Topic 5

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ICT 615

Information Technology Research


Topic 5
Experimental design
of Country
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We pay our respects to Noongar elders, past and present and

acknowledge their wisdom and advice in teaching and cultural
knowledge activities.
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Readings and resources

Required reading:
• Oates Ch 9

Recommended reading:
• Basili, V. R. & Zelkowitz, M. V. (2007) Empirical studies to build a science of
computer science. Communications of the ACM 50(11) 33-37.

Learning objectives

After completing this topic you should be able to:

• Explain what an experiment is
• Define the following terms in the context of ICT experiments: treatment, control
group, randomisation
• Explain what an experimental design is
• Describe the advantages and disadvantages of experiment

Experiments are a research strategy or approach

What is an experiment?

An experiment involves observation under controlled

conditions to test a hypothesis.
An experiment is a research strategy that investigates
cause and effect relationships (causality).
All factors that might affect the results, other than the
factors that are hypothesised to cause a particular
outcome, are excluded/controlled.


• In an experiment, the factor (also called an independent variable) is an

explanatory variable manipulated by the experimenter. Each factor has two or
more levels, i.e., different values of the factor. Combinations of factor levels are
called treatments.

REVISION - Hypotheses

A hypothesis is a statement about the relationships between variables. For

H1: Pair programming improves program quality
H2: Users who received password memorisation training will create stronger

Experiments are designed to try to prove or disprove hypotheses

Causality versus correlation

Correlation is where there is a relationship between 2

Causality is when the change in one variable is the cause
of a change in another variable.

See the following animation for a good explanation of the



Which of the following hypotheses express a causal relationship?

H1: Level of use is associated with user satisfaction with a system
H2: Pair programming improves program quality
H3: Users who receive password memorisation training will create stronger

Characteristics of experiments

• Precise observations and measurements

• Pre-test and post-test observations
• Proving or disproving hypotheses
• Identification of causal factors, i.e. one-directional links
• Explanation and prediction
• Repetition

Cause Effect

Independent Dependent
variable variable
Control variables and the environment

Ways of controlling factors that might affect the outcomes of an experiment include:
• Eliminate the factor via exclusion criteria
• Hold the factor constant via inclusion criteria (if you cannot eliminate it)
• Use random selection/allocation
• Use control group - the only difference from treatment group is the change in independent variable.


For example: Effect

Cause 13

Validity is concerned with the study's success at measuring what the researchers
set out to measure. Researchers should be concerned with both external and
internal validity.
Internal validity relates to the rigour with which the study was conducted. An
experiment has good internal validity if the results are due to the manipulations of
the independent variable, and not to any other factors.
External validity refers to the extent to which the results of a study are
generalizable or transferable – to different times, places, technologies etc.

Internal validity threats

Threats to internal validity include:

• Differences between experimental and control group
• History, i.e. "what has happened in between"
• Maturation, due to age, practice, boredom etc.
• Instrumentation, e.g. fault or change in measurement instrument
• Experimental mortality, i.e. changes in group composition over time
• Reactivity and experimenter effects, e.g. "behaving correctly".

External validity threats

Threats to external validity include:

• Using samples that are not representative of the population – e.g.
• Too few participants

Types of experiment

Experimental design refers to the way in which the

experiment is designed – e.g. use of randomisation or not,
use of control groups or not, number of experimental
groups, pretesting of participants etc.
Different experimental designs vary in their power to
control contamination of the relationship between
independent and dependent variables.
• “True" (lab) experiments - high control but possibly
unrealistic settings
• Quasi-experiments or field experiments – more
realistic settings but less control

Example experimental designs

Pre-experimental designs fail to control threats to internal

validity - e.g.
X 0
No control; no pretest
0 X 0
Pretest and post-test BUT no control => can't control for
history, maturation etc.
X 0
Control (no randomization) BUT no pretest (=> can't tell if
groups are really comparable)

Example experimental designs

True experimental design - e.g. post-test only control

group design
R 01 X 02
R 03 04
where effect of experimental variable is E= (02 - 01) - (04 -

R X 0
R 0
Assumes that randomisation removes the need for
pretesting, and because subjects are only tested once
reduces threats due to testing and instrumentation

Example experimental designs

Quasi-experiment design e.g. non-equivalent control

group design
0 X 0
0 0

No randomization. Groups may be naturally assembled

(e.g. classes) or self-selected (volunteers used to form
experimental group)


The following conditions must be met to establish causality:

• Correlation - relationship between independent and dependent variable
• Time order - cause precedes effect in time (values of IV change then values of
DV change)
• Rule out other possible explanations

Designing and conducting an experiment

1.Select relevant variables

2.Specify levels of treatment
3.Ensure control of experimental environment
4.Choose the experimental design
5.Select and assign subjects
6.Pilot test, revise, test - pretesting of procedures as well
as instruments
7.Analyse data

Field Experiment

• Can be used for both theory testing and theory building. Field experimentation is
of value because it enables the development of causal models based on
information gathered in natural, and hence more generalizable settings, settings
for studying phenomena that could not easily be replicated in a laboratory setting.

• Ranges from true experimental designs to quasi experimental designs.

Problems with conducting field experiments

• 1. Managers, participants or researchers resist random assignment - may need to

eliminate no treatment control group such that all participants receive a treatment
- means can't determine absolute impact of the treatment but can draw
conclusions about the differential effects of the various treatments

• 2. Unintended treatment occurs in the control group - eg. control group

overcompensation, or control group demoralisation - requires careful monitoring

Problems with conducting field experiments

3. Participants withdraw because of treatment received - conduct exit interviews,

compare background on those who drop out with those who stay to determine if
they are different

4. Treatment implementation variance

5. Experimental group contamination - due to contact between groups. Attempt to

monitor contact between groups.

Some advantages of experiments as a research strategy
• Well-established method
• The only way to demonstrate cause-effect relationships
• Ability to repeat experiments and extend results across people, times &

Some disadvantages include:
• Artificiality – can limit ability to generalise
• Often impossible to control all the parameters
• Difficult to recruit representative samples
• Ethical considerations – control group not receiving treatment believed to
be valuable

Learning objectives revisited

• What is an experiment?
• Why would a control group be used in an experiment?
• What is the difference between a true experiment and a
• What is an experimental design?
• What is the main advantage of experimentation as a
research strategy?

Thank you

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