Red Planet Day A Journey To Mars
Red Planet Day A Journey To Mars
Red Planet Day A Journey To Mars
to Mars
Join us on a captivating journey to the Red Planet, exploring its
history, its captivating allure, and the ongoing quest to uncover its
mysteries. We’ll delve into the scientific discoveries, the
fascinating mythology, and the ambitious missions that are
shaping our understanding of Mars. This presentation will shed
light on the fascinating world of Mars, unraveling its secrets and
igniting your curiosity.
by Prajjwal Singh
Why is Mars Called the Red Planet?
Iron Oxide Past Water
The reddish hue of Mars stems from the presence of Evidence suggests that Mars once had liquid water on
iron oxide, commonly known as rust. The iron in its surface, contributing to the oxidation process. The
Martian rocks and soil reacts with oxygen, creating the water interacted with iron-rich minerals, resulting in the
signature red color we observe. distinctive rusty coloration.
Mars in Mythology and Culture
Roman God of War Ancient Civilizations Modern Culture
The Romans named the planet Many ancient civilizations Mars has inspired countless works
after their god of war, Mars, due observed Mars, attributing its red of fiction, from HG Wells' "The War
to its fiery red appearance. This color to different deities and of the Worlds" to contemporary
association with war and stories. For example, the science fiction films. The red
bloodshed has persisted Egyptians called it "Har Decher," planet continues to capture the
throughout history. meaning "the red one." imaginations of artists and writers
Mars’ Physical Characteristics
Its crust consists primarily of iron, magnesium, and silicon. The
planet’s thin atmosphere is mainly composed of carbon dioxide,
nitrogen, and argon.
Geological Features
Mars boasts spectacular geological features, including
the immense Valles Marineris canyon, the towering
Olympus Mons volcano, and the Tharsis Bulge volcanic
The Atmosphere of Mars
1 Thin and Cold 2 Carbon Dioxide
The atmosphere of Mars
is extremely thin, about The Martian atmosphere
100 times thinner than is primarily composed of
Earth's. It’s also very carbon dioxide, with small
cold, with average amounts of nitrogen and
temperatures around -63 argon. This composition
degrees Celsius. contributes to the
planet’s thin atmosphere.
Curiosity Perseverance
Curiosity, a larger and more Perseverance, the newest rover,
advanced rover, landed on Mars in arrived in 2021. It is searching for
2012. It has explored the planet's signs of ancient life and collecting
surface extensively, investigating its rock samples for future return to
habitability and seeking signs of past Earth.
Key Mars Missions
1 Mariner 4 (1965)
The first successful flyby of Mars, providing the first close-up images of the planet's surface, revealing a barren and cratered world.
Organic Molecules
Organic molecules, the building blocks of life, have been
detected on Mars. Their presence suggests that the planet
had the potential to support life in the past.
Active Exploration
Current missions like Perseverance are actively searching
for signs of past life, analyzing rock samples, and studying
the planet’s environment for clues about its habitability.
The Martian Surface and Its Features
Valles Marineris
A vast canyon system, the largest in the solar system, spanning thousands of kilometers
and revealing the planet’s geological history.
Olympus Mons
The tallest volcano in the solar system, a massive shield volcano that towers over 20
kilometers above the surrounding plains.
Tharsis Bulge
A massive volcanic plateau that spans a large portion of Mars, showcasing volcanic activity
and the planet’s dynamic geological past.
Water on Mars: Past and Present