MS 731 2023 Unit III
MS 731 2023 Unit III
MS 731 2023 Unit III
Prof. M Roy
Concepts of marketing,
Role of Marketing,
Marketing Process,
Marketing Environment,
Consumer behavior,
Business buying behavior,
According to kotler: “Marketing is the science and art of exploring,
creating,and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market
at a profit.
According to American management association: “Marketing is
the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing,
promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create
exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives”.
Marketing Management is a social and managerial process by
which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through
creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each other. the
total marketing can be fulfilled the core concepts of business.
Marketing: organizational function and a set of
processes for creating , communicating, and delivering
value to customers and for managing customer
relationships to benefit the organization
Objective: choose target market and create superior
customer value
Task of organization: determine needs, wants of target
market and satisfy them more effectively and enhance
consumers’ and society’s long-term wellbeing
Evolution of marketing concept
quality products
Companies direct their marketing efforts to
Marketing process involves ways that value can be created for the
customers to satisfy their needs.
Steps in Marketing Process
Selective specialization
Full Market Coverage
Here a firm attempts to serve all customer groups with
all the products they might need. Only very large firms
can undertake a full market coverage strategy.
Examples include I B M, General Motors, and Coca-
Large firms can cover a whole market in two broad
ways: through undifferentiated marketing or
differentiated marketing.
Product Life Cycle.
Products, like people, have a certain length of life, during which they
pass through different stages.
For some the life cycle may be as short as a month, while for other
it may last for quite a sufficiently long period.
The PLC is an attempt to recognize distinct stages in the sales
history of the product.
Products have a limited life.
Product sales pass through distinct stages each posing different
challenger to the seller
Product profits rise and full at different stages of the
Products require different marketing, financial,
manufacturing, purchasing and personnel strategies in
the different stages of their life cycle.
PLC Stages:- PLC life being with its market introduction
next it goes through a period during which its market
grows rapidly. Ultimately it reaches marketing maturity
offer which its market declines and finally the product
It is worth noting that the duration each stage is different
among products. Some take years to pass through the
Introduction stage
During this stage of the products life cycle, it is put in the
market with full-scale production and marketing program.
The company is an innovator-may be the whole industry.
The entire product may be new or the basic product may
be well known but a new feature or accessory is in the
introduction stage.
Four marketing strategies
Price Promotion High Low
lowering of prices.
Strategies to be followed:
Market Modification:
Expand number of users : Convert non-users, Enter new market
Advertisers must have sufficient knowledge of ethical norms and principles, so that
they can understand and decide what is correct and what is wrong.
We can identify several ethical and moral principles that are particularly
relevant to advertising.
We are speaking briefly of three as follows:-
1. Truthfulness in advertising;
2. The dignity of the human person; and
3. Social responsibility.
Truthfulness in Advertising:Truth in advertising
promotes a highly efficient, functioningeconomy by:
Discouraging deceptive business practices;
Encouraging the provision of accurate and truthful
Enhancing competition by ensuring a level playing field
Enabling informed consumer choice.
The Dignity of the Human Person