Gaussian distribution Random Number
with standard deviation of dt
Global Heliosphere
MagnetoHydroDynamic MHD(MHD) theorymethod
is used to study the interaction between the solar
wind and interstellar medium (ISM). The magnetic field and solar wind speed is a
natural solution of a set of MHD equations (See following).
Mass Density
( v ) 0 ( Mass conservation)
( v) B B v Solar Wind Velocity
( v v p0 Iˆ ) H pm H ( Momentum conservation )
t 4 B2
P0 p Total Pressure
B 20
(v B Bv ) 0 ( Magnetic flux conservation)
e B (v B ) B Magnetic Field
[(e p0 )v ] H pe H ( Energy conservation
1) 2 3 B2
t 4 e mu p Total Energy Density
2 2 20
This basic set of MHD equations above does not include the effects of partially ionized
and partially neutral gas (most are hydrogen) in the Interstellar Medium (ISM). To include
the interstellar neutral atoms, the MHD equations above should include the source terms
in the momentum equation and energy equations. These source terms are related to the
neutral atoms’ distribution function which follows Boltzmann equation.
f H v f H v f H p L
t mp
Global Heliosphere
Termination Shock result
Current Sheet
1 Termination Shock
The interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind speed data from
MHD simulation. The left panel shows the magnetic field magnitude in
the X-Z plane; while the right panel shows the solar wind speed in the
same plane.
Global Heliosphere
-MHD result 2
These two plots are similar to previous plots( the solar wind and
interplanetary magnetic field) except the plots is in larger scale(1200AU).
Incorporating MHD data
into cosmic ray transport
Ⅰ MHD data interpolation code
In order to obtain the magnetic field and solar wind speed at any arbitrary point
(r, θ, φ) inside the simulation domain, the discrete MHD data need to be interpolated.
Step 1, use the bilinear interpolation method to obtain the values at the point of
(r(i−1), θ, φ) and (r(i), θ, φ) separately.
Step 2, after obtaining the values at these two points, a linear interpolation is
adapted to get the local value at the point (r, θ, φ).
(r , i 1 , )
Projected Point
(r , , i 1 ) (r , , i )
[r(i), θ, φ]
(r , i , ) [r(i-1), θ, φ]
Incorporating MHD data into
cosmic ray transport code
-Calculate the Diffusion Tensor
Diffusion Tensor in the MHD coordinate system
|| sin 2 cos 2 0 || sin cos cos sin
0 1 0
|| sin cos cos sin 0 cos 2
sin 2
is the angle between
p 0.5 Be
|| || 0 (
the magnetic field and radial direction.
) ( )
Coefficient 1GeVc B ( || ) 0 150 10 20 cm 2 s 1
p 0.5 Be ( ) 0 8 10 20 cm 2 s 1
( ) 0 ( 1
) ( )
1Gevc B
Incorporating MHD data into
Cosmic Ray Transport code-
Calculate Drift Speed
Using Parker
pv B Magnetic field
Vd ( 2 ) Model
3q B
A r sin
B 2 (er e )[1 2 H ( cs )]
r V
1 B B
rˆ : [ r cos B r sin r ]
r 2 sin
1 B B
ˆ : [ r sin B r sin ]
r sin r
Calculation is
1 B B
ˆ : [ B r r
] made along
r r
the direction
B B ( ) B ( )
( , )
k / 55 ( k 2 ) / 55
3 3
e e
(r 595 , 2 / 79, / 140)
e4 1
Incorporating MHD data into
Cosmic Ray transport code:
Sharpen the width of MHD
The MHDTermination Shock
solution gives a very large termination shock width of several AU,
comparing reality (< 0.1AU). In order to correctly reflect the Diffusive Shock
Acceleration, the width of termination shock from MHD data need to be reduced.
Radial Gradient inside termination shock: 200 MeV: 2.03% AU -1, 300MeV: 2.01% AU-1,
d (ln j )
600MeV: 1.83% AU (Ulysses’ data: 2.2±0.6% AU >250MeV proton)
-1 -1 Gr
Simulation result – The
effect of Diffusive Shock
Acceleration on cosmic
The flux value modulation
at the location of termination
shock increases with the effect of Diffusive Previous work without DSA
Shock Acceleration caused by termination consideration (Florinski & Pogorelov,
shock. As a result, Radial Gradient changes. 2009,APJ), flux curve shows no kink
at termination shock.
p 7.941
f ( p)
(0.11210.9564 P 0.9564 )13.4095 Webber, 2009
(0.9382 p 2 ) 1.8
f ( p) Zhang, 1999
from different No north-sourth
regions is
nearly the
asymmetry difference
same. shows up.
Simulation Result
- differential flux along
Voyager direction
V1: (35, 0) Voyagers’ Radial
Voyager direction
V2: (30, 218) Gradient is different
Time ( year ) 0.2768 r ( AU ) 1978.9 (for Voyager 1)
Time-location relationship
Time ( year ) 0.3334 r ( AU ) 1979.9 (for Voyager 2)
Simulation result
Spectrum Comparison
PAMELA (elliptical orbit at an altitude between 350 and 610KM).
The difference may due to the earth magnetic field effect.
Simulation Result
-Spacecraft’s Spetrum
Voyager 1