Co-Curricular Activities
Co-Curricular Activities
Co-Curricular Activities
Brief Outline
Physical Activities:
Physical activities are related with physical well-being of an
individual student.
Such activities help the students to maintain their physical
health the vigor and also to acquire motor skills through
various indoor and outdoor activities.
They include activities like athletics, boating, swimming,
gardening, cycling and such other outdoor games.
Academic Activities
Disciplinary Value
Moral Value
Aesthetic Value
Recreational Value
Other Values
Concluding Remarks
Thus one can say that co-curricular activities have a great
educational significance.
These activities cater to the development of the child’s
personality, the feeling of respect for authority, zeal for social
progress, the desire for work, draw out inherent qualities,
socialize the pupils with rich social activity etc.
Without these activities, the school is a teaching shop, the
teachers’ remain information mongers, the pupils become
book-worm’s and education narrow down to cramming.
Further, they also fulfill the need of self-expression and
broaden interest, promote the quality of self-control and the
ability to adjust with new situations.
Thank You