are incorporated in and
guaranteed by a written constitution.

5. Promotes education & Encourage Patriotism.

 not only provides education but also promotes
patriotism. The provision of political rights enables
the citizens to participate in the administration of the
government. Such participation in the government
makes people responsible and responsive.
10.5 Demerits of
1. Emphasizing Quantity More than Quality.
 Only the voices of the majority will be heard

2. Expensive Form of Government.

 The organization of elections, administration of
legislatures and executive require huge amounts
of financial outlays.

3. Majority Rule (ignoring the minority).

 the ruling party ignores the interests of the
minority parties.
 It also behaves in an irresponsible and
autocratic manner that results in tyrannical rule.
4. Against Individuality & Liberty.
 Considers individuals as a whole and not parts.
 It only takes care about general welfare and
not interests of a particular person.

5. Powerful Influence of Capitalists.

 They influence the policies and programmes of
the party in power by bringing the leaders at
the highest level.

6. Slow and sluggish in their movement

 They take a lot of time to execute their plans

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