Lecture 1.1 - Pump

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Hydraulic and

Pneumatic Systems

Course Content
 1. Oil hydraulic system and hydraulic actuators
1.1 Hydraulic Power Generation
1.2 Selection and specification of pumps
1.3 Pump characteristics
1.4 Linear and rotary actuators
1.5 Actuators selection, specification and charac-
1.6 Examples (Design study: From components

Hydraulic Power Generation
 Hydraulic systems are used for transmission
of power through the medium of hydraulic oil.
 Works on the principle of Pascal’s law ― pres-
sure in a fluid at rest is transmitted uniformly
in all directions.
 Fluid medium used is hydraulic oil - mineral oil
or water or combinations, known as oil hy-
 The power transferred
 Power = Pressure x flow rate in the tubes or hoses.

Hydraulic Power Generation
 Fluid power:
 Technology that deals with generation, control and
transmission of power, using pressurized fluids.
 Used to push, pull, regulate or drive virtually all the
machines of modern industries.
 Ex: hydraulic jack, hydraulic brake, power
steering, drive machine tools, robots, control
aero planes
 Fluid transport
 Sole objective is to deliver fluid from one location to
another to accomplish some useful purpose•
 Ex: pumping stations for pumping water to homes,
cross country gas lines

Hydraulic Power Generation

Hydraulic Power Generation

Hydraulic Power Generation

Hydraulic Power Generation
 Liquids -hydraulics
 Incompressible
 High pressure application
 High force and torque
 Accuracy and precision
 Have definite mass and volume
Volume is equal to volume of liquid
 Gases -pneumatics – compressible – low pres-
sure applications – low force and torque – low
accuracy and precision
 Have definite mass but not volume
 Volume depends on pressure & temperature

Fluid Power System
 Advantages;
 High power to weight ratio compared to electrical
 Allows easy control of speed and position, and direc-
 Facilitates stepless power control
 Allows combination with electric controls
 Delivers consistent power output which is difficult in
pneumatic or mechanical drive systems
 Performs well in hot environment conditions
 Compared to Pneumatics;
Much stiffer or rigid due to incompressible fluid
Better speed of response
Better lubricity and rust resistance
Low maintenance cost.
Fluid Power System
 Drawbacks
Oils are messy
Hydraulic lines can burst
Noise from pumps
Fire at hot atmosphere
Compressed tanks are explosive

Fluid Power System
 Comparison of different power transmission sys-
 Each type of power transmission and control system has
specifically suitable application areas.
 Fluid power and Electrical are good at transmitting
power over long distances, and also better controllable
compared to mechanical devices.
 Electrical devices are the cheapest.
 Hydraulic systems have better power/weight ratio.
 In terms of cost, electrical would be the cheapest.

Comparison Table
 H – Hydraulic; P – Pneumatic M – Mechanical/
Electromechanical; E – Electrical

Hydraulic fluids
 General requirements of fluids in power transmis-
 Stable viscosity characteristics
 Good lubricity
 Compatibility with system materials
 Stable physical and chemical properties
 Good heat dissipation capability
 High bulk modulus and degree of incompressibility
 Low volatility
 Good demulsibility
 Better fire resistance
 Non toxicity and good oxidation stability
 Better rust and corrosion prevent qualities
 Ready availability and inexpensive
Hydraulic fluids
 Many types of fluids are used ranging from water, min-
eral oils, vegetable oils, synthetic and organic liquids.
 Mineral oils are far superior in these properties. Its suc-
cess also lies in – the ease with which their properties
can be changed with additives.

 Water
 Inexpensive
 Corrosive
 No lubricity
 Petroleum oil
 Excellent lubricity
 Tendency to oxidize

Hydraulic fluids
 Additives
 Various chemicals like phenols and amines, chlorine
and lead compounds, esters, organo-metallic com-
pounds, for change in properties such as:
Corrosion inhibitor
Rust inhibitor
Lubrication improver
Pour point depressant
Viscosity index improver

Primary Function of Hy-
draulic Fluid
 Transmit power
 Lubricate moving part
 Seal clearances between mating parts
 Dissipate heat
 Compatible with hydraulic components
 Should bear physical & chemical changes

Applications of Hydraulic
 The chief advantage that hydraulic systems derive is from
the high pressures that can be applied leading to high
force or torque by the actuating piston or motor.
 Pressures normally used in Industry are
 140 bar (140 kgf/cm2 ≈14 MPA ).
 But in some specific applications in machine tools and
aerospace, 350 bar (35 Mpa) is also common.
 Example:
 Consider an actuator with a 10 cms diameter piston. If the pressure
applied on the piston is 140 bar,
 Force that the piston rod delivers F = Pressure x Area = 140 * π/4*
102 = 10,996 Kgf = 108 KN. ie nearly 10 Tons of load can be applied
using a 10 cms dia cylinder.
 If the pressure is 350 bar, load will be 25 Tons.
 Similarly high torques can be applied with a small sized motor com-
pared to an electric motor. The high Power/Weight ratio of the hy-
draulic actuators is the prime reason for use of hydraulics.
Pumping Theory

Basic Components of a Hydraulic

Basic Components of a Hydraulic
 Hydraulic actuator
 Device used to convert the fluid power into mechanical
power to do useful work.
 Two type of actuator
Hydraulic cylinder
Provide linear motion
Hydraulic motor
Rotary type
Provide rotary motion.
 Hydraulic pump
 Force the fluid from the reservoir to rest of the hy-
draulic circuit by converting mechanical energy into
hydraulic energy.

Basic Components of a Hydraulic
 Valves
 Controls the direction, pressure and flow rate of a fluid
flowing through the circuit.
 Motor
 Drives the pump.
 Reservoir
 Hold the hydraulic liquid, usually hydraulic oil.
 Piping system
 Carries the hydraulic oil from one place to another.
 Filters
 Removes any foreign particles so as keep the fluid sys-
tem clean and efficient, as well as avoid damage to the
actuator and valves.
 Pressure regulator
 Regulates (i.e., Maintains) the required level of pres-
sure in the hydraulic fluid.
Basic Components of a Hy-
draulic System
 Cylinder movement is controlled by a three-
position change over a control valve.
 When the piston of the valve is changed to
upper position, the pipe pressure line is con-
nected to port a and thus the load is raised.
 When the position of the valve is changed to
lower position, the pipe pressure line is con-
nected to port b and thus the load is lowered.
 When the valve is at center position, it locks
the fluid into the cylinder(thereby holding it in
position) and dead-ends the fluid line (causing
all the pump output fluid to return to tank via
the pressure relief). 22
Basic Components of a Hy-
draulic System

Hydraulic Open-Center Sys-
 Control-valve spool opens in the center to al-
low pump flow to pass through the valve and
return to the reservoir.

Open-Center System
 Series connection
 Oil from a pump is routed to the three control valves in se-
 Return from the first valve is routed to the inlet of the sec-
ond, and so on.
 In neutral, the oil passes through the valves in series and
returns to the reservoir
 When a control valve is operated, the incoming oil is di-
verted to the cylinder that the valve serves.
 Return liquid from the cylinder is directed through the re-
turn line and on to the next valve.
 System is satisfactory as long as only one valve is operat-
ing at a time. When this happens, the full output of the
pump at full system pressure is available to that function.
However, if more than one valve is operating, the total of
the pressures required for each function cannot exceed 25the
system’s relief setting.
Open-Center System

Open-Center System with Series Connection

Open-Center System
 Flow Divider.
 A flow divider takes the volume of oil from a pump
and divides it between two functions.
 Flow divider might be designed to open the left side
first in case both control valves were actuated simul-
 Might divide the oil to both sides, equally or by per-
 With this system, a pump must be large enough to
operate all the functions simultaneously. It must also
supply all the liquid at the maximum pressure of the
highest function, meaning large amounts of HP are
wasted when operating only one control valve.

Open-Center System

Open-Center System
 Series/Parallel Connection.
 Oil from the pump is routed through the control
valves in series, as well as in parallel.
 The valves are sometimes stacked to allow for extra
 In neutral, a liquid passes through the valves in se-
ries, as the arrows indicate.
 When any valve is operating, the return is closed
and the oil is available to all the valves through the
parallel connection.
 When two or more valves are operated at once, the
cylinder that needs the least pressure will operate
first, then the cylinder with the next least, and so
on. This ability to operate two or more valves simul-
Open-Center System

Open-Center System with Series Parallel Connection

Closed Center System
 Hydraulic pump can rest when the oil is not required to operate a
 Circuit uses a control valve which is closed in the center to stop the oil
flow from the pump.
 Quantity of oil to each function can be controlled by line size or valve
size or by orificing.
 Advantages of a closed-center system are as follows:
 System does not require relief valves because the pump automati-
cally shuts off when standby pressure is reached.
 Size of the lines, valves, and cylinders can be designed to fit the
flow requirements of each function.
 Reserve flow can be maintained to ensure full hydraulic speed at
low engine revolutions per minute (rpm).
 More efficient on functions such as brakes, which require high force
on a very little piston movement. By holding the valve open,
standby pressure is constantly applied to the brake piston with no
efficiency loss because the pump has returned to standby.
Closed Center System

Closed Center System
 Fixed-Displacement Pump and Accumulator.
 Constant volume charges an accumulator.
 When an accumulator is charged to full pressure, an un-
loading valve diverts the pump flow back to a reservoir.
 A check valve traps the pressured oil in the circuit.
 When a control valve is operated, an accumulator dis-
charges its oil and actuates a cylinder.
 As pressure begins to drop, an unloading valve directs
the pump flow to an accumulator to recharge the flow.
 This system, using a small capacity pump, is effective
when operating oil is needed only for a short time.
 However, when the functions need a lot of oil for longer
periods, an accumulator system cannot handle it unless
the accumulator is very large.
Closed Center System

Closed Center System
 Variable-displacement Pump
Neutral, oil is pumped until the pressure rises to
a predetermined level.
Pressure regulating valve allows the pump to
shut off by itself and maintain this pressure to
the valve.
When the control valve is operating, oil is di-
verted from the pump to the bottom of a cylin-
The drop in pressure caused by connecting the
pump’s pressure line to the bottom of the
cylinder causes the pump to go back to work,
pumping oil to the bottom of the piston and 35
raising the load.
Closed Center System
 When the valve moves, the top of the piston
connects to a return line, which allows the re-
turn oil that was forced from the piston to re-
turn to the reservoir or pump.
 When the valve returns to neutral, oil is
trapped on both sides of the cylinder, and the
pressure passage from the pump is dead-
ended. After this sequence, the pump rests.
 Moving the spool in the downward position di-
rects oil to the top of the piston, moving the
load downward. The oil from the bottom of the
piston is sent into the return line.
Closed Center System
 Closed-center system with a charging
Pumps oil from the reservoir to the variable-
displacement pump.
Charging pump supplies only the makeup
oil required in a system and provides some
inlet pressure to make a variable displace-
ment pump more efficient.
The return oil from a system’s functions is
sent directly to the inlet of a variable-dis-
placement pump.

Closed Center System

 Does not require relief valves because the pump simply
shuts off by itself when standby pressure is reached which
prevents heat buildup in systems where relief pressure is
frequently reached.
 Size of the lines, valves, and cylinders can be tailored to
the flow requirements of each function.
 It is more efficient on functions such as brakes, which re-
quire force but very little piston movement.
 By holding the valve open, standby pressure is constantly
applied to the brake piston with no efficiency loss because
the pump has returned to standby.

Positive Non-Positive
Displacement Displacement
Pumps Pumps
Pressure Work in high Used for low
pressure pressure
applications, up to application,
800 bar maximum pressure
of 18 to 20 bar
Efficiency Efficiency increases Efficiency peaks at
with increasing best-efficiency-
pressure point. At higher or
lower pressures,
efficiency decreases
Viscosity Efficiency increases Efficiency decreases
with increasing with increasing
viscosity viscosity due to
frictional losses
inside the pump
Performance Flow is constant with Flow varies with
 Advantage of Non Positive displacement pump
 Initial cost is less due to less moving elements
 Operation and maintenance cost is less
 Continuous flow with simple and reliable in opera-
 Normally all types of liquids could be transported
 Disadvantage of Non Positive displacement pump
 Flow of pump will be dependent on the system out-
put resistance
 Volumetric efficiency will be less
 Not suitable for higher pressure application
 Such type of pumps are not self priming, hence we
will require positive suction for smooth operation of
such type of pumps
 Advantage of positive displacement pump
 High volumetric efficiency approximate 98%
 High pressure applications, pressure might be up to 800
 Create constant output flow and precise control over the
system is quite possible due to application of such

Classification of Positive Dis-
placement Pumps
1. Gear Pumps
I. External gear pumps
II. Internal gear pumps
III. Lobe pumps
2. Vane Pumps
I. Unbalanced Vane Pumps
II. Balanced Vane Pumps
3. Piston Pumps
I. Axial Design
II. Radial Design

External Gear Pumps

External Gear Pumps

External Gear Pumps
 Pumping action of gear pumps results from
unmeshing and meshing of the gears
 As the gears unmesh in the inlet area, low
pressure causes fluid to enter the pump
 As the pump rotates, fluid is carried to the
pump discharge area
 When the gears mesh in the discharge area,
fluid is forced out of the pump into the sys-
 Gear pumps are available in a wide variety of
 Flow outputs from below 1 gpmto 150 gpm
 •Pressure rating range up to 3000 psi 46
Internal Gear Pump

Internal Gear Pump

Internal Gear Pump

Internal Gear Pump
 The main gear is keyed to the drive shaft, and rotates
concentric in the pump casing.
 Idler is located on an eccentric pin on the front cover to
rotate freely and meshes with main gear when assem-
 A crescent shaped partition precision machined on the
front cover maintains a small, but positive clearance to
achieve perfect scaling between parts.
 As the gears come out of mesh, a partial vacuum is
created, forcing the fluid to rush into the pump casing
and fill in the voids between the teeth.
 Both gears rotating in the same direction of rotation
gently transfer the fluid to the delivery port. The result-
ing action is a smooth-steady flow; low in pulsation,
noise and vibration
 Only two moving parts
 Non-pulsating discharge
 Excellent for high-viscosity liquids
 Constant and even discharge regardless of
pressure conditions
 Operates well in either direction
 Single adjustable end clearance
 Easy to maintain

Lobe Pump
 One of the two gears/lobes is connected to a mo-
tor and causes rotation of the other.
 As they rotate in the direction shown, vacuum is
created on the inlet side, liquid is trapped be-
tween the gear teeth/lobe and the motor casing.
On further rotation liquid is forced to the outlet
 The gear teeth or lobes at the centre provide a
seal between the inlet and outlet.
 The volume displaced (dp) is product of the area
entrapped and width of tooth per each revolution
 Flow rate is N x dp, where N is the speed of mo-
Lobe Pump

Lobe Pump

Vane Pumps
 Gear pumps have a disadvantage of small leak-
age due to gap between gear teeth and the
pump housing.
 This limitation is overcome in vane pumps.
 Vane pumps generate a pumping action by track-
ing of vanes along the casing wall.
 Generally, have more than one vane
 Rotor is offset within the housing, and the vanes
are constrained by a cam ring as they cross inlet
and outlet ports.
 Although the vane tips are held against the hous-
ing, still a small amount of leakage exists be-
tween rotor faces and body sides. 55

Unbalanced Vane Pump

Unbalanced Vane Pump

Balanced Vane pump
 Has an elliptical cam ring with two inlet and
two outlet ports
 Two identical pump halves create equal but
opposite forces on the rotor, leads to the zero
net force on the shaft and bearings.
 Thus life of pump and bearing increase signifi-
 Sound and vibration are less.

Balanced Vane pump

Balanced Vane pump
 Advantages of vane pump
Vane pumps give constant delivery for a set
rotor speed.
Vane pumps are robust, self-priming.
Vane pump provides uniform discharge with
negligible pulsations.
Vane pump vanes are self-compensating for
The vanes can be easily replaced..
They occupy lesser space

Balanced Vane pump
 Advantages of balanced vane pump
 Permits higher operating pressures as the balanced
design of pump eliminates the bearing side loads.
 Balanced vane pumps have much improved services
lives over simpler unbalanced vane pumps.

 Disadvantages of balanced vane pump

 Fixed displacement machines and so the displace-
ment cannot be varied.
 Difficult to design as variable displacement pump
because of its symmetrical construction.

Axial Piston Pump
 Positive displacement pumps which converts rotary mo-
tion of the input shaft into an axial reciprocating motion
of the pistons.
 Have a number of pistons (usually an odd number) in a
circular array within a housing which is commonly re-
ferred to as a cylinder block, rotor or barrel.
 Maximum operating temperature of about 120 °c.
 Leakage between cylinder housing and body block is
used for cooling and lubrication of the rotating parts.
 This cylinder block rotates by an integral shaft aligned
with the pistons.
 Two types of axial piston pumps.
 Bent axis piston pumps.
 Swash plate axial piston pump
Bent-Axis Piston Pump
 Reciprocating action of the pistons is obtained by bending
the axis of the cylinder block.
 Cylinder block rotates at an angle which is inclined to the
drive shaft.
 Cylinder block is turned by the drive shaft through a uni-
versal link.
 Cylinder block is set at an offset angle with the drive shaft.
 Cylinder block contains a number of pistons along its pe-
riphery. These piston rods are connected with the drive
shaft flange by ball-and- socket joints.
 Pistons are forced in and out of their bores as the distance
between the drive shaft flange and the cylinder block
 Volumetric displacement (discharge) of the pump is con-
trolled by changing the offset angle.
Bent-Axis Piston Pump

Bent-Axis Piston Pump

Bent-Axis Piston Pump

Swash plate axial piston
 Series of pistons are aligned coaxially with a shaft
through a swash plate to pump a fluid.
 Axial reciprocating motion of pistons is obtained by a
swash plate that is either fixed or has variable degree
of angle.
 As the piston barrel assembly rotates, the piston ro-
tates around the shaft with the piston shoes in contact
with the swash plate.
 Piston shoes follow the angled surface of the swash
plate and the rotational motion of the shaft is converted
into the reciprocating motion of the pistons.
 Pump capacity can be controlled by varying the swash
plate angle with the help of a separate hydraulic cylin-

Swash plate axial piston

Swash plate axial piston

Swash plate axial piston

Radial Piston Pump
 The pump consists of several hollow pistons
inside a stationary cylinder block.
 Each piston has spring-loaded inlet and outlet
 As the inner cam rotates, fluid is transferred
relatively smoothly from inlet port to the out-
let port.

Radial Piston Pump

Q=(Number of Pistons)× (Piston

Area)× (Piston Stroke)× (Discharge 72
Radial Piston Pump
 Another, uses the same principle, but employs
a stationary cam and a rotating cylinder block.
 Does not require multiple inlet and outlet
valves and is consequently simpler, more reli-
able, and cheaper.
 Not surprisingly most radial piston pumps
have this construction.
 Like gear and vane pumps, radial piston
pumps can provide increased displacement by
the use of multiple assemblies driven from a
common shaft.

Radial Piston Pump

Radial Piston Pump


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