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Maruf Hossain Hredoy
B.Sc in Civil Engineering (KUET)
Disadvantages of concrete:
It has low tensile strength (compared to other building
It has low ductility.
It is susceptible to cracking.
Long curing time: Full strength development needs a month.
Functions of water in concrete:
Hydration reaction w ith cement
Classification of Concrete:
Based on unit weight
b) Segregation
c) Bleeding
d) Plastic shrinkage
e) Time of set etc.
(a) Workability:
Workability is a general term to describe the properties of fresh concrete. It is
defined as the amount of mechanical work required for full compaction of
concrete without segregation.
Workability of a concrete is a composite property with at least two main
components: “Consistency”- indicates the mobility or flowability of freshly
mixed concrete- the ease of
f low of f resh concrete.
“Cohesiveness”- is used to describe the ability of fresh
concrete to hold all the ingredients.
The primary characteristics of workability are
consistency (or fluidity) and cohesiveness.
Higher workability concretes are easier to place and handle but obtaining higher
workability by increasing water content decreases strength and durability.
Factors Affecting Workability:
Methods of Curing:
Water curing- This technique involves i. Ponding ii) Spraying or sprinkling of water on
concrete surface. The water should be continuously applied so that the concrete
does not dry out.
Sealed curing- i. Waterproof paper ii. Plastic sheeting iii. Curing membranes are the
most widely used material for sealed curing. These materials simply reduce the
amount of water lost to evaporation.
Ponding /immersion: generally used for fl at surface like slabs in roof and lintels. A
temporary pond is made bounded by mortar perimeter made up of less amount
cement and sand or clay, and this is filled with water for curing.
•Covering with wet sheets: These are
generally jute bags or empty cement
bags which are constantly kept wet by
spraying water over them. Wet
covering is generally used for columns,
sloped surfaces, beams, concrete walls.
Admixtures for Concrete:
Def initions of Admixture:
Admixture is a material other than water, aggregate, hydraulic cement and fi ber
reinforcement used as an ingredient of a cementitious mixture to modify its freshly mixed,
setting or hardened properties and is added before or during mixing.
Functions of Admixtures :
1. Increase workability without increasing water content or decrease the water
content at the same workability.
2. Retard or accelerate time of initial setting.
3. Reduce segregation.
4. Accelerate the rate of strength development at early stages.
5. Decrease permeability of concrete.
6. Increase bond of concrete to steel reinf orcement.
7. Increase bond between existing and new concrete.
Types of
1 Accelerating admixture: An admixture that causes an increase in the rate of
. hydration of cement and shorten the time of setting.
2. Retarding admixture: An admixture that causes a decrease in the rate of
hydration of cement and lengthens the time of setting.
3. Water reducing admixture or plasticizer: An admixture that either
increases slump of freshly mixed concrete without increasing water
content or maintains slump with a reduced amount of water.
4. High range water reducing admixture or Super plasticizer: An capable
admixture producing large water reduction without causing of
undue set retardation. system
5. Air entraining
microscopic airadmixture:
bubbles in An admixture
concrete that
during causesIt the
mixing. concrete resistant
makes the f reezing
development of a and thawing. Example- Wood resin. to
Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in Concrete:
Alkali hydroxide + Reactive silica gel reaction product(alkali silica gel)
According to ACI Building Code ACI- 318, with a concrete unit weight between 90
and 155 lb/ft 3 and for concretes up to about 6 0 0 0 psi, the modulus of
elasticity can be determined from:
Where w is the weight (pcf), fc is the specified cylinder strength (psi) at
28 days.
The weight density of reinforced concrete using normal sand and stone
aggregates is about 150 pcf. If 5 pcf of this is allowed for the steel and w
is taken as 145 in the previous equation then,
E= 57,0 0 0 √fc
Stress Strain diagram of Steel and Concrete:
• Concrete is a non-
linear material.
• Concrete is a non
elastic material.
• Concrete is a brittle
Measurement of workability
1. Test):
Concrete is placed in three layers in a mold (a frustum cone) approximately
1/ 3 of the height of the cone. The apparatus consists of a mold in the
shape of a frustum of a cone with a base diameter of 8 inches, a top
diameter of 4 inches and a height of 12 inches.
2. Each layer is tamped 25 times by a tamping rod.
3. When the top layer has been rodded, the top surface is then struck plain
with a trowel.
4. Then the mold is removed by raising it slowly and vertically and it allows
the concrete to subside.
5. The subsidence is referred to as ‘slump’. The slump is recorded in terms of
inches to the nearest ¼ inch of subsidence of the specimen during the test
. as follows:
slump= (12- height af ter subsidence) inches
True test is very
slump useful
indicates forworkability
the checking day to day or hour to hour
of concrete.
in concrete workability.
Fig: Sequential Steps of Slump Test for Concrete
• Four types of slumps are commonly encountered. The only type of slump
permissible under ASTM C143 is frequently referred to as the “true” slump,
where the concrete remains intact and retains a symmetric shape.
• A zero slump and a collapsed slump are both outside the range of workability
that can be measured with the slump test.
• If part of concrete shears from the mass, the test must be repeated with a
diff erent sample of concrete. A concrete that exabits a shear slump in a
second test is not suffi ciently cohesive and should be rejected.
Fig. : Slump Test and Type of Slumps
Compressive Strength Test of Concrete:
Cube Specimen
Specimen inch
6 inch
inch 12
Cylinder Test for Concrete: