Pharmacy Act 1948 and New Amendments.........
Pharmacy Act 1948 and New Amendments.........
Pharmacy Act 1948 and New Amendments.........
new amendments
• In India there was no restriction to practice the profession of
• One could practice this profession as any other profession.
• Central register:
Register of pharmacists maintained by Central council
• The central council (P.C.I) is constituted by the Central
• First central council was constituted in 1949. It is reconstituted
every five years.
• It consists of three different types of members:
1. Elected member
2. Nominated member
3. Ex-officio member
Elected members:
• Six members, elected by the University Grant
commission (U.G.C).
• There is at least one teacher of each of the
pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacy, and
pharmacognosy and pharmacology.
• One member , elected by Medical Council of India.
They include,
• Minimum qualification for registration as a Pharmacist.
• Minimum qualification for admission to Diploma in Pharmacy.
• Duration of training and course of study to be covered.
• Condition to be fulfilled by the academic Institution and by the
Examining Authority.
• Nature and period of practical training .
• The subjects of examination and minimum standard of passing.
• Condition to be fulfilled by the institution to be recognized for giving
practical training.
• Practical training contract form for Pharmacist
B) To regulate the Education Regulation in the states.
C) Approval of the Institutions providing course and
examination for the pharmacists. Procedure:
i) Institution has to apply to P.C.I/A.I.C.T.E.
ii) P.C.I/A.I.C.T.E. deputes its inspector to visit the institution.
iii) Inspector then reports to council on which if council is
satisfied , it approves the course of examination.
• Classification
Provincial pharmacy council
• Nominated member
• Ex-officio member.
A . Elected member:
2. Nominated member
3. Ex-officio member.
A. Elected member :
B . Nominated member:
From the registered pharmacists of the first register constitution of State council take
If registrar found that applicant has requisite qualification, he may direct his/her name to
be entered in register.
If application has been rejected by registrar , he/she may appeal to state council
1) After the preparation of first register and before E.R. take effect.
3) Special provisions.
1. After the preparation of First register and before Educational
Regulation. take effect
a) Satisfies the conditions prescribed by the Central Council OR
b) A registered pharmacist in another State. OR
c) Possesses a qualification for registration granted outside the states and are
at least matriculates.
1.Falsely claiming to be a registered 1. (a) Fine up to Rs. 500.00 on first
pharmacist conviction.
(b) Fine up to Rs. 1000.00 and/or 6
months imprisonment of any
subsequent conviction.