CMS - PPTX 20241120 201200 0000
CMS - PPTX 20241120 201200 0000
CMS - PPTX 20241120 201200 0000
Convention on Migratory Species
• About:
• It is an intergovernmental treaty under the UNEP- popularly known as
Bonn Convention.
• It was signed in 1979 and in force since 1983.
• As of 2024 the CMS has 133 Parties.
• India is also a party to CMS since 1983.
• AIM :
• It aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migratory species throughout their
• It lays the legal foundation to conduct conservation measures on a global scale
• The legal instruments under CMS may range from legally binding Agreements to less
formal MoU
Convention on Migratory Species
• A species or lower taxon of wild animals of which the entire population or any
geographically separate part of the population cyclically and predictably
cross one or more national jurisdictional boundaries.
• ‘cyclically’ relates to a cycle of any nature.
• ‘predictably’ implies that a phenomenon can be anticipated to recur in
a given set of circumstances
• The two greatest threats to both CMS-listed and all migratory species are
overexploitation and habitat loss due to human activity.
• Three out of four CMS-listed species are impacted by habitat loss,
degradation and fragmentation, and seven out of ten CMS-listed species
are impacted by overexploitation.
• Climate change, pollution and invasive species are also having profound
impacts on migratory species.
• While some migratory species listed under CMS are improving, nearly half
(44 per cent) are showing population declines.
India’s Efforts for migratory Species(way forward)