National Criminology Conference, A Re-Echo

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APRIL 29-30, 2022
The Conference focuses on:
 The new subject area titles and its new component courses
per area;
 The new Table of Specifications (TOS) which shall be aligned
on the latest program standards and guidelines which is
CMO No.5, s. 2018;
 The new TOS will also be pursuant to the requirements of
RA No. 10968 of “The Philippine Qualifications Framework
Act of 2018;
 The new rating system pursuant to Section 16 of RA 11131
of the “Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018
1. Basis for the licensure examinations to ensure identification of program
outcomes and competencies, content, weight and proper distribution of
items, and the cognitive process/thinking skills to be assessed
2. Main basis for the award of professional qualifications by PRC.
3. Justification for inclusion of professional qualifications in the PhQuaR (Phil
Qualification Register)
4. Guidance in the formulation of questions based on the levels of thinking
skills in the Bloom’s Taxonomy.
5. Since the TOS is disseminated to the HEIs, it guides the faculty and students
on the focus of their preparation for the licensure exams.
1.The TOS serves as the main blueprint and guide in the
formulation of examination questions
2.It ensures that examinations have content validity;
must measure what must be learned
3.The skills and abilities (outcomes and competencies) to
be tested are identified
4.Proper sampling of content and distribution of items
must be ascertained and trivial items are avoided
5.Validity of decisions on who passes / fails is ensured
1. Let us keep the TOS simple, easy to use and easy to comply with.
Do not make it complicated.
2. Ensure that all examiners understand and know how to properly
utilize the original (one dimension) and revised Bloom’s
Taxonomy (two dimensions)
3. When formulating questions, always have your TOS in front of
you. Keep track of how many questions you will need to
formulate according to the distribution and classification.
4. Formulate more questions than what is needed so that you have
reserve questions in case some are rejected during the peer
review and editing.
5. During peer review, the TOS should be available to check and
Meaning of BLOOM’S Cognitive Domain

1. Remembering - re-visiting knowledge from long term memory

2. Understanding - constructing meaning from instructional message,

including oral, written and graphical representation

3. Application – a procedure for a familiar task

4. Analyze – breaking material into constituent parts and determine how the
parts relate to each other and to the overall structure or purpose.

5. Evaluate – making judgements based on criteria or standard.

6. Create – putting elements together to put a coherent or functional whole,

re-organizing elements into a new pattern or construct.
Rules on the Test Construction for
Licensure Examination


Senior Test Consultant
Two General Classifications of
a multiple choice test

First is the statement form.

The thickening and narrowing of the entries of the heart is known
A. H-fever C. coronary artery disease
B. high blood pressure D. congenital

Second is the question form.

Which habit does NOT help in the normal functioning of the heart?
A. Cigarette Smoking C. Balanced dieting
B. Ballroom dancing D. Playing and exercising
Include as much of the item as possible in the stem and keep
options as short as possible.

Audit evidence is more reliable when it is obtained from ______.
A. independent sources C. confidential sources
B. internal sources D. testimonial sources

Auditing evidence is more reliable when it is obtained from
______ sources.
A. independent C. confidential
B. internal D. testimonial
Use the negative only sparingly and when significant learning
outcomes are required at an item, Highlight the negative, and
other terms that you want to emphasize.

Which is NOT a practice of accountancy?

A. Serving as audit examiner for the Commission on Audit

B. Working as the Dean of a college that grants a degree of B.S.


C. Being appointed as the marketing manager of a business enterprise

D. Providing assurance services to more than one client and on a fee

If the stem is in a statement form, put a blank at the end and a
period. All the options should begin with small letters.

Poor: The main purpose of the audit management letter.

A. confirm the terms of the engagement
B. clearly delineate management’ s responsibility for the conduct of the
C. indicate the likely opinion to be issued
D. avoid litigation

The main purpose of the audit management letter is to _______.
A. confirm the terms of the engagement
B. clearly delineate management’ s responsibility for the conduct of the
C. indicate the likely opinion to be issued
D. avoid litigation
If the stem is in question form all the options should begin
with capital letter.

Be sure the options are plausible/believable/acceptable to the

examinees. Determine first the key or the correct answer.
The distractors shall be of similar class or level as the key.

Which types of procedures will aid the auditor in obtaining

evidence regarding the mathematical accuracy of accounting
records and other information?

A. Inspection C. Recalculation
B. Confirmation D. Inquiry
The option “none of these” and “all of these” should not be used.
Which procedure ordinarily should be applied when an independent auditor
conducts a review of interim financial information of an entity?
A. Perform cut-off tests for cash receipts and disbursements
B. Inspect the open purchase folder file
C. Verify changes in the key account balances
D. None of these

The relative length of the alternatives should not provide a clue to the
The type of misstatement that is MOST difficult to detect is fraud based on
A. related-party transactions
B. over recording of transactions
C. transactions not recorded in the books of accounts
D. transactions of subsidiaries and affiliates

Improved: Change C to transactions not recorded

The stem and the options should always be on the same

A test item must not be a clue to another test item

Recalculation aids the auditor in obtaining evidence regarding
the mathematical accuracy of ________.
A. accounting records
B. income tax
C. auditors’ report
D. business permit
Correct grammar, tenses and punctuation marks must be
observed through out.

Poor: Which is NOT to be invited to speak on in-service

trainings conducted for the staff of an auditing firm?
A. Potential clients
B. Professional accountants
C. Regulatory authorities
D. Staff of the firm

Improved: Change which to who

The blank should be towards the end or at the

end of a test item.
Orientation and Updates on Inspection and
Monitoring of HEI Offering Criminology

refers to a process of evaluating the compliance of

educational institutions or establishments with the
pertinent professional regulatory law which is
undertaken physically or virtually or blended (both
physically and virtually) by the Boards and PRC

refers to a process of appraising whether the inspected

educational institutions or establishments are
consistently complying with the applicable professional
regulatory law which is carried out through follow-
through inspection and/or evaluation of submitted
compliance documents;
SEC. 9 (b) OF RA NO. 8981

 The Professional Regulatory Boards (Boards) shall have the power to

monitor the conditions affecting the practice of the profession or
occupation under their respective jurisdictions and whenever necessary,
adopt such measures as may be deemed proper for the enhancement of
the profession or occupation and/or the maintenance of high professional,
ethical and technical standards, and for this purpose, the members of the
Board duly authorized by the Commission with deputized employees of
the Commission, may conduct ocular inspection in industrial, mechanical,
electrical or chemical plants or establishments, hospitals, clinics,
laboratories, testing facilities, mines and quarries, other engineering
facilities and in the case of schools, in coordination with the Commission
on Higher Education (CHED)
Notice to Educational Institution or Establishment Prior to
Inspection and Monitoring

 The Accreditation and Compliance Division (ACD) of the

Commission shall prepare the Notice of Inspection and Monitoring
(NIM), including the Inspection and Monitoring Work Program and
Report (IMWPR), for consideration and approval of the Board at
least forty-five (45) working days prior to the scheduled inspection
and monitoring.
 The ACD shall send the signed NIM, IMWPR, Verification, and
Inspection and Monitoring Administrative Tool (IMAT) to the RO
having jurisdiction over the educational institutions or
establishments to be inspected through electronic mail within three
(3) days from receipt thereof.
Options on the Conduct of Inspection
and Monitoring
 Physical – both the Board and PRC Representative
are physically present at the site
 Virtual – off-site inspection or monitoring is conducted
using a virtual platform by both the Board and PRC
 Blended Physical and Virtual – PRC Representative
is physically present at the site of inspection or
monitoring while the Board is off-site and participates
through virtual platform.

1. Examination of the professionals’ credentials

2. Observation of the conditions affecting the practice of
the Criminology profession including inspection of facilities
3. Checking of compliance of establishment with
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements of PRC
and CHED for HEIs (e.g. SEC, DOH, DTI, DICT, etc.)
4. Checking of compliance with the Code of Ethics
5. (Others, if any)
Interruption/Disruption in the
Course of Virtual Inspection.
 In cases where, during the conduct of virtual or
blended inspection and monitoring, internet
connectivity is lost and/or not regained after several
attempts, the activity is deemed adjourned. A
subsequent notice shall be sent to the educational
institution or establishment for the rescheduling of

 The Board shall take note of the

deficiencies/ violations during the
conduct of inspection to be indicated in
Part J of the IMWPR. The PRC
Representative may assist the PRB in
encoding the findings.
Exit Conference

 The Inspection and Monitoring Team shall present to and discuss with the person-
in-charge its findings and recommendations, including monitoring and compliance
 The Team shall request the person-in-charge to conform to the findings and
recommendations or note his/her refusal to acknowledge receipt of the report. The
educational institution or establishment shall be furnished with a copy of the duly
signed findings or recommendations immediately upon signing of the Inspection
and Monitoring Team or within three (3) working days after the conduct of
inspection through electronic mail.
 If the establishment is found to be compliant, the Board shall recommend the
issuance of a COC as reflected in the IMWPR. The COC shall be prepared by the
ACD within three (3) working days upon receipt of the recommendation of the
 The COC shall be indorsed to the Board and Commission Chairperson for
 The ACD shall transmit the duly signed COC to the concerned RO which shall then
issue the COC to the educational institution or establishment within three (3)
working days from receipt thereof.
 Validity of the Certificate of Compliance. The COC shall be valid for a period of
three (3) years, subject to monitoring.

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