Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Free goods have zero opportunity cost since consumption is not limited by scarcity.
Free goods have no prices and no factors of production are required to produce
them. Example : air
Public goods
Public good has two characteristics :
- Non-excludable : once the good has been provided for one
consumer, it is impossible to stop anyone else from benefiting
from the good.
- Non-Rival : the benefit to those already consuming the
product must not be reduced.
Quasi-public goods: public goods that do not meet both of the
characteristics in full. Example : toll road, beach.
Problem caused by public good : The market may not produce
them, free rider problem, scarce resources are not used in a
way that would be desirable.
Merit and demerit goods
A merit good is a good that is thought to be desirable but which is underprovided by the market.
For example : education, healthcare
A demerit good is any product that is thought to be undesirable and which is overprovided by the
market. For example : junk food
Information failure is when the customer do not recognise how good or bad a particular produt is
for them
Besides information failure, a further reason for the undercconsumption of merid goods is low