Different Classification of Assessment

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Lesson 3

At the end of the lesson, the student can;
• Identify different types of assessment,
• Understand the purpose of each assessment; and
• Analyze characteristics of assessment types.
Teacher-made and Standard
Teacher-made Test
Teacher-made tests are normally prepared and
administered for testing classroom achievement of students,
evaluating the method of teaching adopted by the teacher and
other curricular programmes of the school. Teacher-made test is
one of the most valuable instruments in the hands of the teacher
to solve his purpose.
Features of Teacher-Made Tests
1. The items of the tests are arranged in order of difficulty.
2. These are prepared by the teachers which can be used for prognosis and diagnosis purposes.
3. The test covers the whole content area and includes a large number of items.
4. The preparation of the items conforms to the blueprint.
5. Test construction is not a single man’s business, rather it is co-operative endeavour.
6. A teacher-made test does not cover all the steps of a standardized test.
7. Teacher-made test may also be employed as a tool for formative evaluation.
8. Preparation and administration of these tests are economical.
9. The test is developed by the teacher to ascertain the student’s achievement and proficiency in
a given subject.
10. Teacher-made tests are least used for research purpose.
11. They do not have norms whereas providing norms is quite essential for standardised tests.
Uses of Teacher-Made Tests
1. To help a teacher to know whether the class in normal, average, above average or below
2. To help him in formulating new strategies for teacher and learning.
3. A teacher-made test may be used as a full fledged achievement test which covers the entire
course of a subject.
4. To measure students’ academic achievement in a given course.
5. To assess how far specified instructional objectives have been achieved.
6. To know the efficacy of learning experiences.
7. To diagnose students learning difficulties and to suggest necessary remedial measures.
8. To certify, classify or grade the students on the basis of resulting scores.
9. Skillfully prepared teacher –made test can serve the purpose and counselling.
10. Teacher-made tests can help a teacher to render guidance and
11. Good Teacher-made tests can be exchanged among neighbouring
12. These tests can be used as a tool for formative, disgnostic and
summative evaluation.
13. To assess pupil’s growth in different areas.
Standardized Test

A standardized test is a test that is given to students in a

very consistent manner. It means that the questions on the test
are all the same, the time given to each student also the same,
and the way in which test is scored is the same for all students.
The purpose of standardized tests is to compare the
performance of one individual with another, an individual against
a group , or one group with another group.
Common standardized tests
• Standardized K-12 Exams
• ISEE: Independent School Entrance Examination
• SSAT: Secondary School Admission Test
• HSPT: High School Placement Test
• SHSAT: Specialized High School Admissions Test
• COOP: Cooperative Admissions Examination Program
• PSAT: Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test
• GED: General Education Test
• HiSET: High School Equivalecy Test
• ACT: American College Test
• SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test
Achievement Test

An achievement test is designed to measure a person’s level

of skill, accomplishment, or knowledge in a specific area. The
achievement tests that most people are familiar with are the
standard exams taken by every student in school.
Aptitude Test

An aptitude test is designed to assess what a person is

capable of doing or to predict what a person is able to learn or do
given the right education and instruction. It presents a person’s
level of competency to perform a certain type of task.
Speed Test versus Power Test

Speed tests consist of easy items that need to be

completed within a time limit. Most group test of mental ability
and achievement are administered with time limits.

Power test usually refers to a measurement tool composed

of several items and applied without a relevant time limit.

• In this lesson, we did identify and distinguish from each other

the different classification of assessment. We learned when to
use educational and psychological assessment, or paper-and-
pencil and performance-based assessment. Also, we were able
to differentiate teacher-made and standardized test,
achievement and aptitude test, as well as, speed and power

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