L4 Dominant Strategy
L4 Dominant Strategy
L4 Dominant Strategy
Mixed Strategies
Bernt A. Bremdal
UiT Campus Narvik
Repeated games
• A stage game is played multiple times
• What access is there to information about a concluded game?
• Is the information sharing assymmetric?
• Can we apply a memory to learn our opponents strategy?
• Mixed strategy?
• Stationary strategy?
• Monte Carlo strategy?
Dominant strategy
The dominant strategy in game theory refers to a
situation where one player has a superior tactic
regardless of how the other players act.
• A company needs to choose between two strategies
• online or offline advertising
• they are equal in all aspects except for their expected payoff.
• Let (N,A,u) be a normal-form game, and for any set X let ∏ (X) be the set of all
probability distributions over X. Then the set of mixed strategies for player Si= ∏
Fictitious play – a way to learn the opponent’s
LW 2,1 0,0
WL 0,0 1,2
Uwife(LW) = Uwife(WL)
2*p+0*(1-p) = 0*p + 1*(1-p)
p = 1/3
Now the wife is indifferent with regard to the decisions of her husband
Take aways
• Repeated games are a series of one-stage games
• A dominant strategy means that it is indifferent to whatever the
opponent(s) do(es).
• When a one-stage game is played several times a player may adopt a
fixed or a mixed strategy
• Both a fixed and mixed strategy may be learned by the opponent
• A mixed strategy implies the possibility of striking a balance between
different interests using an expected utility approach
• The expected utility theorem was defined by von Neumann and