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HEALTH PRESENTED BY: SIR JEEP LESSON OBJECTIVES ·Explains the guidelines and criteria in the 01 selection and evaluation of health information, products and services.
explain the guidelines and criteria in the
02 selection and evaluation of health information, products, and services
differentiate reliable and unreliable health
03 information, products, and services. Health services are programs we All of us are consumers. We acquire health information, purchase health avail from various providers such products, and avail of health services as physicians, nurses, therapists, to appraise, improve, and maintain health workers, hospitals, clinics, our health. Health information is an and the government. Some idea that we hear from people around examples of these health services us, read from books and other printed are insurance, treatment and cure, materials, or from the media that and complementary and influence our health. Health products alternative medicine. In this light, are items that we consume to improve we must all be educated our well-being such as medicine, food, consumers. clothes, furniture, electronics, etc. To ensure consumer health, criteria, and guidelines in selecting health products/ services must be considered. Various forms of providers and plans must also be known to a WHAT IS CONSUMER · We all are because we are all users. · We use goods and services every day. · We need food, clothing and shelter. · We travel on busses and trains, visit the doctors and dentist, go to the library, or watch television. At home we use energy in the form of gas, electricity, coal, expect clean drinkable water from the tap. CONSUMER- means a natural person who is a purchaser, lessee, recipient or prospective purchaser, lesser or recipient of consumer products, services or credit. SOME TIPS ON HOW TO BE A WISE CONSUMER Gather correct and sufficient information–get as much information by reading critically the details on the nutritional quality of the food. Be aware that being knowledgeable of the laws will protect you as a consumer. SOME TIPS ON HOW TO BE A WISE CONSUMER Compare and contrast details of available products – compare the products and services available before you purchase. Judge for yourself which among the products are most effective. You can use the questions in assessing the health information as your initial guide. SOME TIPS ON HOW TO BE A WISE CONSUMER Inquire for more and review if possible – ask direct questions from sales personnel if there are things about the product that are not clear to you before buying it. Clarifying things will make you more confident as a consumer. You can also get some information from other consumers regarding the product. WHAT IS CONSUMER HEALTH? Consumer Health refers to the decisions you make about the purchase of product and use of health information and services that will have direct effect on your healthhealth has three components: health Consumer information, health products, and health services. Health information plays a big role in the life of individuals. It gives details that people can use to make informed decisions about their health and of others. HEALTH HEALTH INFORMATION PRODUCTS these refer to the data and Health Products are substances, materials or facts about health products equipment's prepared or manufactured for you to buy and use for the maintenance of and services you can get from health and the treatment of diseases. the media and people Example are food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, including professionals and bilogicals, vaccines, in-vitro diagnostic agencies reagents, and household/urban hazardous substances and/or a combination of and/or a derivative thereof (FDA Act, 2009). T RELIABLE UNRELIABLE INFORMATION INFORMATION -are licensed professionals are those from people who are not who took up specialized and experts in this field intensive studies in the field. RELIABLE INFORMATION a.) Friends,neighbors, relatives – they are reliable sources because the information they will give is true and who will not let us buy products that may harm us. b.) Professionals such as physicians, scientists, teachers – they are reliable because their information will be based on research and studies c.) Educational institutions – they are schools, colleges or universities which will give us the right information. RELIABLE INFORMATION D.) Media such as radio and television- their information is screened first before they are aired so they cannot give wrong information.
e.) Print materials such as magazines,
journals, newspapers, books, pamphlets, posters, etc. – their information is screened and edited before they are published. UNRELIABLE INFORMATION 1. Outdated customs, practices, and superstitions without scientific basis 2. Information based on ignorance and prejudice 3. Commercialized health information 4. Personal options and incomplete information HEALTH SERVICES Healthcare services refer to the furnishing of medicines, medical or surgical treatments, nursing, hospital service, dental service, optometric service, and complementary health services. These are often connected to healthcare. These programs aim to appraise the health conditions of individuals through screening and examinations, cure and treat disorders, prevent and control the spread of diseases, provide safety, emergency care, and first aid, and ensure a follow-up program for individuals who have undergone treatments. Examples: medical and dental consultation and treatment, services from beauty parlors and barber shops, etc. HEALTH SERVICES 1. Evaluate which products and services will be beneficial, harmful or useless. 2. Know the local laws and regulations that protect consumers. 3. Locate dependable medical, dental and nursing services. 4. Apply knowledge acquired with respect to personal and environmental health in the purchase of personal goods and services HEALTH SERVICES Health Professionals. These are individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied health programs and work in the medical profession. Examples: doctor, nurse, nutritionist, etc. HEALTH SERVICES Healthcare Facilities – These are places or institutions that offer healthcare services. Examples: hospitals, walk-in surgery center, health center, extended healthcare facility HEALTHCARE PLAN One main reason to get insurance is to avoid going broke while taking care of your health. Whether we like it or not our health deteriorates the older we get, and even if you’re affluent enough to a mass wealth that can afford you a hospital stay for a year, that still isn’t a sound financial and retirement plan (Adrian, et al., 2019). There are various types of health care policies in the Philippines, each has its own way of delivering their healthcare services. Despite their difference, each policy can act as a good supplement to another PHILHEALTH Philippine Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) is a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) created through Republic act 7875 also known as the National Health Insurance (NHI) Act of 1995. It aims to provide health insurance coverage for all Filipinos and ensure affordable, acceptable, available, and accessible health care services for all citizens of the Philippines (Learner's Material on the Philippine Health HEALTH PRODUCTS Health product include medicines, medical equipment, and related devices. Filipinos spend a lot of money each year on health product on health products ranging from over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to cosmetics. Health Products help relieve symptoms, aid curing illness, and provide cosmetic effects. Sadly, many of these are not needed, do not provide the advertised effect, and may have the potential to harm our health. HEALTH PRODUCTS a.Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs- More than half a million of OTC health care products are available, varying from mouthwashes to pain relievers. Even some of the most beneficial OTC drugs can be unsafe. HEALTH PRODUCTS a.Cosmetic Products- Many Health Care products are intended for external use. Some have little effect but due to advertising campaigns and misconceptions, they are extensively used by the public. Skin Care Products- OTC skin rejuvenators have never shown efficacy in changing skin properties. Moisturizers prevent the skin from drying for only limited period time. Deodorants and anti-perspirants help control body odor but no product can prevent sweating in extremely hot weather or during exercise. Sweating is the primary means of HEALTH PRODUCTS ·Hair Care Products- Several products are designed to removed hair, like shaving. Tweezer used to pluck unwanted hair might present some danger of infection when adjacent skin is not clean. Chemical products are usually safe but there is always the possibility of skin reactions, irritations, and infections. A dermatologist should be consulted whenever symptoms HEALTH PRODUCTS
Oral Care Product- Oral products
include toothpaste, mouthwashes, and gargles. Water supply containing fluoride also helps prevent dental cavities. It is unwise to purchase toothpaste with whiteners because it contains abrasive elements that damage the teeth. WHAT ARE SOME WAYS TO BUY HEALTH PRODUCTS AND SERVICES INTELLIGENTLY?
1.READ. Read the labels and
look for information pertaining to the nutritional quality of food. Read carefully and critically health-related advertisements. Read the local laws and regulations that will protect you as a WHAT ARE SOME WAYS TO BUY HEALTH PRODUCTS AND SERVICES INTELLIGENTLY?
COMPARE. Compare the
products and services and judge for yourself which among the products are useful, beneficial, and effective. Buy generic drugs when they are available because they are also effective and comparably WHAT ARE SOME WAYS TO BUY HEALTH PRODUCTS AND SERVICES INTELLIGENTLY?
1.INQUIRE. Ask direct
questions to sales personnel if there are things about the product that are not clear to you before buying it.
CONSUMER HEALTH EDUCATION Consumer Health Refers To The Decisions You Make About The Purchase of Product and Use of Health Information and Services That Will Have Direct Effect On Your Health
CONSUMER HEALTH EDUCATION Consumer Health Refers To The Decisions You Make About The Purchase of Product and Use of Health Information and Services That Will Have Direct Effect On Your Health