Clap Switch
Clap Switch
Clap Switch
A Project Report
Switch Clap
Prepared by Guided by
Raj H Parmar (210230109009) PROF. T.G. NAIK
Devang B Patel (210230109036)
Priyank Tandel (210230109042)
Karsh K Chaudhari (210230109004)
Jay A Konkani (210230109030)
Acknowledgment :
• We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave us the valuable support
in completing this report. A special thanks to our project coordinators, Tejash Sir whose help,
simulating suggestions and encouragement, helped us in preparing this report. We would also like to
acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the staff of Electrical Department. We would
like to appreciate the guidance given by other supervisors, especially in our project presentation, that
has improved our presentation skills by valuable comment and tips.
Content :
2. Acknowledgment
3. Contents
4. Abstract
5. Introduction
6. Components
7. Basic Principle
8. Circuit Diagram
9. Working Of Circuit
11. Applications
12. Conclusion
Abstract :
• CLAP SWITCH is a switch which can switch on/off any electrical circuit by the sound of the clap.
The basic idea of clap switch is that the electric microphone picks up the sound of your claps, coughs
, and the sound of that book knocked off the table. It produces a small electrical signal which is
amplified by the succeeding transistor stage. Two transistors cross connected as a bi-stable multi-
vibrator change state at each signal. One of these transistors drives a heavier transistor which
controls a lamp. This circuit is constructed using basic electronic components like resistors,
transistors, diode, capacitors. This circuit turns ON light for the first clap. The light turns ON till the
next clap. For the next clap the light turns OFF. This circuit works with 9V voltage. Therefore a 9V
battery is employed. The primary application involves an elderly or mobility-impaired person. It is
generally used for a light , television, radio, or similar electronic device that the person will want to
turn on/off from bed. The major disadvantage is that, it is generally cumbersome to have to clap
one's hands to turn something ON or OFF and it's generally seen as simpler for most use cases to use
a traditional light switch.
Introduction :
• This is a project on CLAP SWITCH which can switch on /off any electrical circuit by the sound of a clap. The
operation of the circuit is simple. If we clap the lamp turns on and to switch it off clap again. The condenser
microphone picks up the sound of your claps, coughs, and the sound of that book knocked off the table. It
produces a small electrical signal which is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage. Two transistors cross
connected as a bi-stable multi vibrator change state at each signal. One of these transistors drives a heavier
transistor which controls a lamp. This circuit can switch on and off a light, a fan or a radio etc. by the sound of a
clap. The mechanical part would involve designing a smooth gear system to move as per requirement. The
electrical part would be the working of solar panel and battery requirement. The electronics would involve
designing the sensor system that would generate commands for the gear system to act accordingly.
• This circuit is constructed using basic electronic components like resistors, transistors, diode, capacitors. This
circuit turns 'ON' light for the first clap. The light turns ON till the next clap. For the next clap the light turns
OFF. This circuit works with 9V voltage. Therefore 9V battery is employed. The working of this circuit is based
on amplifying nature of the transistor, switching nature of transistor. Basically, this is a Sound operated switch.
• Clap switch is an interesting hobby circuit which turns on the lights with a clap sound. Although its name is
“Clap switch”, but it can be turned ON by any sound of approximately same pitch of Clap sound. The main
component of this clap switch circuit is the Electric Condenser Mic, which has been used as a sound sensor.
Condenser Mic basically converts sound energy into electrical energy, that in turns used to trigger 555 timer IC,
through a Transistor. And triggering of 555 IC would turn ON the LED, which will be automatically turned
OFF after some time. I have made this circuit as simple as possible, you can find many complex Clap switches
(using 555 IC) with some more components in it, and merely doing the same thing. Even make things simpler
require more effort than making it complex.
Components :
1. Condenser Mic :
2. 555 timer IC :
• LM555 is a precision timer IC, that is capable of producing accurate time delays
or oscillation. It can operate in both astable and monostable configurations. In the
time-delay or monostable mode of operation, the timed interval is controlled by a
single external resistor and capacitor network. In the astable mode of operation,
the frequency and duty cycle can be controlled independently with two external
resistors and a single external capacitor.
3. Transistor :
4. Capacitor :
• This 10uF 50V capacitor is a good quality radial polarized Electrolytic capacitor.
Electrolytic capacitors are widely used in switched-mode power supplies, DC-
DC converters, and power supplies. This capacitor has a long life, low leakage
current, and wide operating range.
5. LED :
• A standard 5mm white color LED that can be used for indication or visualization
purposes. It can be used on breadboard, dot board and PCB. You can also use LED
mount to fix them onto casings or enclosures. The longer lead is the positive and
the shorter lead is the negative. Normally used with a 1k resistor to limit the
current flowing though it when powered with 5V.
6. Battery :
7. Breadboard Wires :
• They are used as an alternative to the connecting jumper wires. A single set
consists of two flexible wires. One wire is of a red color and the other wire is of a
black color. This a high-quality set that creates firm and neat connections.
The copper conductors in the wires are tinned to reduce oxidation and they are
PVC insulated to resist electrical leakages.
8. Breadboard :
• A breadboard is the most commonly used tool when designing new circuits. The
board has well-designed holes that snug in components smoothly and enables high
Basic Principle :
• The basic principle of the clap switch circuit is that it converts sound signal into electrical energy. The input
component is a transducer that receives clap sound as input and converts it to electrical pulses. The basic idea of
clap switch is that the electric microphone picks up the sound of your claps, coughs, and the sound of that book
knocked off the table. It produces a small electrical signal which is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage.
• This circuit is constructed using basic electronic components like resistors, transistors, battery, capacitors. This
circuit turns ‘ON 'light for the first clap. The light turns ON till the next clap. For the next clap the light turns
OFF. This circuit works with 9V voltage. Therefore a 9v battery is employed.
Circuit Diagram:
ABSTRACTof Circuit :
• You can see the circuits and connections in the above schematic diagram of clap switch. Initially the transistor
is in OFF state because there is not enough (0.7v) base-emitter voltage to turn it ON. And the point A is at high
potential, and point A is connected to Trigger pin 2 of 555 IC, as a result Trigger pin 2 is also at high potential.
As we know that, to trigger the 555 IC through Trigger PIN 2, the voltage of the PIN 2 must be below Vcc/3.
So at this stage LED is OFF.
• Now when we produce some sound near condenser mic, this sound will be converted into electrical energy and
it will raise the potential at the Base, which will turn the Transistor ON. As soon as the transistor becomes ON,
the potential at Point A would become low and it will trigger the 555 IC because of the low voltage (below
Vcc/3) at Trigger Pin 2 and LED will turn ON. We have connected the LED to Output PIN 3 of 555 IC through
a 220ohm resistor.
• After some time LED will be turned OFF automatically because we are using 555 timer IC in Monostable
Mode. LED will remain turned ON for 1.1*R1*C1 seconds. So we can see, with this formulae, that we can
change this duration, by changing the value of Resistor R1 or/and Capacitor C1. We can modify this circuit
using Relay to control the Electronic devices (120/220V AC). Control PIN 5 of 555 Timer IC should be
connected to Ground through a 0.01uF capacitor.
• To test this circuit you need to clap loudly as this small condenser mic don’t have long range.
• 1. The primary application involves an elderly or mobility-impaired person.
• 2. We can turn something (e.g. a lamp) on and off from any location in the room (e.g. while lying in the bed)
simply by clapping our hands.
• 5. Energy efficient.
Disadvantages :
• 1. It is generally cumbersome to have to clap one's hands to turn something on or off and it is generally seen as
simpler for most use cases to use a traditional light switch.
• 2. Unless we use a filter in the circuit, it is not that advantageous. So that circuit activates only for clap of
particular frequencies and then it becomes accurate.
Applications :
• 1. Clap activated switch device will serve well in different phono-controlled applications.
• 2. Clap switch is generally used for a light, television, radio or similar electronic device that the person will
want to turn on / off from bed.
• 3. This circuit functions on using the sound energy provided by the clap which is converted into electrical
energy by condenser microphone. Using this converted electrical energy which is used to turn on relay (an
electronic switch).
• The clap activated switching device function properly by responding to both hand claps at about
three to four meter away and finger tap sound at very close range, since both are low frequency
sounds and produce the same pulse wave features. The resulting device is realizable, has good
reliability and it's relatively inexpensive. Assemble the circuit on a general-purpose PCB and enclose
it in a suitable box. This circuit is very useful in field of electronic circuits. By using some
modification it area of application can be extended in various fields. It can be used to raised alarm in
security system with a noise, and also used at the place where silence needed.