Intro To Law ADIONG J.
Intro To Law ADIONG J.
Intro To Law ADIONG J.
That it alters the situation for the accused party to his disadvantage (
3 Cooley’s Const. Law, 8th Edition, 542)
1. Criminal Legislation which affect the substantial right of the accused. ( To-
lentino v. Angeles, 99 Phil. 309, 318)
2. Criminal procedural law prejudicial to the accused.
Bills of Attainder
1) They are conviction and sentences pronounced by the legislative department, instead of the
judicial department;
2) The sentence pronounced and punishement inflicted are determined by no previous law or
fixed rule; and
3) The investigation into the guilt of the accused, if any such were made, was not necessary or
generally conducted in his presence or that of his counsel, and no recognized rule of evi-
dence governed the enquiry.
1. Police Power
It is an inherent power of the state that enables it to forcibly acquire private property, which is in-
tended for public use, upon the payment of just compensation to the owner
3. Power of Taxation
It is the inherent power of the State to raise revenues to defray the expenses of government or for
any public purposes
CODE : I - I – E- L
I – Interference (They are the three methods by which the State inter-
feres with private right)
I – Inherent (They are inherent in the State and they may be exercised
by the State without the need if express constitutional grant)
In Police Power
In Police Power police power involves destruction and con-
The compensation of the person subjected
fiscation of property which are noxious.
to police power is the intangible altruistic feeling
that he has contributed to the general welfare.
In Eminent Domain and Taxation
In Eminent Domain and Taxation the property is taken for public use,
There is full and just compensation or the prop-
erty taken.
In Taxation
There is corresponding protection and public
improvement for the taxes paid.
Q - What is impeachment?
A - It is a method of national inquest into the conduct of public
men. It is also referred to as an extraordinary process of
removal exercised by the legislature over a selected member of
Q - Who are the impeachable officials under the 1987
A - 1.President
3.Members of Supreme Court
4.Members of Constitutional Commissions. (Sec. 2, Art. II,
1987 Constitution)
Q- What are the grounds for impeachment?
A - It is a crime committed by any person who, owing allegiance to the sovernment of the
Philippines, levies war against it of adheres to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
(Art. 114 RPC)
Q - What is bribery?
A - It is a crime committed by any public officer who shall agree to perform an act, whether
or not constituting a crime, or refrain from doing an act which he is officially required
to do in connection with the performance of his official duties, in consideration of any
offer, promise, gift or present received by him personally or through the mediation of
another, or who shall accept gifts offered to him by reason of his office.
(Arts. 210-211, ibid.)
Q - What are other high crimes?
A - They are to those offenses which "like treason and bribery, are of so serious and
enormous a nature as to affect the very life or the orderly workings of the government“
A -.They are enumerated in the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, which was in force
at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. Section 8, R.A. No. 3019, as amended.
Q- What is betrayal of public trust?
1. The House of Representative shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of
impeachment by a vote of 1/3 of its members.
2. The Senate has the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment case
and "no person shall be convicted the Senate.“
A - Section 3(2), Article XI, states that "a verifed complainant for impeachment may
be filed by (a) any Member of the House of Representatives or (b) by any citizen
upon a resolution of endorsement by any Member thereof."
Q - Can an impeachment proceeding be initiated against the
same official more than once within a period of one year?
A - No. Section 3(6) provides that "No impeachment proceedings shall be initiated
against the same official more than once within a period of one year." This is in-
tended to prevent impeachment from being instrument of mere harassment.
Q- Who has the sole power to try and decide all cases of
A - Section 3(6), Article XI of the 1987 Constitution provides as The Senate shall
have the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment.
Q - What is the nature of the impeachment proceeding?
A - The rules of the present Senate. The Rules of Court shall supplement the Rules
of the Senate whenever it is practicable.
Q - What is needed in order to convict the person subject of im-