Corrosion Its Control
Corrosion Its Control
Corrosion Its Control
Galvanic corrosion
Pitting corrosion
Intergrannular corrosion
The metal which has higher electrode potential value will form
anode and undergoes corrosion. Example: Zn-Cu galvanic
cell zinc behaves as anode and corrosion occurs, copper
behaves as cathode and protected.
Pitting corrosion
When corrosion starts on a metal surface
at certain spots they become less open to
oxygen with the result that corrosion
proceeds faster at those very spots
making deeper and deeper cavities.
Pitting corrosion can be explained on the
basis of differential aeration.
The pit created becomes deeper, its
bottom becomes less open to oxygen
which makes it more anodic.
The part which has higher oxygen
concentration is cathodic.
Water line corrosion
The concentration of oxygen dissolved in
water is greater at the surface than deeper
down. This causes formation of a
concentration cell.
i) Oxidation corrosion
2M → 2M+n + 2ne-
Metal Ion
2. Electron are gained by the oxygen molecules forms oxide ions
A ) Purity of a metal
B ) Position in galvanic series
C ) Over voltage
D ) Nature of oxide film
E ) Nature of corrosion product
Nature of the metal
1. Purity of the metal: Heterogeneity of the metal is due to the
presence of impurities which form tiny electrochemical cells
at the exposed parts. The anodic parts get corroded.
Eg. The underground water pipelines and water tanks are also
protected by sacrificial anode method. By referring to the
electrochemical series, the metal with low reduction potential is
connected to the base metal which acts as anode.
Impressed current method:
Direct current is applied in opposite direction to nullify the
corrosion current
Converts the corroding metal from anode to cathode.
i) Metallic
ii) Organic
The metals used for coatings may be placed under two categories
ii) metals which are cathodic to the metal i.e., metals below it in
galvanic series.
Methods of applications of metal coatings: