IRS 3309 African Conflict and Conflict Resolution
IRS 3309 African Conflict and Conflict Resolution
IRS 3309 African Conflict and Conflict Resolution
• A landmark in the history of the study of conflict has been the so-called
Simmel Coser propositions on conflict (Simmel, 1903; Coser, 1956). Some
of their more counterintuitive findings include:
• 1. Conflict serves to establish and maintain the identity and boundary
lines of societies and groups.
• 2. Conflict with other groups contributes to the establishment and
reaffirmation of the identity of the group and maintains its boundaries
against the surrounding social world.
• 3. Patterned enmities and reciprocal antagonisms conserve social divisions
and systems of stratification.
• 4. A distinction has to be made between conflict and hostile or
antagonistic attitudes. Social conflict always denotes social interaction,
whereas attitudes or sentiments are predispositions to engage in action.
A landmark in the history of the study of conflict