Measurement and Scaling
Measurement and Scaling
Measurement and Scaling
(Scales of Measurement)
Dr Arvinder Kaur
Three fresh MBAs joined a consulting company. The first assignment given to them was
to design and conduct a study to compare the perception of the patrons of Domino’s
Pizza with Pizza Hut. As the first step, they conducted an exploratory research by
informally talking to the management of both the pizza joints. They also conducted three
focus groups so as to gain insight into what the consumers are actually looking at while
buying pizza. The output of the unstructured interviews and focus groups resulted in
identifying various information needs that could be used in designing the relevant
questionnaire. Some of the relevant information was on gender, age, income, frequency
and occasion of eating pizza, ranking of the attributes that are sought while choosing
pizza joints, and comparative perceptions of Domino’s and Pizza Hut. This information
was to be employed in designing the questionnaire. One question that came into the
minds of the three MBAs was how to measure the attitude and analyse the information
thus obtained from the survey. For this, it was necessary to assign numbers or symbols
to the characteristics of the objects. Assignment of numbers permits a statistical analysis
of the data. The numbers assigned and the subsequent analysis could be different,
depending upon the type of question asked. On one hand, there can be questions used
to measure different psychological aspects such as attitude, perception, image and
preference of people with the help of a certain pre-defined set of stimuli. On the other
hand, there can be questions on gender, marital status, ranking preference for different
flavours, income and age.
Measurement and Scaling
Measurement means assigning numbers or other symbols to
characteristics of objects according to certain prespecified
We measure not the object but some characteristic of it.
Thus, we do not measure consumers, only their
perceptions, attitudes, preferences or other relevant
. There are two reasons for which numbers are usually assigned.
First of all, numbers permit statistical analysis of the resulting
data and secondly, they facilitate the communication of
measurement results. 11/30/2024
Measurement and Scaling
Measurement Scales
Nominal Scale
Numbers are assigned for the purpose of identification of the objects. Any object
which is assigned a higher number is in no way superior to the one which is
assigned a lower number.
In the nominal scale there is a strict one-to-one correspondence between the
numbers and the objects.
Each number is assigned to only one object and each object has only one number
assigned to it.
Examples of nominal scale:
What is your religion?
(a) Hinduism
(b) Sikhism
(c) Christianity
(d) Islam
(e) Any other, (please specify)
A Hindu may be assigned a number 1, a Sikh may be assigned a
number 2, a Christian may be assigned a number 3 and so on.
Examples of nominal scale:
Are you married?
(a) Yes
(b) No
If a person is married, he or she may be assigned a number 101 and an unmarried
person may be assigned a number 102.
In which of the following departments do you work?
(a) Marketing
(b) HR
(c) Information Technology
(d) Operations
(e) Finance and Accounting
(f ) Any other, (please specify)
Here also, a person working for the marketing department may be assigned a number 1,
the one working for HR may be assigned a number 2 and so on.
In the interval scale the difference of the score on the scale has
meaningful interpretation.
The mathematical form of the data on the interval scale may be written
Y = a + bX where a ≠ 0
The interval scale data has an arbitrary origin (non-zero origin). The
most common example of the interval scale data is the relationship
between Celsius and Farenheit temperature. It is known that:
Examples of Interval scale
Arithmetic Operation for Interval Scale
The ratio scale measurement can be converted into interval, ordinal and
nominal scale. But the other way round is not possible. The mathematical
form of the ratio scale data is given by Y = bX.
In this case, there is a natural zero (origin), whereas in the interval scale we
had an arbitrary zero. Examples of the ratio scale data are weight, distance
travelled, income and sales of a company, to mention a few.
Consider the following examples for ratio scale measurements:
1. How many chemist shops are there in your locality?
2. How many students are there in the MBA programme at IIFT?
3. How much distance do you need to travel from your residence to reach the
railway station?
As an example, suppose a parent wants to offer one of the four items to a child—chocolate,
burger, ice cream and pizza. The child is offered to choose one out of the two from the six
possible pairs, i.e., chocolate or burger, chocolate or ice cream, chocolate or pizza,
burger or ice cream, burger or pizza and ice cream or pizza.
In general, if there are n items, the number of paired comparison would be (n(n – 1)/2).
Paired comparison technique is useful when the number of items is limited because it
requires a direct comparison and overt choice. In case the number of items to be compared
is large (say 10), it would result in 45 paired comparisons
Paired Comparison Scales
Let us assume that there are five brands—A, B, C, D and E—and a paired
comparison with two brands at a time is presented to the respondent with the
option to choose one of them. As there are five brands, it will result in 10 paired
comparisons. Suppose this is administered to a sample of 250 respondents with the
results as presented in Table
The above table may be interpreted by assuming that the cell entry in the matrix
represents the proportion of respondents who believe that ‘the column brand is
preferred over the row brand’. For example: In brand A versus brand B comparison
it can be said that 60 per cent of the respondents prefer brand B to brand A.
Similarly, 30 per cent of the respondents prefer brand C to brand A and so on.
Find Ordinal Scale from the above data
To develop the ordinal scale from the given paired comparison data in the
above table, we can convert the entries in the table to 0 – 1 scores. This is to
show whether the column brand dominates the row brand and vice versa. If the
proportion is greater than 0.5 in the above table, a number of ‘1’ is assigned to
that cell, which means that the column brand is preferred over the row brand.
Whenever the proportion is less than 0.5 in above table, a number of ‘0’ is
assigned to that cell, which means column brand does not dominate the row
Find Ordinal Scale
The entries in Table 7.4 show the distance between two brands.
Assuming that the scores can be added, the total distance is computed.
The average distance is computed by dividing the total score by the
number of brands. This way one obtains the absolute position of each
brand. Now the highest negative values among all the column is added
to each entry corresponding to the average value so that by change of
origin, interval scale values can be obtained. This is shown in the last
row and the values are of interval scale, indicating the difference
between brands. Brand D is the most preferred brand and E is the least
preferred brand and the distance between the two is 0.696. The distance
between brand C and E equals 0.381.
Practice Questions
Suppose 100 consumers were asked to indicate their preference for five brands of
car tyres, namely Coca Cola, Limca, Pepsi, Thumps up and Sprite. Figures below
indicate the proportion of times the brand mentioned in the column was preferred
over the brand in the row. Compute the distance between the brands and comment
on the results.