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 The phrase ‘review of literature’ consists of two words:

Review and Literature.
The word ‘literature’ has conveyed different meaning from the
traditional meaning.
It is used with reference to the languages e.g. Hindi literature,
English literature, Sanskrit literature.
It includes a subject content: prose, poetry, dramas, novels,
stories etc.
Here in research methodology the term literature refers to the
knowledge of a particular area of investigation of any
discipline which includes theoretical, practical and its research
 The review ‘review’ means to organize the knowledge
of the specific area of research to evolve an edifice of
knowledge to show that his study would be additionn
to this field
 A review of literature is a comprehensive summary Of
previous research on a topic
 The literature review is a written overview of major
writings and other sources on a selected
topic .sources covered in the review may include
scholarly journal articles,books, government
reports,web sites . The literature review provides a
description and summary and evaluation of each
 “The literature in any field forms the foundation upon
which all future work will be built. If we fail to build
Acc to the foundation of knowledge provided by the review
W.R.borg of literature our work is likely to be shallow and naive
and will often duplicate work that has already been
done better by some one else.”
 1. It provides theories, ideas, explanations or
hypothesis which may prove useful in the formulation
of a new problem.
 2. It indicates whether the evidence already available
solves the problem adequately without requiring
further investigation. It avoids the replication.
 3. It provides the sources for hypothesis. The
Objective researcher can formulate research hypothesis on the
basis of available studies.
 4. It suggests method, procedure, sources of data and
statistical techniques appropriate to the solution of
the problem
 5. Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent
duplication and gives credit to other researchers.



 Argumentative review: This type of literature review
examines literature in a selective way in order to

 address a specific argument, assumption, or
philosophical standpoint that is firmly established in

 literature, typically with the goal of developing an
alternative viewpoint.
 Integrative review: This type of literature review
generates new frameworks and perspectives on a

 topic. This type of literature review includes all known
studies addressing a specific question or

 hypothesis.
 Historical review: This type of literature review
focuses on examining research throughout time, often

 starting with the first time the topic emerged in the
literature and then examining how approaches to

 that topic have changed over time. The goal of this
type of review is to provide historical context for the

 research question.
 Methodological review: This type of literature review
does not focus on scholars’ findings but instead

 on how they came to their conclusions (the methods
they used to reach their findings). This type of

 review is useful for exploring the validity of different
types of methods used to examine a given topic

 and provide guidance about which methods should be
used in the future.
 Systematic review: This type of literature review
provides an overview of evidence addressing a

 clearly defined research question. It incorporates
standardized methods for identifying and reviewing

 the literature that should be clearly explained in the
literature review, with the goal of including all

 relevant studies on the given topic.
 Theoretical review: This type of literature review
explores the different theories used to approach a

 given topic, including the pros and cons of different
theories, the relationships between theories, and

 the ways that different theories have been tested and
 1) Determine the focus of literature review
The focus of literature review should be guided by
thesis statement.
Avoid topics which are too broad or too narrow
Steps to 2) find literature to review which is related to research
complete a topic

literature 1) primary source: Written by original researcher

Eg : research article, hand written record, reports
review 2) Secondary source: prepared or written by someone
other than original author
Eg newspaper, television,radio, wikipedia, journals
 Evaluate the contribution of each resource
 Determine the main point of argument of each
source. Consider how the source relates to your own
research question
 Then determine which resource are more relevant
and which source should be included in your review.
 Detersize. Determine how the sources relate to each other and to your own research.

 common and/or important themes, disagreements or different points of view among
scholars,gaps in the research, and any apparent issues with methodology or conclusions
 Strategies for synthesizing literature:

 i. Thematic: Group ideas according to theme. Show how different sources are

 related thematically. Consider common themes that are addressed in the

 literature, and how different scholars have approached those themes.

 ii. Chronological: Group ideas by periods of time. Consider how scholarly methods

 and/or scholarly thinking have changed over time.

 iii. Methodological: Group ideas by method. Identify different methods that have

 been used to address the issue and consider whether different methods have

 led to different conclusions.
 Write the literature review. Start with an introduction that describes the
main topic and

 research question. Use the outline you developed in step 4 as a guide
as you write the body of

 the literature review. Importantly, do not just write an isolated
paragraph for each source. Make

 sure to make connections across different sources to create a coherent
discussion on the topic.

 Conclude by explaining how your own research question or argument
fits into the scholarly

 discussion. This allows you to create a transition from the literature
review to the specifics of

 your own study if necessary (e.g. Your methods and analysis).

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