Lecture 6. IAS16 Property Plant &equipment
Lecture 6. IAS16 Property Plant &equipment
Lecture 6. IAS16 Property Plant &equipment
Areas of concern?
Learning Outcomes
IAS 16para7 PPE is recognised as an asset only when it
satisfies the definition and recognition criteria for assets as
stipulated in the Conceptual Framework, i.e:
ABC Ltd bought a machine at a cost of $575 000 (inclusive of 15% VAT) before
taking into account a trade discount of 5%. The machine was transported to
ABC Ltd's premises at a cost of $5 000, after which it was installed by an
independent engineer, who charged $500 per hour - installation took five hours
to complete. After installation, the machine was tested at a cost of $10 000.
Fortunately the samples manufactured during testing could be sold for $6 000.
Once management was satisfied that the machine was functioning properly,
they spent $50 000 on advertising the product to be manufactured by the
machine and then commenced manufacturing activities. Initially the demand for
the product was very low, resulting in operating losses of $30000 during the
first three months. Thereafter the machine was operating at a profitable level.
To compute the Cost of the PPE (8)
Example: self constructed PPE
Paul ltd incurred the following costs in relation to the construction of a new
factory and the introduction of its products to the local market. $000
i. Site preparation costs 240
ii. Materials used 1,500
iii. Labour costs, including 90 incurred during an industrial dispute. No
construction occurred during the period of the dispute. 3,190
iv. Testing of various processes in factory 150
v. Consultancy fees on installation of equipment 220
vi. Relocation of staff to new factory 110
vii. General overheads 500
viii. Costs to dismantle the factory at end of its useful life in 10 years time 100
Required: determine the cost of PPE to be recognized in the books of the entity.
Subsequent costs incurred on PPE
Subsequent costs
Once an item of PPE has been recognised and capitalised in fin
stats, a company may incur further costs on that asset in the
future. IAS 16 requires that subsequent costs should be
capitalized if:
a) It is probable that future economic benefits associated with
the extra costs will flow into the entity; and that
b) The cost can be reliably measured.
Initial Measurement
Property, Plant and Equipment should initially be measured at cost,
in accordance with the specific requirements IAS16.
1) Fair Value measurement - the price that would be obtained on the sale of an asset,
or paid to transfer a liability, in an orderly transaction between market participants at
the measurement date and price reflects market’s current expectations about the
amount, timing and uncertainty of future cash flows from that asset.
2) Value in use (assets) or fulfilment value (for liabilities) – This reflects entity-specific
current expectations about the amount, timing and uncertainty of future cash flows.
3) Current cost - reflects the current amount that would be paid to acquire an
equivalent asset, received to transfer an equivalent liability (Replacement value)
Activity: EXAMPLE 4
Prepare the extracts of the financial statements for the year
ended 31 March 2012.
Solution 4: measurement and recognition of PPE
IAS 20 distinguishes between two main types of grants,
grants relating to income and grants relating to assets.
Government grants should only be recognised in the financial
statements if there is reasonable assurance that the entity
will comply with all relevant conditions in relation to grant.
Grants relating to income are credited in the SCI or deducted
from the related expense. Grants in relation to assets can be
treated as deferred income and a transfer made (on a
systematic basis) to the SCI over the useful life of the asset.
Activity: EXAMPLE 7
What is the double entry to record the revaluation in the books
of Munoz company ltd?
Activity: EXAMPLE 8
What is the double entry to record the revaluation of the PPE?
The end