Logical Opposition
Logical Opposition
Logical Opposition
• Contradictories:
– Corresponding A and O claims are contradictories.
– And corresponding I and E claims are contradictories.
• One true, the other false: For any two contradictory claims, one must be true
and the other false.
• Say the A-claim All monkeys are mammals is true. The square tells us:
At least one is false
Can both be false
Cannot both be true
Falsehood goes up
Falsehood goes up
• Thus the A proposition “All cats are mammals” and the O proposition
“Some cats are not mammals” are contradictories.
• They are opposed both in quality (one affirms and the other denies) and
quantity (one refers to all and the other to some)
• Thus the A proposition “All square are rectangles” and the E proposition
“No squares are rectangles” are contraries.
• They are opposed in quality (one affirms and the other denies) but the
same in quantity (one refers to all)
• Thus the I proposition “Some diamonds are precious stones” and the O
proposition “Some diamonds are not precious stones” are subcontraries.
• They are opposites in quality (one affirms and the other denies) but the
same in quantity
• When two propositions have the same subject and the same predicate
terms, and agree in quality (both affirming or denying) but differ in
quantity, they are called corresponding propositions.
• Conversion:
– Finding the converse: find the converse by simply switching the positions of the
subject and predicate term (of any standard form cat. claim).
• Example:
• Example the O proposition “Some animals are dogs” is plainly true; its
converse is the proposition, “some dogs are not animals”, is plainly false.
• Thus, an O proposition and its converse are not, in general, logically
• The A proposition also presents a problem here because its converse does
not follow from its convertend.
• So if we are given the A proposition that “All dogs are animals”, we first infer
that “some dogs are animals” by subalternation, and then from that subaltern
can validly infer by conversion that “some animals are dogs”.
• E: No S is P. E: No P is S.
• I: Some S is P. I: Some P is S.
• Only the converse and convertend of E and I propositions are “logically equivalent”.
• Example:
• No people who are considerate of others are reckless drivers who pay no attention to
traffic regulations.
• Converse: No reckless drivers who pay no attention to traffic regulations are people
who are considerate of others. Logically Equivalent.
Complementary terms
• A complementary term:
– refers to or picks out a complementary class of things.
– The word complement is used in two senses. In one sense, it is the complement of a
class, in the other it is the complement of a term.
– A sort of “double negative” rule is involved here to avoid strings of “non” prefixed to a
term. Thus, the complement of the term “voter” is “nonvoter”, but the complement of a
“nonvoter” should be written simply as “voter” rather than “nonnonvoter”.
– Likewise, the complement of the term “winner” is not “loser” but “nonwinner”
• Obversion: is retaining the quantity of the original proposition or
obvertend is unchanged without affecting its quantity. It is a method of
showing logical equivalence by changing the quality of the copula so
that the affirmative is rendered negative and the negative is rendered
affirmative. The original proposition is called obvertend, while the
resulting re-statement is called the obverse.
• A: All S is P. E: No S is non-P.
• E: No S is P. A: All S is non-P.
• I: Some S is P. O: Some S is not non-P.
• O: Some S is not P. I: Some S is non-P.
Valid Obversion
• Examples:
• A-Proposition
• All men are mortal.
• Therefore, no men are non-mortal.
• E- Proposition
• No men are mortal.
• Therefore, all men are non-mortal.
• I- Proposition
• Some men are mortal.
• Therefore, some men are not non-mortal.
• O-Proposition
• Some men are not mortal.
• Therefore, some men are non-mortal.
– 2) Replacing its subject term with the class of its complement, and
• Examples:
Double negative
Valid Contraposition
• Contraposition is a valid form of immediate inference in the A and O
propositions because both their contrapositives are logically equivalent.
All journalists are reporters.
Therefore, all non-reporters are non-journalists.
1. The middle term may be the subject term of the major premise and
the predicate term of the minor premise or
2. The middle term may be the predicate term of both premises or
3. The middle term may be the subject term of both premises or
4. The middle term may be the predicate term of the major premise
and the subject term of the minor premise.
First Figure (the Middle Term is the subject of the major premise and the predicate of the
minor premise)
1.AAA-1 Barbara
2.EAE-1 Celarent
3.AII-1 Darii
4.EIO- Ferio
Second Figure (the Middle term is the predicate of both premises)
1.AEE-2 Camestres
2.EAE-2 Cesare
3.AOO-2 Baroko
4.EIO-2 Festino
RULE 1 A valid categorical syllogism will have only three and only three unambiguous
categorical terms. The mistake committed against this rule is equivocation and thereby
commits the fallacy of four terms. Thus, it is important that words should be specifically
defined in the arguments.
RULE 2 In a valid categorical syllogism the middle term must be distributed in at least
one of the premises. It means the middle term (M) must be universal at least once,
meaning, one of the major and minor premises must necessarily be universal, if not both
of them. The middle term is what connects the major and the minor term. If the middle
term is undistributed (particular) in both premises, there will arise the fallacy of the
undistributed middle.
RULE 2.1 In a valid categorical syllogism, there must not be two particular premises,
one premise must at least be universal.
Example 1 Some priests are holy.
Some nuns are holy.
Therefore, some nuns are priests.
Both the major and minor premises in the example are undistributed. As a result, the
middle term is never distributed, therefore the syllogism is invalid.
RULE 2.2 If one premise is particular, the conclusion must be particular. What is true of
a particular class is not necessarily true of the whole class. Thus the statement: “what is
true to one is not true to all”.
Example All men are philanderers.
Some pilots are men.
Therefore, all pilots are philanderers.
RULE 4 A valid categorical syllogism may not have two negative premises. The purpose
of the middle term in an argument is to tie the major and minor terms together in such a
way that an inference can be drawn, but negative propositions state that the said terms
are exclusive of each other. Hence, if premises are both negative, then the relationship
between S and P are denied. This mistake is called the fallacy of exclusive premises.
Example 1 No fish are animals.
But some dogs are not fish;
Therefore, some dogs are not animals.
RULE 6 In a valid categorical syllogism no particular conclusion may be drawn from two
universal premises. The reasoning behind this fallacy becomes clear when you use
whole classes, only to state in the conclusion that only some members belong to the
whole class -- which is wrong. This mistake is called fallacy of existential fallacy.
Example 1 All forest creatures live in the woods.
All leprechauns are forest creatures.
Therefore, some leprechauns live in the woods.
Identify the rule that is broken by any of the following syllogisms. (Note: First
identify its conclusion, second, note its middle term, and third, identify the major and minor
1.Allopponents of basic economic and political changes are outspoken critics of the liberal
leaders of Congress, and all right –wing extremists are opponents of basic economic and political
changes. It follows that all outspoken critics of the liberal leaders of Congress are right-wing
people who live in London are people who drink tea, and all people who drink tea are people
who like it. We may conclude then, that all people who live in London are people who like it.
Arguments occur regularly. However, some premises or arguments are not stated explicitly. In
some cases, the premises are left to the open interpretation or understanding of the recipient of
the argument. An argument that is stated incompletely, part being “understood” or only “in the
mind,” is called an enthymeme. An incompletely stated argument is characterized as being
enthymematic (Copi et al, 2016).
Came from the Greek word EN-THYMOS- which literally means a missing premise or conclusion.
In Thought
Thus, one may come up with the conclusion that “Peter is celibate” by mentioning only one
premise, “Peter is a priest.”
Obviously, the argument is not complete but the missing premise is easily supplied by one’s
knowledge of the vocation of priesthood. If it were stated in full, the argument will be stated as
All priests are celibate.
Peter is a priest.
Peter is celibate.
In the above example the major premise was not explicitly stated but it
was assumed that readers/ audiences already know or accepted this
Thus, if the argument was to be stated completely it would appear this
Hurting innocent people is wrong.
Drunk driving hurts innocent people.
Therefore, drunk driving is wrong.
Example 2
That team has won the coin toss for the last three games.
So, they are definitely going to lose the coin toss tonight.
In the above example the major premise was not explicitly stated in the
argument but readers/ audiences already assume that the conclusion is
supported by an implied or assumed premise.
Thus, if the argument was to be stated completely it would appear this way:
Teams that win coin toss games three in a row always lose on the next
That team has won the coin toss for the last three games.
So, they are definitely going to lose the coin toss tonight.
After completing the argument it is necessary to evaluate its validity.
In the above example the minor premise was not explicitly stated in the
argument but readers/ audiences already assume that the conclusion is
supported by an implied or assumed premise.
Thus, if the argument was to be stated completely it would appear this
Abortion of babies is murder.
See this adorable, laughing baby?
This is the baby you murder when you have an abortion.
Again, the minor premise was not explicitly stated in the argument but
readers/ audiences already assume that the conclusion is supported by
an implied or assumed premise.
Thus, if the argument was to be stated completely it would appear this
Ferdinand is a soldier.
Soldiers are brave.
Therefore, Ferdinand is brave.
Again, the minor premise was not explicitly stated in the argument but
readers/ audiences assume that there is a premise that supports the
Thus, if the argument was to be stated completely it would appear this way:
Surveys have shown that students who are heavy smokers consistently
perform poorly in class.
The students who are performing poorly in my class are smokers.
So the conclusion is inevitable that heavy smoking has negatively impacted
the performance of my students in class.
Here the conclusion was not explicitly stated in the argument but it is
already implied to conclude that Lorenzo Ruiz is holy due to the build up
of the previous premises on this fact.
Thus, if the argument was to be stated completely it would appear this
Saints are holy people.
Lorenzo Luis is a saint.
Therefore Lorenzo Ruiz is holy.
1. Mr. Romanov is a gypsy. You can forget about asking for his
mailing address.
2. Benjamin is in the beerhouse. People drink beer in the
Find out the enthymemes of the following arguments and arrange them in
the Standard Categorical Syllogism Form.
1.Younever lose respect for a man who is a vicious competitor, and you
never hate a man you respect.
2. No enthymemes are complete, so this argument is incomplete.
3.Productivity is desirable because it betters the condition of the vast
majority of the people.
4.No internal combustion engines are free from pollution; but no internal
combustion engine is completely efficient.
5.A nation without a conscience is a nation without a soul. A nation without
a soul is a nation that cannot live.
All diplomats are tactful.
Some government officials are diplomats.
All government officials are people in public life.
“But if there be no resurrection from the dead, then is Christ not risen: and if
Christ be not risen, then is our teaching vain, and if our preaching is vain, your
faith is also vain" (I Cor. 15:12-14)”
1. Christ was dead / The dead never rise / Therefore Christ did not rise; 2.
That Christ did rise is not true / We preach that Christ is risen / Therefore we
preach what is not true. 3. Preaching what is not true is preaching in vain / We
preach what is not true / Therefore we preach in vain. 4. Our preaching is vain /
Your faith comes from our preaching / Therefore your faith is vain.
To solve Sorites is to put them into standard form sorites.
To put the sorites into standard form, the premises must be rearranged. To do this, find the
premise that contains the predicate of the conclusion and write it first. Then find the premise
that contains the other term in the first premise and write it second. Continue this way until all
premises are listed:
No B are D
All D are C
No B are C
All A are B No A are D
Some E are A
Some E are not D.