Data Structure - System Life Cycle
Data Structure - System Life Cycle
Data Structure - System Life Cycle
Module 1
System Life Cycle
The System life cycle(SLC) is defined as collection of the
phases of development through which a computer-based
system passes.
System Life Cycle
1. Requirements
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Refinement and coding
5. Verification
1. Requirements
All large programming projects begin with a set of
specifications that define the purpose of the project.
These requirements describe the information that we, the
programmers, are given (input) and the results that we must
produce (output).
Frequently the initial specifications are defined vaguely, and
we must develop rigorous input and output descriptions that
include all cases.
2. Analysis
In this phase, we begin to break the problem down into
manageable pieces.
There are two approaches to analysis: bottom-up and top-down.
The bottom-up approach is an older, unstructured strategy
that places an early emphasis on the coding fine points.
Since the programmer does not have a master plan for the
project, the resulting program frequently has many loosely
connected, error-ridden segments.
Bottom-up analysis is akin to constructing a building from a
generic blueprint.
2. Analysis
In contrast, the top-down approach begins with the purpose
that the program will serve and uses this end product to divide
the program into manageable segments.
This technique generates diagrams that are used to design the
Frequently, several alternate solutions to the programming
problem are developed and compared during this phase.
3. Design
The designer approaches the system from the perspectives of
both the data objects that the program needs and the operations
performed on them.
The first perspective leads to the creation of abstract data types,
while the second requires the specification of algorithms and a
consideration of algorithm design strategies.
3. Design
For example, suppose that we are designing a scheduling system for a
Typical data objects might include students, courses and professors.
Typical operations might include inserting, removing, and searching within
each object or between them.
That is, we might want to add a course to the list of university courses or
search for the courses taught by some professor.
Since the abstract data types and the algorithm specifications are language-
independent, we postpone implementation decisions.
Although we must specify the information required for each data object, we
ignore coding details.
For example. we might decide that the student data object should include
name, social security number, major, and phone number.
However, we would not yet pick a specific implementation for the list of
students. 8
4. Refinement and coding
In this phase, we choose representations for our data objects and
write algorithms for each operation on them.
The order in which we do this is crucial because a data object's
representation can determine the efficiency of the algorithms
related to it.
Typically this means that we should write those algorithms that
are independent of the data objects first.
Frequently at this point we realize that we could have created a
much better system.
Perhaps we have spoken with a friend who has worked on a
similar project or we realize that one of our alternate designs as
superior. 9
4. Refinement and coding
If our original design is good, it can absorb changes easily.
In fact, this is a reason for avoiding an early commitment to
coding details.
If we must scrap our work entirely, we can take comfort in the
fact that we will be able to write the new system more quickly
and with fewer errors.
The programmer produces the program code that is needed to
solve the problem.
The nature of the problem determines how much programming
is required.
5. Verification
This phase consists of developing correctness proofs for the
program, testing the program with a variety of input data, and
removing errors.
Correctness proofs:
Programs can be proven correct using the same techniques that
abound in mathematics.
Unfortunately, these proofs are very time-consuming. and
We can construct our correctness proofs before and during the
possible scenarios.
5. Verification
Frequently beginning programmers assume that if their program
of data is used.
Good test data should verify that every piece of code runs
For example, if our program contains a switch statement, our test
data should be chosen so that we can check each case within the
switch statement.
5. Verification
Initial system tests focus on verifying that a program runs
While this is a crucial concern, a program's running time is
also important.
An error-free program that runs slowly is of little value.
programmer's nightmare.
When debugging such programs, each corrected error possibly