SPM Lecture 4

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Overview of Project


Week II
Lecture 3
Project Planning
 Framework
 STEPWISE (only covers planning stages)
 Plan outline first then plan in more detail
 PRINCE 2 is a set of project management
standards sponsored by central computing
and telecommunication agency (CCTA) for
use on British government IT projects.
Overview of Stepwise
1. Identify project 2. Identify project
project objectives infrastructure

3. Analyse

Review 4. Identify products

and activities
level 5. Estimate effort
detail for activity For each
6. Identify activity
10. Lower level
planning 7. Allocate

8. Review/ publicize
9. Execute plan plan
Outline of Stepwise
 Step 0: Select Project (after Feasibility
Study to choose from set of projects)
 Step 1: Identify Project Scope and
1. Identify objectives and measures of effectiveness in
meeting them
2. Establish a project authority
3. Identify Stakeholders
4. Modify Objectives in light of stakeholder analysis
5. Establish methods of communications with all parties
(internal as well as external stakeholders)
Step 1 (Contd..)
 Objective: That all parties agree on the
objectives and are committed to success of
 Danger: Overlooking people who are affected

by the project.
 4: To gain full cooperation, project objectives

need to be modified (add new features for

benefit of some), should be done in controlled
 Step 2: Identify Project Infrastructure
1. Establish relationship between project and strategic
2. Identify installation standards and procedures
3. Identify project team organization
 1: order of different projects, what are the H/W,
S/W requirements for system to run, communicate.
(Documented in business plan or strategic
business plan)
 2: development procedures, artifacts, CCM
standards, quality standards & procedures,
Measurement programs, planning and control
 3: Project leader can do it at allocate resources
phase e.g. business analyst in one group and
programmers in another.
 Step 3: Analyze Project Characteristics
1. Distinguish the project as either objective or product
2. Analyze other project characteristics
3. Identify high level project risks
4. Take into account user requirements concerning
5. Select general lifecycle approach
6. Review overall resource estimates
 2: e.g. is project information based, is it safety
critical etc
 3:that threaten the successful outcome of project
 4: e.g. certain organization may want to use
 5: typical approach “they use what they already
have been using”, for novel projects some
research required.
 6: to re-estimate at this point, If most information
available, good to use functional point estimation.
 Step 4: Identify Project Products and
1. Identify and describe the project products
2. Document generic product flows
3. Recognize product instances
4. Produce ideal activity network
5. Modify ideal to take into account need for stages and
 PBS (Product Breakdown Structure)
formed, Ensure no such activity that does
not produce an artifact, no such product
which doesn’t have an activity
 Deliverable
 Intermediate product
Product Break Down Structure


Selected Testing Change

Test results
subjects arrangements requests

Booked Questionnaire Completed Analysis

machine design questionnaire report
 Prince2 specifies that product at bottom of PBS
should have
 Name/identify of product
 Purpose of product
 Derivation of product
 The composition of product
 The form of product
 Relevant standards
 Quality criteria that should apply to it.
 2: Product flow diagram (product cannot be created
until some products feed into it or exist before it)
Product Flow Diagram
Testing plan

Selected Questionnaire Booked

subjects design machine

Completed Test results



Step 4 Contd…
 3: to recognize how many instances of each
product used.
 4: (Tasks to carry out)


Plan Design Conduct Analyse Draft change

testing questionnaire tests results requests

 5: To introduce checkpoint activities which
are useful milestones.
 Draw together products of previous activities

to check they are compatible.

 Step 5: Estimate Effort For each Activity
 Carry out bottom up estimates
 Revise plan to create controllable activities
 5: Top down estimates already done in feasibility
study and during “review overall resource estimates”
 Estimates of Effort, Elapsed time and other
Resources (non staff resources) done at this point
 Difference between elapsed time and effort is noted.
 Individual activity estimates are summed up to get
bottom up estimates which are reconciled with the
previous top down estimates.
 6: Divide large activities (difficult to project)
 Merge small activities. Try to make activity of

length of reporting period in monitoring and

 Step 6: Identify Activity Risks
1. Identify and quantify activity based risks
2. Plan risk reduction and contingency measures where
3. Adjust plans and estimates to take account of risks.
 1: Risk to successful outcome of each activity.
(everything based on assumption if assumption
wrong then there is a risk)
 Identify consequence and Probability of
occurrence for each risk (would help in prioritizing
 2: make contingency plans to eliminate or reduce
 3: May change our plans and add new activities to
reduce risks.
 Step 7: Allocate Resources
1. Identify and allocate resources
2. Revise plans and estimates to account for resource
 1: Staff required for each activity is
recorded, staff available to project and
identified and then distributed among tasks.
 2: staff are allocated as efficiently as
possible, to reduce idle time (Gantt Charts.
Gantt Chart ( Commencing
5 12 19 26 2 9 16

Design module A Des. mod B

Code module A

Code module C Code module B

Design module C Design mod D

Code Module D

Test module C
 Step 8: Review/Publicize Plan
1. Review quality aspects of project plan
2. Document plans and obtain agreement
 1: Danger :earlier activity not properly
completed and need to be rework (out of
control project)
 We need to have quality reviews, exit
requirements and then sign off.
 2: obtain agreement of all concerned that all
agree on the commitment required of them
on the plan (often missed)
 Step 9/10Execute Plan/Lower Levels of
1. This may require the reiteration of planning process
at lower level.
 1: Detailed planning at start of each stage,
when more information is available.

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