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PC Varieties of The English Language

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Adopt cultural and intercultural

awareness and sensitivity in
communication of ideas.
The English language may be used
in two levels:

• according to structure:
standard or non-standard

• according to use:
formal or informal

• according to use:
formal or informal
Formal English

It refers to expressions that are correct and acceptable.

It used in academic writing, mostly in writing than in

speaking. It is a language of government, of most
businesses, of science and legal documents, and is used
by schools, universities and organizations.

It does not use contractions and casual, conversational or

colloquial terms.
Formal English

It refers to expressions that are correct and acceptable.

It used in academic writing, mostly in writing than in

speaking. It is a language of government, of most
businesses, of science and legal documents, and is used
by schools, universities and organizations.

It does not use contractions and casual, conversational or

colloquial terms.
Informal English

It is used in almost all ordinary conversations.

It may be used in writing or in speaking. Friendly letters,

personal essays, and feature articles, advertisements on
television, and newspapers use this language.

It includes contractions and conversational or colloquial

language. The standard informal English is used more in
speaking than in writing.

Informal Formal

It didn’t It did not

They’ve They have
ere before
‘em them
we’ll we will
you’re you sre
he’s he is / he has
You’re = You are

Hence, we say “you’re welcome” NOT “your welcome.”

We’ll = We will

Thus, we say “We’ll go there” NOT “Will go there.”

Personal Pronouns

Informal/ Formal
I think this is an eff ective This could be an
plan. eff ective plan.

You poured the chemicals

in the test tube. The chemicals were
poured in the test tube.
Impersonal/imprecise words

Vague/imprecise Formal

lots of many

nice excellent, pleasant

big large

things/ stuff reasons/problems

like such as

• according to structure:
standard or non-standard

Non-standard English refers to the expressions used by

the careless and unschooled users of the language.

English is considered non-standard when it does not

follow the rules of standard English.

Two kinds of non-standard English are dialect and slang.

SL ANG is composed of SL ANG
expressions that often
embody attitudes and
cultures of group members.

It makes language colorful.

Slang is not acceptable or

used in formal situations.

Dialect is an ex pres sion th at is res tri cted to a spec ifi c

geograph ic al loc ation or a s oc ial or eth ni c grou p.

It is cons idered n on -s tan dard as it diff ers from the

s tandard En glish of edu c ated s peakers.

It makes us ed of w ords, pronu n c iation an d s en ten c e

s tructures not us ed in s tan dard En glis h.

T his form develops w h en people live in is olati on. As a

result, th eir dial ec t varies from the Standard En glis h .
Cebu Other Places

Maayo’ng Buntag! Maajung Buntag!

Wala Waya

Sala Sa

Imuha Imuhon
(To whoever gets to understand
this letter, CONGRATULATIONS!)

The following is a letter found at a

certain bar in Manila and have
been preserved to its original
unedited form. Enjoy reading and
you may try to direct translation in
Tagalog, Pls. read with feelings……
October 1996,
To Marjorie

I am not surprise or wander why Dennis leave you why?

What reason can you think about but you’re very fat
body. I thought before that Dennis only use me to his toy
but sooner and later I’m realize that he really can’t not
beared or stomached to be with you anymore because at
first, Dennis say he could not stand you’re habit of
making pakialam all his walks (lakad) and always calling
to their house what he got home or this or that.

And then he say he get ashame to me either in

school or in his family and then asking you to
exercise you’re very very, very fat body. But you
hate it. Thought you’re the most preetiest girls he
knows about. What do you think you are “ Beautiful
Girl” of Jose Mari Chan?

Even you are beautiful face ( to your think) you do not have the right to
called me whatsoever or else difference name one time or the other for
the real purposed to insults my personality because I’m never call you
names either in the front of Dennis or in the backs of Dennis, but if you
start already to calling me different name, I don’t have any other
choice but to call you other different name to. Like you are a PIG, FAT,
OBESSED, OVERWIGHT, AND UGLY SHAPE girl. Shame to you’re body
that is to a BUDING.

You can’t not blame Dennis for exchanging you to me because I am the
more sexier that you when you look to us in the mirror. I’m repeat
again that you are like Lozada when she is a girl.

The sexiest Girl of D.M.


You say that I’m the bad breathe but who is Dennis want to kissed. Me
or you? And the final is me. There you go
Your tasked is to improve the letter using formal English.

• Type-written using letter-size (short) paper

• Font style: Arial
• Font style: 12
• Spacing: Single

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