Growth and Decay Finshed
Growth and Decay Finshed
Growth and Decay Finshed
5 1.15 5.75 m
f) n years after 1970
b) 1972
5 1.15n
5 1.152 6.6125 m
y 5(1.15x )
Exponential growth - models
The population of the land of
Messypotmania has been growing steadily Find a model in the form Pn P0an for each
at a rate of 15% per annum since 1970. In of the following.
1970 it’s population was 5 million.
Calculate the population of Messypotmania: 1. At time 0 there are 20mg bacteria present
in a petri dish. The bacteria are growing at a
In n years the population will be 5 1.15n rate of 5% per hour.
Vn 30000 0.8
Exponential decay
When the car is valued at less than $5000 it is to be sold off. In which year will the car
be sold off?
y 30000 0.8
8 years
The natural exponent - e
The following is a problem about compound What if the interest is paid twice a year?
interest that Jacob Bernoulli investigated in Your interest remains 100% p.a.
the 17th century.
1 1.5 $2.25
1 1.25 $2.44
Jacob Bernoulli 8
1 1.125 $2.57
$1 is invested in a bank which gives 100%
interest per annum paid annually. Can you produce a model and graph this for
Calculate the amount of money you have at n payments a year?
the end of one year.
$2 M 1
The natural exponent - e
y 1
The exponent that Bernoulli discovered was one of the most beautiful constants that occurs
in mathematics and nature. The curve is heading towards e. e is an irrational number but it
tends towards 2.718281828.
e has lots of applications in mathematics but one use is within modeling exponential growth
and decay.
e for growth
The mass of bacteria in a petri dish is growing c) Calculate how many hours it took for the
exponentially and is modelled by the function, bacteria reach a mass of 20000.
f (Mt ) 10e1.05t 20, where t is the time in
Draw a graph of y 10e(1.05x) 20.
hours after the start of the experiment.
f (M0 ) 30
b) Find the mass of bacteria 8 hours after the Draw a line at y=20000 and find the x value.
start of the experiment.
f (M8 ) 10e(1.058) 20
7.2 hours
f (M8 ) 44491
Natural decay with e
Newton's Law of Cooling is a model used to a) Write down the model to be used.
evaluate natural objects cooling in a given
environment. The model is,
Tt 20 T0 20 e 0.3t
Tt I T0 I e at
b) Find the temperature of the body after
one hour.
Tt The temperature after t units.
I=Room temperature.
Tt 20 37 20 e 0.3
T0 Initial temperature.
T1 32.6 C
e =multiplying factor
c) The body has a temperature 24 degrees
One of the applications of Newton’s law of Celsius. How many hours have passed since
Cooling is to find the time of death of a death?
dead body.
Tt 20 17 e 0.3t
A body is found at a room temperature of
20 degrees Celsius. Body temperature is Draw a graph of y 20 17e 0.3t and y 24.
normally 37 degrees Celsius. In this model Find the value of x at the intersection.
a=0.3 and t represents hours after death.
t 4.82 hours
1. A model to show the rat population in a 2. A carbon particle is decaying exponentially.
science experiment t months after the start The model for the decay t days after the start
is given by P 500e0.8t . is given by C 30e 0.05t 10, where C is the
a) Find the initial rat population. mass of the particle.
See solution
See solution
Worked answers
1. A model to show the rat population in a c) The rats must be culled when the population
science experiment t months after the start reaches 40000.
is given by P 500e0.8t . After how many months will the cull take place.
a) Find the initial rat population. Draw a graph of y 500e0.8x on your GDC.
Substitute t 0 Ensure you have the correct window.
P0 500e0.80
Draw y 4000 and find the intersect.
P0 500
Substitute t 0
C0 30e 0.050 10
C0 40
b) Find the mass of the carbon particle 10 Draw y 20 and find the intersect.
days after the start of the decay.
Substitute t 10
C0 30e 0.0510 10