Leadership and Change-Week 4 Day 2 - Student
Leadership and Change-Week 4 Day 2 - Student
Leadership and Change-Week 4 Day 2 - Student
Week 4:Day 2
Module Leader: Dr. Charles Nzeh
Deputy Module Leader: Shashidhar Madamsetty
Classroom Rules
Be on time and be
Keep your mobile
always prepared Ask only relevant
phone switched
for your class. questions during
off or in a silent
Bring your laptop teaching time
in class
Be polite and
Do not interfere respectful of the
with the teaching teacher, yourself, Always do your
and learning of your classmates best
your colleagues and your
Introduction to Careers, Employability and
Entrepreneurship Support
Here at GBS, we want to help you achieve more than just a qualification. We want you to gain the skills, experiences, and understanding
to thrive in today’s competitive job market.
From landing your dream job, to finding the right work experience, or even setting up and growing your own business — our
experienced and dedicated Careers and Employability team will help you propel your career forwards.
The GBS Careers and Placement Hub is your online digital one stop shop where you will find all the resources you need to kick start your
career in one place.
If you are looking for a new job opportunity, CV resources, IT courses, Career E-learning tools or advice on self-employment and
entrepreneurship you can find this and much more on the hub.
This is your appointment. You set the agenda, the pace, and are totally in
control. You will also be doing most of the talking. Careers Advisers are
here to facilitate your career choice and development, rather than lead it.
This award is the perfect way to complement your studies. It will help you to focus on developing the skills you
need to stand out in the employer selection process for internships, placements and graduate-level jobs. You will
have the chance to enjoy new experiences, reflect on your personal development and add to your CV. Upon
completion of each award, you will receive a certificate to reflect your extra-curricular achievements.
•GBS has a Random VIVA Process as part of their quality assurance mechanisms
to ensure academic integrity of all student assessments
•Please do not be worried at being chosen as you will not lose your place on the
course in regards to this
•The Random VIVA meeting is not a disciplinary meeting
•A VIVA is a discussion with the lecturer regarding your submitted assignment
•The students will be chosen AT RANDOM by the Associate Dean of Assessment
•Your selected cohort for the module will have 10% of students randomly
selected to have a VIVA across all submissions
• Summative Submission
• Late Submission
• Resubmission 1
• Resubmission 2
• Are you able to clearly articulate the work you have submitted?
• Can you answer questions put to you about the work you have submitted?
• Can you answer questions concerning how you sourced the references listed in the module reference
•Please prepare yourself for the VIVA ahead of the meeting to make this as easy as
possible for you.
Outcome of the meeting
•You will receive a copy of the report after the meeting.
•The report will have one of the 4 outcomes below:
Outcome Description
VIVA Outcome 1 – • The VIVA lecturer is satisfied that the work is yours.
Authorship • Your lecturer will be informed to mark the assignment as normal
• A recommendation will be made for you to attend a session on
which you have to improve your academic skills
VIVA Outcome 2 – • Your lecturer will be informed to mark the assignment as normal
Poor Scholarship
Additionally, the session will evaluate the influence of different leadership styles on the success of
change initiatives. By examining styles like Transformational, Transactional, and Servant Leadership,
students will assess how each approach can either drive or hinder successful change, with practical
examples to illustrate these concepts
Learning these will help you achieve Learning Outcome 4 which is then used to answer assessment 1
(Essay), linked to module aims 4.
1. Review different leadership theories and understand the impact of
leadership on followers, organisations and performance.
Engaging and
Leadership as
a catalyst for
teams during
Vision setting
and strategic
Steps of Effective Change Implementation