Professional Ethics
Professional Ethics
Professional Ethics
Profession – is an occupation that requires extensive
training and the study and mastery of a specialized
knowledge has:-
A professional associations.
Ethical code and
Process of certification and licensing.
Vocation – is an occupation that requires usually skills
and education program range from short units (ten
weeks or less) to long term program up to two years
Ethics – is the science of moral value. It is composed
of moral beliefs and rules about right and wrong.
The ethical principles are:
Autonomy (respect for persons).
Non- maleficence (avoiding harm).
Beneficence (doing good).
Justice (fairness).
Professional ethics – is the moral principle which
should guide members of the professions in their
dealings with:-
Each other
Their patients
The patrons
The state, etc…
Elements of profession
- An intellectual discipline and standard of
- A representative body of practitioners.
- Standard of conduct.
- Service and advice, in the interest of the
patient or client.
Is Pharmacy a profession?
- An intellectual discipline and standard of
A university degree and a practical training
- A representative body of practitioners
EPA (Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association)
- Standard of conduct
There are standard of conducts known throughout the
- Service and advice
Province service and advice in the interest of the patients
Rights and obligation of pharmacy personnel
professional responsibilities.
6. Be Honest And Trustworthy
Patients, colleagues and the public at large place
Drug dependence
The comprehensive use of psychoactive drugs, to that
A profession is identified by the willingness of
individual practitioners to comply with ethical &
professional standards.
The pharmacist continues to be the health
professional who is the expert on medicines.
Pharmacists are also given the responsibility to:
- help people to maintain good health.
- avoid ill health.
- promote the rational use of medicines and
- assist patients to acquire, and gain maximum
therapeutic benefit from their medicines.
Based on this background, the IPF recommends that:
To promote high standard of conduct and practice among
Pharmacy professionals
Moral principle
In their dealing with their job, patients,
the patients.
Not show partiality between his customers.
Social status
Batch number
Expiry date
Frequency of dosing
Duration of treatment
b. Instructing, educating and counseling patients
The Pharmacist should,
- Have appropriate knowledge and skills for
patient education and counseling.
- Adapt messages to fit patients.
- Give ample verbal and written information on
dispensed drugs.
- Conduct counseling or education in a conductive
environment/ avoid any physical barrier.
c. Premises
The pharmacist should maintain the premises
that fulfill the following.
- The external and internal appearances of the
- Only healthy, mentally and physically fit personnel should
be involved in compounding.
- Have procedures for compounding.
- Have working procedures for every technical operation,
cleaning (SOP).
- Label products properly.
Product identity.
Route of administration/application.
Instruction of use.
Beyond use date.
Name of the institution.
B, Manufacturing of drugs and medical supplies in
The Pharmacist should,
Right drug
Right indication
Right time
Right dose
Right duration
Right pt.
Right cost
Clinical pharmacy service at schools
Morning sessions
• Informative
– Provides information to a patient and allow patient to
consider information.
– Healthcare professional serves as information provider
• Deliberative
– The health care professional works with the patient to
come to a decision on a course of t/t.
– They weigh options together instead of only the
professional making the decision
Evolution of newer decision…cont’d
• Interpretive
– The healthcare professional helps the patient interpret
the information and is open to questions from the