New Gender and Youth For RDAE
New Gender and Youth For RDAE
New Gender and Youth For RDAE
Collage of Agriculture,
Department of RDAE
Gender and its difference from Sex
These two words are being used interchangeably, but they are
Gender and sex
Gender is :
not something we are born with and not something we have,
it is but something we do/something we perform.
Gender roles and expectations are learned.
It is not biologically predetermined nor is it fixed forever.
Gender Sex
shoulders of women
position in society.
SGN is a response to inequalities in decision-making positions
more productively. The key route through this could be achieved which
was equality of opportunity through education and training. A number of
committees within professional associations, new women′s groups and
others were formed.
They came together on important issues like equal pay for equal work,
In the 1980s, the World Bank's structural adjustment strategy forced WID
proponents to switch to showing how returns on investments could be raised
and balance of payments improved through investing in women.
WID policy approach has evolved from an earlier emphasis on women's role
as mothers to one that stresses the resource that women represent for
economic and social development, and the positive link between economic
participation and women's emancipation.
o Adopting a Marxist feminist approach, the main argument of WAD was
that women had always been part of the development processes.
o WAD asserts that women have always been important economic actors. The
work they do both inside and outside the household is critical to the
maintenance of society.
o The Women and Development (WAD) approach pointed out that women are
already integrated into the development process in an exploitative way.
o GAD also differs from WID because it looks at the work done by women at
home and investigates the family unit and then considers it to be invaluable
to a society that functions well.
And it seeks to ensure that both women and men participate
of new technology
3. Time related barrier
It is clear that women are more involved than men in routine, time-
extension activities.
4. Mobility related barrier
Women’s freedom to move inside and outside the community is
One of the reasons why extension services have had limited success
with women is that the:
extension packages aimed at improvement of rural area are often
not suitable for rural women.
extension packages have traditionally been developed
considering men farmers as the main target.
The growing recognition of the women’s role in agriculture and
Women feel free to speak in groups of women than they
if they are properly handled;
can act as a dynamic force in communities because they
generally have a positive attitude to change.
What could be done through youths?
Raising demonstration plots and showing to others
Keeping themselves aware with latest agricultural
Investing in youth:
Will yield long-standing returns for national and
global development.
Is an investment in human capital.
Will prevent many future problems such as school
drop-outs, childish delinquency /law breaking and
4.1. Concept of Empowerment
Women are an integral part of every economy
However, in most developing countries, women have a low
services; infrastructure,….etc
Programmes should be designed to benefit the poor, both
to ensure that men and women are not disadvantaged by development activities,
to enhance the sustainability and effectiveness of activities,
to identify priority areas for action to promote equality between women and
community and from households. It describes who does each activity, who has
access and control of resources and the influences on gender roles.
It is used to collect information from the community and households/micro-
It describes:-
6.1. Introduction
6.2 Qualifications for lay leaders
6.3 Methods of selecting lay leaders
6.4 Opinion Leadership
6.5 Theories of leadership
6.6 Style of leadership
What is leadership?
Leadership is the action of leading a group
Within an organisation, management and leadership can be used
periods of time
Staff like the trust they receive and respond with
The best leader is one who can use the correct leadership style
in different situations
Bureaucratic Leadership Style
Manages “by the book¨
Everything done according to procedure or policy
If not covered by the book, referred to the next level above
A police officer not a leader but enforces the rules
How you motivate your team as a manager will determine how well
and how quickly the given tasks are completed
What is motivation?
Qualifications for lay leader
o Must have a good reputation/status,
o Faithful in marriage
o Must be self-controlled
o Sensible, well-behaved
o Friendly to strangers
o Able to teach
o Must not be heavy drinkers
o Not troublemakers
o Must be kind and gentle
Methods of selecting lay leaders
Here are two ways to assess leaders’ fit.
Get to know them better.
Guide the team in organizing the work and work scheduling
remedial action
Evaluate performance and give feedback
4. Characteristics of a gender responsive leadership
A leadership can be gender responsive if there is change of
attitude towards incorporating gender concerns in policies, the
planning process, development of programmes and
development of organizational culture
Steps for Leadership development checklist
1. Determine the best leadership style for your organization
2. Identify current and potential leaders within the company
3. Identify leadership gaps
4. Develop succession plans for critical roles
5. Develop career planning goals for potential leaders
6. Develop a skills roadmap for future leaders
7. Develop retention/maintenance programs for current and
future leaders
Varying Leadership Style
Three factors that influence which leadership style to use.
Transformational Leadership:-
Creates and sustains a context that maximizes human
Commonly seen in large, bureaucratic organizations
Purposeful Leadership
Leader and the community share a common purpose to
develop or provide the drive, authority and
commitment to undertake projects
The End