Digital Cyber Literacy 1
Digital Cyber Literacy 1
Digital Cyber Literacy 1
Digital / Cyber
Presented By: Group 4
Digital Literacy
• the set of competencies on the eff ective
use of digital devices for purposes of
communication, expression,
collaboration, and advocacy. (Wikipedia)
01 02 03 04 05
Monitor Keep devices Understand Handle Consider
behavior on safe. how best to unsafe safety for
social use contents. the future.
networks passwords.
Cyber Citizenship
• Being responsible when exploring
the Internet, including the right
manner and etiquette in using
the Web.
Ways on How to be a
Good Cyber Citizen
01 02 03
Be careful and Don’t post your Analyze
critical for expression everything you
whatever you online. search online.
post online.
Ways on How to be a
Good Cyber Citizen
Ways on How to be a
Good Cyber Citizen
04 05 06
Use internet Verify an Give out certain
purposely. information information
before sharing only.
or using it.
07 08 09
Don’t answer Tell a reliable Give credits,
questions that adult when always be
makes you meeting aware of
uncomfortable. someone from copyright laws.
the Internet.
Ways on How to be a
Good Cyber Citizen Avoid hacking.
Importance of Cyber Citizenship
Importance of Cyber Citizenship
Watch out for spam and other fraud e-mails, never reply
06 to them.
De Leon (2019)
Internet Safety
Internet Safety
• Maximizing the user’s personal safety
and security risks to private
information and property associated
with using the Internet, including self-
protection from computer crime.
01 Phishing
02 Internet Scams
03 Malware
01 02 03
Cyberstalkin Cyberbullyin Online
g g Predation
04 05
Offensive Content Sextortion
Computer Threats and Fixing
• refers to anything that has the
potential to cause serious harm to a
computer system
• It is something that may or may not
happen, but has the potential to
cause serious damage and can lead
to attacks on computer sysytems and
Ways to Protect Computer Networks
1. Install anti-virus software.
6. Scan internet downloads.
2. Ensure that anti-virus
software is up to date 7. Do not run programs of
unknown origin.
3. Employ a firewall to
protect networks. 8. Implement a vulnerability
management system.
4. Filter all email traffic.
5. Educate all users to be 9. Make regular backups of
careful of suspicious e-mails. critical data.
Ways to Protect Computer Networks
01 Internet Trolling
- common form of bullying over the Internet in
an online community to elicit a reaction,
disruption or intentionally provoke and offend
02 Cyberstalking
- bullying or harassment that uses electronic
communication to stalk a victim and pose a
credible threat to harass him or her.
01 One-off Crimes
- installing virus that steals your personal data.
02 Ongoing Crimes
- cyberbullying, extortion, distributing child
pornography, or organizing terrorist attacks
Common Types of Cybercrimes
01 02 03 04 05
Online Identity Online Unauthorize Cyberterrorism
bank theft. predatory d computer
information crimes. access.
Exploring the Internet:
Researching and Evaluating
• a global communication network that allows
computers to exchange and share information
01 Informational Websites
- usually strive to off er credible content to
02 Commercial Websites
- present inaccurate information in order to see
Checklist of Credibility Criteria
01 Author. 04 Contact.
03 Purpose. 06 URL.
Common Credible URLS
Retrieval Date
Practical Techniques in Responding to Data Privacy
02 Remix Plagiarism
- collecting information from various sources and
mixing all together as a single document then,
claiming the work as their own work.
10 Types of Plagiarism
03 Ctrl+C Plagiarism
- when a signifi cant portion of text copied from
any single source without any alteration in a
written document.
04 Hybrid Plagiarism
- perfectly cited source documents are copied
and arranged as a new document without
10 Types of Plagiarism
05 Find-Replace Plagiarism
- changing the most common keywords and
phrases in the copied content but not making any
changes in the essential document.
07 Mashup Plagiarism
- when the written document is copied from more
than one source and all are mixed together
without proper citation.
09 Aggregator Plagiarism
- the written document includes proper citation
but it does not contain original work.
10 Re-Tweet Plagiarism
- all written documents look perfect with
properly cited mark but still, the document
resembles somewhere the original text's
structure or wordings.
Tips to Avoid Plagiarism (