The Secondary Parts of The Sentence
The Secondary Parts of The Sentence
The Secondary Parts of The Sentence
parts of the
The secondary parts of the sentence
(the object, attribute, adverbial modifier,
apposition) serve to modify the principal
parts or one another.
Classification of the secondary parts is
based both on grammatical and semantic
The object modifies a verb, adjective or a noun
(e.g.: to write a letter, beautiful of face, a ray of
The term ‘adverbial modifier’ cannot be said to be a very lucky one, as it is apt to convey erroneous
(wrong, incorrect) ideas about the essence of this secondary part. They have nothing to do with adverbs
and they modify not only verbs.
1. According to their meaning – not a grammatical classification. However, it may acquire some
grammatical significance.
2. According to their morphological peculiarities – according to the parts of speech and to the phrase
patterns. It has also something to do with word order and stands in a certain relation to the
classification according to meaning. adverb, preposition + noun, a noun without a preposition,
infinitive or an infinitive phrase
3. According to the type of their head-word – is the syntactic classification proper. The meaning of the
word (phrase) acting as modifier should be compatible with the meaning of the head-word.
The Adverbial modifier: