Product 2 BBA3 2024
Product 2 BBA3 2024
Product 2 BBA3 2024
What is a product
• A set of tangible physical attributes assembled in an
identifiable form(narrow definition)
• Each product carries a commonly understood descriptive or
generic name such as apples , see, football.
• In marketing however we need a definition that
communicates the idea that consumers want to buy not
products, but solutions to problems.
• Thus we don't want sand paper but we want a smooth surface
• Therefore to get an ideal definition we start by setting up
"product" as umbrella term that includes tangible goods,
services, places, persons and ideas.
What is a product
• The Sunbird Hotels product is service that provides the benefit
of comfortable nights rest at a high price
• In a political campaign the product is the person (candidate)
that they want you to vote for
• The BEAM is promoting the idea of cervical cancer
• Going further we describe products as brands. The brand
name suggests a product difference to the consumer and
brings the concept of consumer want-satisfaction into
• Any chance in the feature(design, colour, size, packaging) no
matter how small creates another product e.g Brufen,
• Product is: a set of tangible and intangible
attributes, including packaging, colour, price,
quality and brand, plus the services and
reputation of the seller
• In essence then consumers are buying more
than a set of physical attributes.
• They are buying want-satisfaction in the form
of product benefits.
Classification of products
• Consumer products: are intended for use by
household consumers for non business purposes
• Business products: are intended for use primarily
in producing other products or for providing
services in a business
• The fundamental basis for distinguishing between
the 2 groups is the ultimate use for which the
product is intended in its present form
Classification of Consumer Goods
1. Convenience goods
• The characteristics are:
1. The consumer has adequate knowledge of the particular
product wanted before going to buy it
2. The product is purchased with minimum effort
3. Shopping around to compare prices and quality is not
4. The customer is willing to accept any of the several brands
and will buy one that is most accessible e.g groceries
5. Typically have low unit price, are not bulky and are not
greatly affected by fad and fashion
6. They are purchased frequently
• Consumer goods must be readily accessible when
consumer demand arises so the customer must
secure wide distribution. That's why we have
wholesalers to reach retail markets
• Retailers carry several brands of convenience
item, so they are not able to promote a single
• Therefore the promotion of a brand is done by
the manufacturer.
2. Shopping goods
• These are products for which consumers usually wish to
compare quality, price and style in several stores before
• The search continues only as the customer believes that
the gain from comparing products offsets the additional
time and effort required e.g. womens apparel, furniture,
• Buying habits affect the distribution and promotion
strategy for both manufacturers and middlemen
• Manufacturers require fewer retail outlets because
customers are willing to look around for what they want
3. Specialty goods
• They have strong brand preference
• They are willing to spend time and effort in purchasing
• The consumer is willing to forego more accessible
substitutes in order to procure the wanted brand e.g
expensive men's suits, stereo sound equipment, health
foods cars etc
• Since consumers Insist on a particular brand and are
willing to put are effort In finding It, manufacturers can
afford fewer outlets and deals directly with these retailers
• These products are advertised extensively and some of the
retailers advertising costs are met by the manufacturer
and the retailer's name appears on the manufacturer's ads
4. Unsought goods
• These are usually new products that the
consumers are not yet aware of e.g computers
• Products that right now the consumer does not
want e.g prepaid burial insurance
Classification of Business goods
1. Raw materials
• These are business goods that will become part of another
physical product.
• They have not been processed in any way expect for
protection during physical handling
• They are goods found in their raw state, land, minerals
• Supply of these products is limited and cannot be
substantially increased
• Few large producers are involved
• Products must be carefully graded and highly standardized
• Agricultural products maize tobacco wheat, live stocks,
animal products like eggs milk.
Raw Materials
• Marketing of raw materials is influenced by several factors:
a. The supply of these products is limited and cannot be
substantially increased
b. Usually only a few large producers are involved
c. The products must be carefully graded and consequently
they are highly standardized
d. Because of their bulkiness, low unit value and long distances
between producer and the business user, transportation is an
important element in the supply chain.
e. These products are of commodity nature with no product
differentiation within and given grade or quality level
f. Their prices are set by supply and demand
2. Fabricating materials and parts
• These factors necessitate short channels of distribution
and a minimum physical handling
• These are business goods that become an actual part
of the finished product
• They have been processed to some extent in contrast
to raw materials
• Fabricating materials will undergo further processing
e.g flour for making bread
• Fabricating parts will be assembled with no further
change in form e.g zips for clothes
3. Installations
• These manufactured business products - the long
lived, expensive, major equipment of the business
user e.g planes for an airlines, network towers etc
• The differentiating characteristic for Installations is
that they directly affect the scale of operating in a
• Usually no middlemen are involved
• The unit sale Is large often the product is made to
the buyers detailed specification
4. Accessory equipment
• It is used in the production operations of a business firm, but
it does not have significant influence on the scale of
• It does not become the actual part of the finished product
• It's life is shorter than that oft installations, and longer than
that of operating supplies e.g cash register machine
• Manufacturers use middlemen because:
• The market is geographically dispersed
• There are many different types of potential users
• Individual orders may be relatively small.
5. Operating supplies
• These are convenience goods of the business sector
• They are short lived, low priced items usually purchased with
minimum of effort
• They aid in the firm's operations but do not become part of the
finished product e.g stationary
• Like consumer convenience goods, business operating supplies
must be distributed widely
• Producing firms use wholesalers extensively because the
product Is low in unit value, is bought in small quantities and
goes to many users
• Price competition is heavy because compete products are quite
standardized and there is little brand insistence.
Importance of product innovation:
1. Social and economic justification
• The social and economic justification of a
business is its ability to satisfy it's customers
while making a profit
• Effective new product planning and
development are vital to a company today
• Good executive management elsewhere cannot
offset weaknesses in product planning
• A company simply cannot successfully sell a
bad product over the long run
2. Requirement for growth
• It's either you innovate or die
• For many companies a substantial portion of
sales volume and net profits will come from
products that didn't exist 5 to 10 years ago
• Like people, products go through a life cycle
• They grow in sales then decline and then
3. Increased consumer selectivity
• Consumers have become more selective in
their choice of products
• As consumers disposable income has
increased and as an abundance of products
has become available consumers have fulfilled
many of their wants
4. Resources and environmental
• We cannot afford to degrade the environment
because our natural resources are limited and
• Environmental factors will influence new
product planning
• Increase in recycled products to avoid
pollution etc
Development of new products
What is a new product?
• Products that are really innovative - truly unique e.g a
cure for cancer - products for which there is a real need
but for which no existing substitutes are considered
• Replacements for existing products that are significantly
different from the existing ones fit screen TV
• Imitative products that are new to a particular company
but not new to the market
• It all depends on how the market perceives it
Selection of new product strategy
• The development of new products should begin with the
selection of an explicit new product strategy
• This strategy can serve as a meaningful guideline throughout
the step by step development process of each new product
• The overall strategy will identify the strategic role new
products will play in achieving corporate and marketing goals
• To defend market share position or maintain company's
position as a product innovator. Or
• To meet specific ROI goal or to establish a new position in
the market
Steps in the development process
• Generation of new ideas:
– New product starts with an idea. Encouragement should start
from within. Customers can also be allowed
• Screening and evaluation of ideas:
– Ideas are evaluated to determine which ones require further
• Business analysis:
– A business proposal can stem from here. Management identifies
product features, estimates mkt demand, competition and
product profitability, establishes programmes to develop the
product, and assigns responsibility for further study of the
products feasibility
• These 3 steps are concept testing
• Product development:
– Idea on paper is converted to a physical output
– Pilot models or small quantities are manufactured to designated
– Lab tests and other technical evaluations are made to determine the
production feasibility of the article
• Test marketing
– Market tests, in use tests and other commercial experiments in limited
geographic areas are conducted to ascertain the feasibility of full scale
marketing program.
– In this stage design and production variables may have to be adjusted as
a result of test findings.
– Management must now make a final decision regarding whether or not
to market the product commercially
• Commercialization:
– Full - scale production and marketing programmes
are planned, and the product is launched.
– Up to this point in the development process, mgt
has virtually complete control over the product
– Once the product is born and enters it's life cycle,
the external competitive environment becomes a
major determinant of it's destiny.
Producer's criteria for new products
When should a proposed new product be added to a company's
existing product assortment?
• There should be an adequate market demand. Too often makers
ask can we use the present workforce? Or will the new item fit
into our production system? The basic question is do enough
people really want this product?
• The product should fit a financial standpoint. At least 3
questions should be asked:
• Is adequate financing available
• Will the new item increase seasonal and cyclical stability
in the firm?
• Are the profit possibilities worthwhile
• The product must be compatible with the current
environment and social standards and processes
– Do the production processes heavily pollute air or
water(steel or paper mills)
– Will the use of finished product be harmful to the
environment (cars)
– After being used is the product harmful to the
environment (DDT and some detergents)
– Does the product have recycling potential
• The product should fit current into the company's present
marketing structure
– Can existing sales force be used
– Can present channels of distribution be used
• A new product idea will be more received by management if
It meets with Its existing production facilities, labour and
management capabilities.
• There must be must be no legal objections. Patents must be
applied for, labelling and packaging must meet exist
• Management in the company must have experience, time
and the ability to deal with the new product
• The product should be in keeping with the
company's image and objectives. A firm
stressing low priced, high turnover products
normally should not add an item that suggests
prestige or status.
New product adaption and diffusion
• The opportunity to market a new product
successfully is increased if management
understands the adoption and diffusion processes
of that product
• The adoption process is the decision making
activity of an Individual through which the new
product - the Innovation is accepted
• The diffusion of the new product is the process by
which the innovation is spread through a social
system over time
Stages of adoption
Awareness Individual is exposed to the
innovation; becomes a prospect