Passive Components-Reciprocal
Passive Components-Reciprocal
Passive Components-Reciprocal
Microwave passive components are
used to carry microwave from its
generator to a load. These are very
much equivalent to capacitors,
inductors of low frequency circuits.
But low frequency inductors and
capacitors can not be used at high
frequency because, the package
capacitance, lead inductance and
series resistance forms a resonant like
circuit when used at high frequencies.
High Frequency Equivalent Circuit of
Low Frequency Components
Microwave devices can not be specified
using Z, Y or h-parameters but instead of
that they are specified with another
parameter called Scattering or S-
parameter because:
(i) No equipments are readily available to
measure total voltage and current at the
ports of microwave networks.
(ii) Over a broad band of frequencies it is
very difficult to achieve short and open
(iii) Active microwave devices frequently will
not have stability for a short or open
The scatter parameters are the
reflection coefficient of a port and
transmission coefficient between
different ports with other ports
matched terminated. Scattered
parameters are measured readily with
the help of a network analyzer.
= ½ (│a │² - │b │²)
n n
Properties of S-matrix:
(i) Symmetry property: This property
states that if a microwave junction
satisfies reciprocity condition in
absence of active devices in the circuit
then S-parameters are equal to their
corresponding transposes.
i.e., Sij = Sji (3)
(ii) Scattering matrix is always a square
matrix of n×n and the size of the matrix
depends on number of ports of micro-
wave circuit.
(iii) Unity property: The unity property
states that the sum of the products of
each term of any one row or column of
the matrix S multiplied by its complex
conjugate is unity, i.e.,