Chapter 1 CB PPT Slides (Fall-2024) MKHN
Chapter 1 CB PPT Slides (Fall-2024) MKHN
Chapter 1 CB PPT Slides (Fall-2024) MKHN
1.Pre-Purchase Stage
What the consumer does before making a purchase.
( activity takes place intensity of need, time frame, first
time or repeat purchase)
Consumer behavior
– The study of how individuals, groups, and
organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of
goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy
their needs and wants.
Scope of Consumer Behaviour Field
What are the products people buy?
Why they buy them?
How they buy them?
When they buy them?
Where they buy them?
How often they buy them?
How is the decision process of the consumer?
Personal Consumer
The individual who buys goods and
services for his or her own use, for the
household use or as a gift for a friend.
Organizational Consumer
A business, government agency or other
institutions (profit or nonprofit) that buys
the goods, services, and equipment in
order to run their organizations.
Development of Marketing Concept
Product Concept
Selling Concept
Marketing Concept
Marketing Myopia
Nokia lost its market share to android & IOS.
However, recently they revive.
The Selling Orientation
(From the 1930s to the mid 1950s)
Sergio Zyman
– Sell, sell, sell
Communicating Communicating a
the benefits of the Unique Selling
product, rather Proposition for the
than its features product
Successful Positioning
Customer Customer
Value Retention
The Three Drivers of Successful Relationships
between Marketers and Customers
1.Customer Value,
3.Customer Retention
Customer Value
Customer Value is defined as the ratio between the
customer’s perceived benefits and the resources used
to obtain those benefits.
Customer Value=economic+functional +psychological/
Customer Satisfaction
Loyalists Defectors
Apostles Hostages
Mercenaries Terrorists
Several types of Customers based on level
of satisfaction
Loyalists (completely satisfied customers): who keep
purchase, less price sensitive and spread positive word of
Company strategy?
Customer Retention
The case for increasing the customer retention
rate is captured in the concept of customer
lifetime value (CLV). CLV describes the present
value of the stream of future profits expected
over the customer’s lifetime purchases.
Figure 1-1:
A Model of
Consumer Decision
Employment Opportunities
Students with expertise in consumer behavior should pursue
employment in three areas:
Brand management
Advertising and
Consumer research
Discussion Questions