Postgre SQL

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PostgreSQL database

Benchmark and Comparison PostgreSQL is considered equivalent in performance to Oracle. One or the other may be faster for particular functions or time spent in optimization. This benchmark shows PostgreSQL processing more data than Oracle and MySQL during the same time.
Oracle vs PostgreSQL Function SQL Referential integrity Transaction Unicode GUI Max base size Max table size Max column size Max number of columns Max size of a blob Max size of a varchar Number of digits for a numerical value Date: Far year Lenght of a column name, in char. Different types of indexes SQL features Functions and procedures Partitionment modes Compatibility with common OS Oracle x x x x x unlimited 4 GO 8 Ko 1000 unlimited 4 KB 128 bits 9999 30 6/10 11/11 x 4/6 4/5 PostgreSLQ x x x x x unlimited 32000 GO 16000 GO 250-1600 1 GO 1 GO unlimited 5874897 63 10/10 10/11 x 4/6 5/5

PostgreSQL and Oracle are equivalent systems although one is free and the other very expensive. Nothing justifies the use of Oracle instead of PostgreSQL. Many specialised companies offer services for their installation, development, maintenance, in both cases.

Importance Category Problem Basic data types SQL Declarative constraints Programming abstractions Generation of ids National chars Transactions Locks Multiuser access Stored procedures and triggers Access control Backup Data migration Portability Scalability Query optimization Structures supporting optimization Performance and VLDB Support for OLAP Allocation of the disk space Size limits VLDB implementations Access to multiple databases Heterogeneous systems support Large objects Special data types Post-relational extensions Support for special data types Embedded SQL Standard interfaces Application development and interfaces Additional interfaces Web technology XML CASE Recovery Prices Technical support Position on the market Central database C B B A C B A A A B B A C B A A B B A A A C B B C C C B A A B B A C A A

Assessment Lab-participants MySQL C B B C C C C C D C D C C C C C D D C B C D D B C C C C A A C C B A B C B C C D C B D D C D A C A B B B D D C B D C D B D D D B A B D D C A C D Oracle8 C B A A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A A A A A A D B A Postgres A B A C A B A A C A B C A B C B B D C C B C D C B C B B A B D D C A D D

Elementary features

Transactions Programming in DB Administration Portability and scalability

Distributed databases

Reliability Commercial issues

The comparison study has been made in the year 2000 by ALICE compare.html Many patches later has been released by PostgreSQL making one of the best databases available in the market. Advanced Features like Unlogged tables to better handle NoSQL workloads Synchronous replication for greater reliability SQL/MED (Management of External Data) (flat files, other databases) Per-column collation support Security Label, including SE-Linux integration True serializable isolation with predicate locking (already had snapshot isolation) Non-SELECT statement recursive queries Nearest-Neighbour (order-by-operator) Indexes Extensions (plug in) commands PL/Python overhaul (PL/Perl was done in 9.0) have been incorporated into the PostgreSQL, making it one of the reliable and most advanced open source database.

Provided below is the list of links proving postgreSQL as one of the strongest contender in the database race.,-MySQL,-and-PostgreSQL.html - please do read the posts as well

Installation guide: Download the postgreSQL 9.1 version from Select the win32 link for windows under PostgreSQL 9.1 column 1. After downloading the application. 2. Raise a requisition to Central AD Support requesting for PostgreSQL installation support. Only they can help in installing the application by relaxing some of companies restriction policies. (Please note the password from the GTS person while installation) 3. After the installation test the Database by opening the pgAdminIII tool. This is a GUI for postgreSQL. Test the connection by giving the password given at the time of installation. 4. create a database wvsetcl_ctad by right clicking on the databases option displayed in the left side panel.

5. A scheme is created. 6. Import the database 7. There are two ways of importing. i. Sql files ii. Dump file Dump file: select the Restore option of the database as displayed in the Picture displayed beside and follow the instructions. Sql format: Copy the content in the sql file and select the create Script option under the database. A sql window opens. Copy the sql script to the editor window and click on the script button to run the script as displayed below

8. Download the jdbc driver for postgreSQL from for reference please visit urce+in+Apache+Tomcat 9. Copy the jdbc driver file into the common/lib directory of your Tomcat installation. Be aware that this directory may be just lib for Tomcat version 6 and beyond (i.e. <tomcat-install>/lib rather than <tomcat-install>/common/lib). 10. Please make necessary changes in the context file webapps/<App name>/METAINF/ folder as per the instructions mentioned in the link mentioned above <Resource name="jdbc/confluence" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="postgres" password="postgres" driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver" url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test" maxActive="20 maxIdle="10 validationQuery="select 1" /> The same DbconnLT java file or create a new file can be used for database connection. 11. Deploy the application in the Webapps folder of the Apache tomcat. 12. Restart Tomcat 13. Run the application.

Some best known companies using postgreSQL: Yahoo!. Uses a modified version of PostgreSQL for a database considered in 2008 as the largest in the world. MySpace. Social Network. Hi5. Social Network. Skype. Telephony. Sony. For its online gaming platform. Afilias. The registry for .org and .info domain names. The International Space Station. Gage of reliability! The top websites all use alternatives to Oracle. Google: BigTable a proprietary system. Facebook: Cassandra, open source system that derives from BigTable. Youtube: BigTable. Yahoo!: PostgreSQL. Live (Microsoft). SQL Server. Wikipedia. MySQL (partially free) Twitter. MySQL and Cassandra.

PostgreSQL comes with absolute free license provided with an optional disclaimer tag. It does not require any additional license cost for hosting of the database. Its processing speed is relatively high. For eg. Heroku is one data centre using postgreSQL database.

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