Lecture 5. Statement of Cashflows (IAS7) (Presentation) - 1
Lecture 5. Statement of Cashflows (IAS7) (Presentation) - 1
Lecture 5. Statement of Cashflows (IAS7) (Presentation) - 1
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lecture, learners must be able to:
Investment Companies
In the case of a trading portfolio or investment companies,
receipts from the sale of loans, debt, or equity instruments
are also included in cash flows from operating activities
(results of primary business).
When preparing a cash flow statement under the indirect
method, depreciation, amortization, deferred tax, gains or
losses associated with a noncurrent asset, and dividends or
revenue received from certain investing activities are also
included. However, purchases or sales of long-term assets are
not included in operating activities.
Methods of preparing Cash flows
Statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 Dec 20x9 20x9 20x8
Cash flows from operating activities (000) (000)
Profit before tax xxx xxx
Adjustment for:
Depreciation xx
Loss/ (Gain) on sale PPE xx
(Increase)/Decrease in Trade receivable xx
(Increase)/ Decrease in inventory xx
Increase/ (Decrease) in Trade payables xx
Cash generated from operations xxx
Finance cost/ Interest paid (xx)
Income Tax paid (xx)
Net Cash from operating activities xxx
Hisense (ltd)
On the other hand, Creditors can use the Cash Flow
Statement to assess the liquidity position of the company,
they can determine how much cash is available for the
company to fund its operating expenses and pay its debts.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cash flow statements
Advantages Disadvantages
• Displays liquidity levels/ ability to pay • Fails to present Net Income
• Shows Optimum cash balance, Idle & • Fails to clearly show solvency of firms
excess cash
• Allows cash management plans for • It does not show what SOCI show
recourse allocation
• Cash basis is more reliable than accrual • Does not assess future cash flows
• Planning & coordination of focusts • Inter industry comparison is not
Significance of Cash flow statements - Recap