Teaching Reading

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Lecture plan

1.Reading as an aim and a means of

teaching and learning a foreign language
2.The content of teaching reading
3.Some difficulties pupils have in learning
to read in the English language (Linguistic
and Extra linguistic)
4.How to Teach Reading
5.Mistakes and How to correct them
1.Reading as an aim and a means of
teaching and learning a foreign
2.The content of teaching
Why teach reading?
What kind of reading should
students do?
The Topics and Types of reading
Why teach reading?

There are many reasons:

1. Firstly the students want to be able to read texts in
English ( either for their career, for study purposes
or simply for pleasure).
2. Reading texts also provide good models for English
3. Reading texts provide opportunities to study
language ( vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and
the way we construct sentences, paragraphs and
4. Lastly, good reading texts can introduce
interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite
imaginative responses.
What kind of reading should students do?

The greatest controversy is on whether the texts

should be ‘ authentic’ or not. This is because people
have worried about more traditional language
teaching material which tend to look artificial and use
over-simplified language which any native speaker
would find comical and untypical.
 If you give low-level students a copy of the ‘The
Times’ or ‘The Guardian’ they will probably not
understand them at all.
 The balance has to be made between real
English on one hand and students capabilities on the
 There is some authentic written material which
Beginner students can understand to some degree:
The Topics and Types of reading texts are worth
considering too.

Should our students read factual

encyclopedia texts or should we expose
them to novels or short stories?

Should they read timetables or menus or we

can offer them business letters and
newspaper articles?
 This depends on who the students are ( if they are
business people, if they are science students etc).
 Among the things the teacher might want his/her
students to read are: magazine articles, letters, stories,
menus, advertisements, reports, play extracts, recipes,
instructions, poems, and reference materials.
3.Some difficulties pupils
have in learning to read in
English (Linguistic and Extra
4.How to Teach
The role of the teacher in
teaching reading:

 Organizer
 Observer
 Feedback organizer
 Prompter
The role of the teacher in teaching reading:
 Organizer: We need to tell students exactly what
their reading purpose is, and give them clear instruction
about how to achieve it, and how long they have to do it.
 Observer: When we ask students to read on their
own we need to give them space to do so. While students
are reading we can observe their progress since this will
give us valuable information about how well they are
doing individually and collectively and will tell us whether
to give them some extra time or to move to organizing
 Feedback organizer: When our students have
completed the task we lead a feedback session to check
that they have completed the task successfully. We may
start by having them compare their answers in pair, by
sharing their knowledge.
 Prompter: When students have read a text we can
prompt them to notice language features in that text. We
may also, as controllers, direct them to certain features of
text construction, clarifying ambiguities.
What reading skills should students
 The need to be able to ‘scan’ the text for particular
bits of information they are searching for. This skill means
that they do not have to read every word and line.
 Students should be able to ‘skim’ a text : as if they
were casting their eyes over its surface to get a general
idea of what it is about.
 Whether readers scan or skim depends on what kind
of text they are reading and what they want to get out of it.
 Reading for detailed ’comprehension’ whether looking
for detailed information or language, must be seen by
student something different from scanning and skimming.
When looking for details, we want our students to
concentrate on the minutiae of what they are reading.
 One of the teachers main functions when training
students to read is not only to persuade them for the
advantages of skimming and scanning but also to make
them see that the way they read is vitally important.
What are the principles behind the teaching
of reading?

1. Reading is not a passive skill – in fact it is an

incredible active occupation. To do it successfully , we
have to understand what the words mean, understand the
arguments, and work out if we do agree with it.
2. Students need to be engaged with what they are
reading – if the students are not engaged with the
reading text – not actively interested in what they are
reading, it is less likely that they benefit from it.
3. Students should be engaged to respond to the
content of the reading text, not just to the
language – It is very important to study reading text for
the way they use the language ( the number of
paragraphs they contain, relative clauses, linking words
etc.). But the meaning, the message of the text is just as
important and we must give our students a chance to
4. We should allow them to express their feeling about
the topic.
5. Prediction is a major factor in reading – when we read
texts in our own language we frequently have a good idea of
content before we actually read it. Book covers give us an idea of
what is in the book. Paragraphs and headlines hint at what articles
are about and reports look like reports before we read a single
The teachers should give students ‘hints’ so that they can
predict what’s coming too. It will make them better and more
engaged readers.
6. Match the task to the topic – Once a decision has been
taken about the reading text that the students are going to read,
we need to choose good reading task – the right kind of questions,
engaging and useful puzzles etc.
7. Good teachers exploit the reading text to the full – Any
reading text is full of sentences, words, ideas , descriptions etc. It
doesn’t make sense just to get students to read it and then drop to
move on to something else.
8. Good teachers integrate the reading text into interesting
class sequences, using the topic for discussion and further
tasks using the language for Study and later Activation.
The most interesting text
can be undermined by
asking boring and
inappropriate questions.
5.Mistakes and How to correct them
Ways of correcting students
Five key questions
■ What kind of mistake has been
made? (grammar, spelling, pronunciation
■ What should I do about it? (correct or
not correct?)
■ When should it be corrected? (now,
later in the lesson, next lesson)
■ How should it be corrected? (which
technique would work best?)
■ Who should correct it? (self-
correction, peer correction, teacher
correction etc)

 What’s the error?

 Decide if it needs correcting
 Decide when it needs correcting
 Decide who should correct it
 Decide how it should be corrected
 Indicate an error has been made
 Correct it
 Reinforce the correction

Finger correction
Repeat sentence up to
Echo with surprised
Ask a question
Thank you for your attention!
Literature and Internet resources

Main literature :
 Методика обучения иностранному языку: учебное пособие для
среднего профессионального образования / О. И. Трубицина и
др.; ответственный редактор О. И. Трубицина. - Москва:
Издательство Юрайт, 2019. - 384 с.
 Беляева, Л. А. Интерактивные средства обучения иностранному
языку. Интерактивная доска: учебное пособие для вузов / Л. А.
Беляева. - Москва: Издательство Юрайт, 2019.
 Modern methods of foreign language teaching. Yergazina A.A.,
Aimagambetova G.A., Akimniyazova A.K./Guide to Teaching.
S.Baishev Aktobe university 2016
 Солонцова, Л.П. Современная методика обучения иностранным
языкам (общие вопросы, базовый курс) . Часть 1: Учебник / Л.П.
Солонцова.- Алматы: Эверо, 2015.- 373 с.
Additional literature and internet resources:
 Techniques & Principles in Language Teaching/ Diane Larsen-
Freeman and Marti Anderson © Oxford University Press 2011.3d
 The Practice of English Language Teaching Paperback – 2015 by
Jeremy Harmer. Pearson Education; 5th Edition (2015)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wfH99DeKfY

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