Rezwana Huq Roshni-2018236003
Rezwana Huq Roshni-2018236003
Rezwana Huq Roshni-2018236003
ENG 416
Rezwana Haque
Exploring the ways in which both of these influential works depict gender
roles and identify commonalities and contrasts. As a whole , it delves into the
contrasting ways male and female roles are constructed and challenged,
offering insight into the broader social expectations of the Victorian era.
Concept of Resilience on
separate spheres personal
Gender Role Theory & Gender
Trouble Theory
Gender Role Theory
According to Gilbert Herdt, “Gender roles arise from correspondent inference, meaning that general
labor division extends to gender roles”(Herdt 133). Herdt suggests that gender roles are not biologically
determined but are instead socially constructed through cultural practices and expectations.
According to Butler's notion, “Gender is performative, it's not inherent but rather constructed through
repeated actions and behaviors” (Butler 213).
A Comparative Analysis