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Kisi Ksi Bahasa Inggris

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BEDAH 017/2018
HU N 2
e 3
by Ded 8129429835 ail.com
:0 m
mobile hidayat31@g






TAHUN 2017/2018
TAHUN 2017/2018

• topik/isu/masalah
• tujuan/fungsi/pesan
• latar belakang/alasan
• akibat/dampak/manfaat
• sikap/nilai yang diusung
• peran dan fungsi pembicara/
• peran dan fungsi pendengar/
• konteks penggunaan (a.l.
tempat, waktu, situasi, dsb)

 Menentukan topik/isi teks

 Menentukan tujuan penulisan teks
 Menentukan manfaat teks bagi pembaca
 Menentukan peran penulis/pembaca di
dalam teks
 Menentukan hubungan penulis dan pembaca
di dalam teks
 Menentukan tempat berlangsungnya
percakapan di dalam teks
 Menentukan kategori pembaca teks
 dll

• pandangan, maksud, pendapat

yang menjadi ide utama
• rincian argumentasi, langkah-
langkah, peristiwa, deskripsi
• plot, alur pikiran
 Menentukan simpulan dari teks
 Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf
 Menentukan rincian kegiatan/peristiwa di dalam
 Menentukan rincian langkah-langkah di dalam
teks (procedure)
 Menentukan rincian deskripsi
tempat/orang/sesuatu di dalam teks (descriptive)
 Menentukan tindakan yang akan dilakukan salah
satu tokoh di dalam teks
 dll

• persamaan kata, makna frasa, makna

• word order
• article, demonstrative, possessive
• agreement dan number
• tenses
• passive voice
• referensi gramatika
• kata sambung
• preposisi
• modal
• kalimat conditional
• konstruksi derivative
• referensi makna

 Menentukan sinonim/makna kata di dalam

 Menentukan makna ungkapan/idiom di
dalam teks
 Menentukan rujukan kata ganti di dalam
 Menentukan kalimat/frasa yang sesuai
dengan konteks di dalam teks
 dll

• compliment
• offering help/something
• suggestion
• past events
• future plans
• present perfect tense
• passive voice
• conditional sentence
• agreement/disagreement
• asking for/giving opinion
• necessity/obligation/prohibition
• etc.

• announcement: at school, at the

office, etc.
• notice
• label
• application letter
• personal letters
• business letters: invitation,

• DESCRIPTIVE: e.g. tourist destination, historical

places, popular places, etc.
• RECOUNT: e.g. sportsmen, scientists, writers,
inspiring people, etc.
• PROCEDURE: e.g. manuals of operating tools,
doing online purchases, working rules at the
office, etc.
• REPORT (Factual Report): e.g. vehicles,
electronic devices, plants, animals, media, etc.

PICTURE-1: profession

A. The officer is typing some letters.

B. The officer is looking out the window.
C. The officer is doing two things at once.
D. The officer is hanging up the telephone.
PICTURE-2: situation/condition

A. Many people are swimming near the motorboats.

B. The area looks very stunning and peaceful.
C. The beach is full of fishermen’s crafts.
D. The visitors are sailing across the ocean.
PICTURE-3: historical sites

A. The building has the latest structure.

B. There are so many people on the top of the
C. The building has several archways.
D. The person climbing the steps wears dark attire.

Why don’t we purchase some new printers for the

A. The printing system looks quite good.
B. Here, let me get the number for you.
C. Sorry, it’s over the budget.
D. It’s a brand-new office, I think.

May I help you with your baggage?

A. She’ll help you as soon as you arrive.
B. These are the bags I just bought.
C. She begged me to say nothing.
D. That’s very kind of you.
for/Giving Opinion

Why do you think he didn’t support this plan?

A. He’s not quite strong.
B. I suppose he was late.
C. He prefers his own ideas.
D. I’m afraid he forgot the report.
perfect tense

Has Ms. Caroline been in to see me yet?

A. She just left yesterday.
B. She has some on her desk.
C. She’s been there quite long time.
D. She called to say she’s running late.
activity; general idea

Man: I just met your new employee

today. How long has he been
working for you?
Who are the speakers talking Woman: Just a few weeks. He’s
about? very
friendly and gets along
A. A current staff with
B. A new student everyone, but he’s not
C. A local creditor very
D. A friendly lecturer good with debits and
Man: Perhaps you should send him
to school for a few months’
training. I think the local
community college offers
kind of course.
SHORT CONVERSATION-2: asking for/giving
opinion; general idea

Why are the speakers worried?

Man: The new regulations are
A. They don’t like to cost a lot of money. It’s a
suspense. very serious situation.
B. Someone needs an Woman: Will we have to modify the
operation. plant itself?
C. The new rules are Man: Of course, and suspend
unnecessary. operations for six months to
D. They have to remodel do
it. It’s a major project and a
the plant.
major investment.
introduction; conclusion

Woman : Would you like to tell me

something about
What can be concluded Man : I’m Henry. I completed my
English graduation in
about the man?
Carols University three
A. He has worked as an years ago and have two
editor for three years. years of experience in
B. He ever worked at St. Macmillan’s journal as
Carols University. assistant editor.
C. He’s quite a confident Woman : That’s nice to hear, but
person why
D. He has good style of do you want to join our
Man : Your company services,
goals and management
style match my profile
SHORT CONVERSATION-4: future plan;
probable next action

What will probably the man Woman: The copier is broken

do? again.
I’ll call for a service.
A. Help the woman Man: I think it’s only jammed. Just
B. Call for a service lift
C. Remove the copier the cover and remove the
D. Buy some more paper crumpled paper.
Woman: Can you show me how to
SHORT TALK-1a: announcement; a
conclusion about the speaker

What does the speaker Attention all. There will be a short

request related to the meeting of our futsal inter school
meeting? competition right after school this
afternoon in the school English
laboratory. The meeting is
A. Everyone needs to be
expected to last around 60 minutes
present. and finish by half past five. All the
B. Someone should find event committee has to come to
Mr. Walter soon. this important meeting. Should
C. The committee should anyone be unable to attend the
look for the agenda. meeting, find Mr. Walter for
D. English teachers are permission and further details
to be at the about the agenda. Looking forward
laboratory. to seeing you all soon.
SHORT TALK-1b: announcement;
detailed information

Attention all. There will be a short

meeting of our futsal inter school
For how long will the meeting competition right after school this
last? afternoon in the school English
laboratory. The meeting is
expected to last around 60 minutes
A. Half an hour.
and finish by half past five. All the
B. One hour. event committee has to come to
C. Five hours. this important meeting. Should
D. Six hours. anyone be unable to attend the
meeting, find Mr. Walter for
permission and further details
about the agenda. Looking forward
to seeing you all soon.
SHORT TALK-2a: procedure; general

Here are some details that may help

new employees with a private branch
exchange or PBX telephone system.
What is the information First, to make calls to other extension
mainly about? on your network, pick up the receiver
and dial the four-digit extensions, and
to dial an outside line, press 0 or 1,
A. How to set up phone then the ten-digit numbers. Second, to
lines. access your voice mail, pick up the
B. How to transfer receiver, press the voice mail button
private calls. and dial your security code if one has
been set up. Third, to transfer an
C. How to operate a incoming call to another extension,
telephone system. press the “Trans” key on the phone,
D. How to change a PBX then dial the extension to which you
telephone keys. want to send the call, and hang up the
receiver. Finally, to place an incoming
call on hold, press the “Hold” button
and hang up the receiver. Looking
forward to seeing you all soon.
SHORT TALK-2b: procedure; detailed
information (of steps)

Here are some details that may help

new employees with a private branch
exchange or PBX telephone system.
What should you do after First, to make calls to other extension
on your network, pick up the receiver
pressing the “Trans” key? and dial the four-digit extensions, and
to dial an outside line, press 0 or 1,
A. Dial the extension then the ten-digit numbers. Second, to
number. access your voice mail, pick up the
receiver, press the voice mail button
B. Set up the security and dial your security code if one has
code. been set up. Third, to transfer an
C. Hang up the receiver. incoming call to another extension,
D. Send the call. press the “Trans” key on the phone,
then dial the extension to which you
want to send the call, and hang up the
receiver. Finally, to place an incoming
call on hold, press the “Hold” button
and hang up the receiver. Looking
forward to seeing you all soon.
S I -K I S I

Incomplete Dialog-1: compliment

Janneth : Where did you buy that beautiful coat?

Vinny : I got it on my birthday. What do you
Janneth : ... You’re wonderful.

A. It matches everyone in the party.

B. It looks bigger than it is.
C. It seems too colorful.
D. It suits you much.
Incomplete Dialog-2: asking for/giving opinion

Bayu : Do you think that education should be free,

especially for poor people?
Anita : ... because this is what they really need.

A. Sure. It will give much help

B. No. They will be spoiled
C. No. I’m not on your side
D. I’m afraid it’s uncessary
Incomplete Dialog-3: offering (help/service)

Customer : I’m hungry. Is there anything I can eat?

Waitress : ...?
Customer : No, thanks. I prefer a sandwich, please.

A. Would you like some milkshake

B. Would you like some biscuits
C. How about beverages
D. How about Coke
Incomplete Dialog-4: present perfect tense

Manager : Are you ready for our next meeting with

Panji : Yes, sir. ... We are waiting for their

A. I have contacted them.

B. I have changed the venue.
C. I have prepared the menu.
D. I have solved their problems.
Incomplete Dialog-5:

Desyana: Traffic jam is one of the unsolvable problems

Wangsa : ... I’m sure the integrated transprtation system
of Trans Jakarta, Commuter Line Train, and LRT
help solve the matters.

A. I couldn’t agree more.

B. I am not on your side.
C. I think you are right.
D. I think so.
Incomplete Dialog-6: passive voice

Daughter: My friends said that the Eiffer tower is popular

the world. Is it true?
Father : Yes. ... every year.

A. It is sometimes closed on weekends

B. It is always renewed and repainted
C. It is admired by Europeans only
D. It is visited by so many people
Incomplete Dialog-7: future plan

Yunni : My new boss is tired of taking the train to work.

Yoga : Sure. I think he can afford it.

A. He will sell his bike.

B. He is going to buy a car.
C. He is going to get some days off.
D. He will take some rest at the office.
Incomplete Dialog-8: past event

Fauzan: I called you last night but you didn’t answer.

were you doing?
Riana : Really sorry. ... I was taking a bath when you

A. I was doing my homework.

B. I went out with my friend.
C. I helped my mother cook.
D. I was in the lavatory.
Dialog Text-1a: future plan; topic

Scott : Martha, have you met Benjamin yet? He's our new
summer intern from State University. He’ll start working
next week.
Martha : No Scott, I haven't. I hope he's as good as the intern we
had last summer. That young man worked really hard.
Scott : Benjamin seems sharp. And he's ambitious too. He said
after he gets his business degree, he wants to go to law
school and become a criminal lawyer.
Martha : Oh my. Maybe we'll see him on TV one day, defending a
celebrity in a famous trial!

Who are the people talking about?

A. A college student
B. A lawyer
C. Martha
D. Scott
Dialog Text-1b: future plan; next probable
Scott : Martha, have you met Benjamin yet? He's our new
summer intern from State University. He’ll start working
next week.
Martha : No Scott, I haven't. I hope he's as good as the intern we
had last summer. That young man worked really hard.
Scott : Benjamin seems sharp. And he's ambitious too. He said
after he gets his business degree, he wants to go to law
school and become a criminal lawyer.
Martha : Oh my. Maybe we'll see him on TV one day, defending a
celebrity in a famous trial!

What does Benjamin plan to do?

A. Get married
B. Become a TV star
C. Defend a celebrity
D. Attend graduate school
Dialog Text-1c: future plan; synonym/meaning
of word/expression

Scott : Martha, have you met Benjamin yet? He's our new
summer intern from State University. He’ll start working
next week.
Martha : No Scott, I haven't. I hope he's as good as the intern we
had last summer. That young man worked really hard.
Scott : Benjamin seems sharp. And he's ambitious too. He said
after he gets his business degree, he wants to go to law
school and become a criminal lawyer.
Martha : Oh my. Maybe we'll see him on TV one day, defending a
celebrity in a famous trial!

“… in a famous trial!” (last sentence)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. case
B. show
C. effort
D. contract
Dialog Text-2a: daily activity; topic

Ahmad: Have you seen my newspaper anywhere? It

arrived today, didn’t it?
Nanda : I’m sorry, sir. It was delivered before 8:00 this
morning, but the office manager borrowed it.
Ahmad: Tell him I don’t mind if he keeps the sports
section and all the soccer scores. All I
need is the financial section.
Nanda : I’ll ask his assistant to send it down right away.

What are they discussing?

A. The financial section.
B. Mr. Ahmad’s daily paper.
C. Mr. Ahmad’s soccer scores.
D. The office manager assistant.
Dialog Text-2b: daily activity; detailed

Ahmad: Have you seen my newspaper anywhere? It

arrived today, didn’t it?
Nanda : I’m sorry, sir. It was delivered before 8:00 this
morning, but the office manager borrowed it.
Ahmad: Tell him I don’t mind if he keeps the sports
section and all the soccer scores. All I
need is the financial section.
Nanda : I’ll ask his assistant to send it down right away.

What does Mr. Ahmad want to do?

A. Borrow a newspaper.
B. Read the financial news.
C. Find out the soccer scores.
D. Send his assistant to the manager.
Dialog Text-2c: daily activity;
synonym/meaning of word/expression

Ahmad: Have you seen my newspaper anywhere? It

arrived today, didn’t it?
Nanda : I’m sorry, sir. It was delivered before 8:00 this
morning, but the office manager borrowed it.
Ahmad: Tell him I don’t mind if he keeps the sports
section and all the soccer scores. All I
need is the financial section.
Nanda : I’ll ask his assistant to send it down right away.

“It was delivered before 8:00 this morning.” (3rd line)

The underlined expression means ....
A. the newspaper arrived late
B. someone sent the newspaper
C. the newspaper hasn’t arrived yet
D. someone is taking the newspaper now
Dialog Text-3a: passive voice; topic

Fauzan: You’d better work faster. You’re being watched.

Hilal : Really? What about you?
Fauzan: Yes. All of the workers are being videotaped
Hilal : I don’t want to be watched while I work.
Fauzan: This factory is being evaluated now.
Hilal : Evaluated? I hope they don’t close it. I
don’t want
to lose this job.

What is the dialog about?

A. The procedures to work faster in the factory.
B. The assessment of employee’s performance.
C. The process of taking over of a company.
D. The need to videotape events at work.
Dialog Text-3b: passive voice; attitude/feeling

Fauzan: You’d better work faster. You’re being watched.

Hilal : Really? What about you?
Fauzan: Yes. All of the workers are being videotaped
Hilal : I don’t want to be watched while I work.
Fauzan: This factory is being evaluated now.
Hilal : Evaluated? I hope they don’t close it. I
don’t want
to lose this job.

What does Hilal feel about being watched while he works?

A. He dislikes it.
B. He thinks it good.
C. He will evaluate it.
D. He hope it’s closed.
Dialog Text-3c: passive voice;
synonym/meaning of word/expression

Fauzan: You’d better work faster. You’re being watched.

Hilal : Really? What about you?
Fauzan: Yes. All of the workers are being videotaped
Hilal : I don’t want to be watched while I work.
Fauzan: This factory is being evaluated now.
Hilal : Evaluated? I hope they don’t close it. I
don’t want
to lose this job.

“Evaluated? I hope …” (last exchange)

The synonym of the underlined word is ….
A. promoted
B. expanded
C. analyzed
D. merged
Text-1a: Factual Report; purpose of the text writer
Motorcycles are descended from the “safety bicycle,” a bicycle with front and rear wheels of
the same size and a pedal crank mechanism to drive the rear wheel.
There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles
are put to use, or the designer’s intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories
are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose bike.

Some motorcycles are specially adapted for specific job functions, such as those used by the
ambulance, Blood Bikes, fire, and military services, and for specialized delivery services, such
as pizza deliveries. Beginning in the 1960s with the Mountain Goat specialized motorcycles
were developed for use on farms.

While motorcycles typically have two wheels, some motorized tricycles are classed as three-
wheeled motorcycles. Some brands have made various types of three-wheelers direct from
the factory. Most of these vehicles are treated as motorcycles for registration or licensing

By composing the text, the writer expects that the readers ….

A. are interested in using motorcycles for transportation
B. understand more about some types of motorcycles
C. can modify the original design of the motorcycles
D. develop their own motorcycles for different uses
Text-1b: Factual Report; detailed information
Motorcycles are descended from the “safety bicycle,” a bicycle with front and rear wheels of
the same size and a pedal crank mechanism to drive the rear wheel.
There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles
are put to use, or the designer’s intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories
are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose bike.

Some motorcycles are specially adapted for specific job functions, such as those used by the
ambulance, Blood Bikes, fire, and military services, and for specialized delivery services, such
as pizza deliveries. Beginning in the 1960s with the Mountain Goat specialized motorcycles
were developed for use on farms.

While motorcycles typically have two wheels, some motorized tricycles are classed as three-
wheeled motorcycles. Some brands have made various types of three-wheelers direct from
the factory. Most of these vehicles are treated as motorcycles for registration or licensing

In the 1960s, the Mountain Goat developed specialized motorcycles for ….

A. use on farms
B. military services
C. dual-purpose bike
D. licensing purposes
Text-1c: Factual Report; reference
Motorcycles are descended from the “safety bicycle,” a bicycle with front and rear wheels of
the same size and a pedal crank mechanism to drive the rear wheel.
There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles
are put to use, or the designer’s intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories
are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose bike.

Some motorcycles are specially adapted for specific job functions, such as those used by the
ambulance, Blood Bikes, fire, and military services, and for specialized delivery services, such
as pizza deliveries. Beginning in the 1960s with the Mountain Goat specialized motorcycles
were developed for use on farms.

While motorcycles typically have two wheels, some motorized tricycles are classed as three-
wheeled motorcycles. Some brands have made various types of three-wheelers direct from
the factory. Most of these vehicles are treated as motorcycles for registration or licensing

“... such as those used by …” (1st sentence, 2nd paragraph)

The underlined word refers to ….
A. motorcycles
B. deliveries
C. functions
D. services
Text-2a: Procedure; category of readers

1. Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well

as their intended fax number and your phone number. Place the
cover letter on top of your documents and insert it into the fax
2. Enter the fax number.
3. Hit the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the
numbers into the machine.
4. Wait for your documents to pass through the machine and collect
them when finished.
5. Look for a confirmation page to print.
Who will most likely find the information useful?
A. The administrative workers.
B. The telephone regulators.
C. The computer operators.
D. The fax technicians.
Text-2b: Procedure; steps of instruction

1. Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well

as their intended fax number and your phone number. Place the
cover letter on top of your documents and insert it into the fax
2. Enter the fax number.
3. Hit the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the
numbers into the machine.
4. Wait for your documents to pass through the machine and collect
them when finished.
5. Look for a confirmation page to print.
What is the next step after inserting the document into the fax machine?
A. Place the cover letter on top.
B. Enter the intended number.
C. Wait for the documents.
D. Hit the send key.
Text-2c: Procedure; reference

1. Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well

as their intended fax number and your phone number. Place the
cover letter on top of your documents and insert it into the fax
2. Enter the fax number.
3. Hit the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the
numbers into the machine.
4. Wait for your documents to pass through the machine and collect
them when finished.
5. Look for a confirmation page to print.
“... and collect them ...” (number 4)
The underlined word refers to ....
A. documents
B. machines
C. numbers
D. pages
Teks-3a: Descriptive; tourist objects; benefit of text
The port city of Valencia lies on Spain’s southeastern coast, where the Turia River meets
the Mediterranean Sea. It’s known for its City of Arts and Sciences, with futuristic
structures including a planetarium, an oceanarium and an interactive museum. Valencia
also has several beaches, including some within nearby Albufera Park, a wetlands
reserve with a lake and walking trails.

Established in Roman times, Valencia has buildings dating back hundreds of years,
including medieval city gate (and former prison) the Serranos Towers. The 16th-century
Silk Exchange was built when the city was a wealthy and powerful mercantile hub.
Opposite stands the vast Mercado Central (a covered market), built in 1914. In the
medieval center, Valencia Cathedral is home to a 1st-century holy chalice and the
octagonal Miguelete bell tower. The Turia Gardens form a green ribbon linking the
Bioparc Zoo with the port and Malvarrosa Beach. The Museum of Fine Arts houses
works by El Greco and Goya.

What are expected from the readers after reading the text?
A. To have better interest to visit Valencia.
B. To arrange some donation to build Valencia.
C. To be able to develop a new business in Valencia.
D. To be able to persuade others to read about Valencia.
Teks-3b: Descriptive; tourist objects; description of object

The port city of Valencia lies on Spain’s southeastern coast, where the Turia River meets
the Mediterranean Sea. It’s known for its City of Arts and Sciences, with futuristic
structures including a planetarium, an oceanarium and an interactive museum. Valencia
also has several beaches, including some within nearby Albufera Park, a wetlands
reserve with a lake and walking trails.

Established in Roman times, Valencia has buildings dating back hundreds of years,
including medieval city gate (and former prison) the Serranos Towers. The 16th-century
Silk Exchange was built when the city was a wealthy and powerful mercantile hub.
Opposite stands the vast Mercado Central (a covered market), built in 1914. In the
medieval center, Valencia Cathedral is home to a 1st-century holy chalice and the
octagonal Miguelete bell tower. The Turia Gardens form a green ribbon linking the
Bioparc Zoo with the port and Malvarrosa Beach. The Museum of Fine Arts houses
works by El Greco and Goya.

According to the text, the Turia Gardens ....

A. is the home to the bell tower
B. contain some fine arts works
C. is the old but powerful prison
D. connect the zoo and the beach
Text-3c: Descriptive; tourist objects; synonym
The port city of Valencia lies on Spain’s southeastern coast, where the Turia River meets
the Mediterranean Sea. It’s known for its City of Arts and Sciences, with futuristic
structures including a planetarium, an oceanarium and an interactive museum. Valencia
also has several beaches, including some within nearby Albufera Park, a wetlands
reserve with a lake and walking trails.

Established in Roman times, Valencia has buildings dating back hundreds of years,
including medieval city gate (and former prison) the Serranos Towers. The 16th-century
Silk Exchange was built when the city was a wealthy and powerful mercantile hub.
Opposite stands the vast Mercado Central (a covered market), built in 1914. In the
medieval center, Valencia Cathedral is home to a 1st-century holy chalice and the
octagonal Miguelete bell tower. The Turia Gardens form a green ribbon linking the
Bioparc Zoo with the port and Malvarrosa Beach. The Museum of Fine Arts houses
works by El Greco and Goya.

“Opposite stands the vast Mercado Central …” (3rd sentence, last paragraph)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. very big
B. quite limited
C. very modern
D. quite wealthy
Text-4a: Short Biography: sportsmen; purpose of text writer

Usain Bolt, Jamaica, Sprinter.

For his achievements in Sprinting, he is nicknamed as “Lightning Bolt“. He is one of the top 10
popular athletes in the world.

Born on 21 August 1986, he is a Jamaican sprinter widely regarded as the fastest person ever. He is
the first man to hold both the 100 meters and 200 meters world records since fully automatic time
measurements became mandatory in 1977. Along with his teammates, he also set the world record
in the 4×100 meters relay. He is the reigning Olympic champion in these three events, the first man
to win six Olympic gold medals in sprinting, and a five-time World champion. He was the first to
achieve a “double double” by winning 100 m and 200 m titles at consecutive Olympics (2008 and
2012) and topped this through the first “double triple” (including 4×100m relays).

The man with the appropriate name, Bolt makes sprinting look easy, often slowing down before the
finish line but still breaking world records by a comfortable margin. He will then strike his lightning
bolt pose for the world to see. Bolt is fast, and Puma moved the fastest in signing up the sprinter.

What is the purpose of the writer in composing the text?

A. To let people know more about a sprinter
B. To provide ideas how to be a top-rank athlete
C. To promote Bolt’s gold medals to other countries
D. To convince people about the world’s sport events
Text-4b: Short Biography: sportsmen; detail of events
Usain Bolt, Jamaica, Sprinter.
For his achievements in Sprinting, he is nicknamed as “Lightning Bolt“. He is one of the top 10
popular athletes in the world.

Born on 21 August 1986, he is a Jamaican sprinter widely regarded as the fastest person ever. He is
the first man to hold both the 100 meters and 200 meters world records since fully automatic time
measurements became mandatory in 1977. Along with his teammates, he also set the world record
in the 4×100 meters relay. He is the reigning Olympic champion in these three events, the first man
to win six Olympic gold medals in sprinting, and a five-time World champion. He was the first to
achieve a “double double” by winning 100 m and 200 m titles at consecutive Olympics (2008 and
2012) and topped this through the first “double triple” (including 4×100m relays).

The man with the appropriate name, Bolt makes sprinting look easy, often slowing down before the
finish line but still breaking world records by a comfortable margin. He will then strike his lightning
bolt pose for the world to see. Bolt is fast, and Puma moved the fastest in signing up the sprinter.

What is said about Usain’s achievement?

A. He set his first world record in 1986
B. He became the fastest sportsman in 1977
C. He won six Olympic gold medals in sprinting
D. He topped his teammates in some championships
Text-4c: Short Biography: sportsmen; conclusion
Usain Bolt, Jamaica, Sprinter.
For his achievements in Sprinting, he is nicknamed as “Lightning Bolt“. He is one of the top 10
popular athletes in the world.

Born on 21 August 1986, he is a Jamaican sprinter widely regarded as the fastest person ever. He is
the first man to hold both the 100 meters and 200 meters world records since fully automatic time
measurements became mandatory in 1977. Along with his teammates, he also set the world record
in the 4×100 meters relay. He is the reigning Olympic champion in these three events, the first man
to win six Olympic gold medals in sprinting, and a five-time World champion. He was the first to
achieve a “double double” by winning 100 m and 200 m titles at consecutive Olympics (2008 and
2012) and topped this through the first “double triple” (including 4×100m relays).

The man with the appropriate name, Bolt makes sprinting look easy, often slowing down before the
finish line but still breaking world records by a comfortable margin. He will then strike his lightning
bolt pose for the world to see. Bolt is fast, and Puma moved the fastest in signing up the sprinter.

What can be concluded about Usain Bolt?

A. He ran easily but very slowly
B. He created significant world records
C. He moved the Puma to the finish line
D. He struck his opponents during the race
Text-5a: Business Invitation: category of
Business Network Int’l (BNI)
21 New Boulevard Road
Washington D.C., USA

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to invite you to the Visitor’s Day meeting of the Good Times chapter of BNI
at the Mediterranean Bistro, 301 West Washington Ave., Washington, NJ 07882 on Jan 19 th at 7
a.m. Our Director of BNI will be joining us to share the BNI secrets to success through “word-of-
mouth” marketing.
The Good Times chapter is currently looking for marketing representatives to whom they
refer business. We hope you can learn more about the organization and find out if you would be
interested in generating a steady source of referral business for yourself.
Seating may be limited, so please RSVP by calling chapter contact, Eligio Materan at
201-572-9100. There is no charge to attend, other than the meal fee, which will be $10.00. Don’t
hesitate to call me if you have any questions.

Sincerely yours,
Shrek Gowaind

Who might find the text useful?

A. A marketing representative
B. A chapter contact person
C. An unemployed person
D. The company director
Text-5b: Business Invitation: next probable
Business Network Int’l (BNI)
21 New Boulevard Road
Washington D.C., USA

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to invite you to the Visitor’s Day meeting of the Good Times chapter of BNI
at the Mediterranean Bistro, 301 West Washington Ave., Washington, NJ 07882 on Jan 19 th at 7
a.m. Our Director of BNI will be joining us to share the BNI secrets to success through “word-of-
mouth” marketing.
The Good Times chapter is currently looking for marketing representatives to whom they
refer business. We hope you can learn more about the organization and find out if you would be
interested in generating a steady source of referral business for yourself.
Seating may be limited, so please RSVP by calling chapter contact, Eligio Materan at
201-572-9100. There is no charge to attend, other than the meal fee, which will be $10.00. Don’t
hesitate to call me if you have any questions.

Sincerely yours,
Shrek Gowaind

What will probably the recipient of the letter do next?

A. Come with Materan to BNI
B. Call Materan for information
C. Cancel his reservation to the event
D. Directly transfer an amount of $10.00
Text-5c: Business Invitation: synonym/meaning of
Business Network Int’l (BNI)
21 New Boulevard Road
Washington D.C., USA

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to invite you to the Visitor’s Day meeting of the Good Times chapter of BNI
at the Mediterranean Bistro, 301 West Washington Ave., Washington, NJ 07882 on Jan 19 th at 7
a.m. Our Director of BNI will be joining us to share the BNI secrets to success through “word-of-
mouth” marketing.
The Good Times chapter is currently looking for marketing representatives to whom they
refer business. We hope you can learn more about the organization and find out if you would be
interested in generating a steady source of referral business for yourself.
Seating may be limited, so please RSVP by calling chapter contact, Eligio Materan at
201-572-9100. There is no charge to attend, other than the meal fee, which will be $10.00. Don’t
hesitate to call me if you have any questions.

Sincerely yours,
Shrek Gowaind

“… in generating a steady source of …” (last sentence, 2nd paragraph)

What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Creating
B. Evaluating
C. Destroying
D. Calculating
Text-6a: Personal Letter: relationship of writer-
Dear Dhilla,

I have been sailing on the bosom of the blue sea for the last four days. I am feeling
comfortable. I have had no vomiting and no seasickness. My companion, Mr. Gupta, is very
kind to me. He looks to all my comforts. The voyage is sure to widen my mental outlook and
add to my knowledge of the sea, ships and the people on the continent.
We are having a beautiful time. We pass our time chatting, playing and reading
books and newspapers. The other day we had a thrilling and exciting cricket match. It was a
great fun to see cricket being played on board a ship.
I have made several new friends. One of them has invited me to play a visit to
Hamburg, in Germany. Another friend has invited me to Paris. I may visit Paris for about a
week on my return journey.
I am keeping quite fit and healthy and there is absolutely nothing to worry about
me. Give my best regards for our beloved mother.


Who is Dhilla?
A. A daughter of Mr. Gupta
B. A friend of Tommy
C. Mr. Gupta’s wife
D. Tommy’s sibling
Text-6b: Personal Letter: detail of events
Dear Dhilla,

I have been sailing on the bosom of the blue sea for the last four days. I am feeling
comfortable. I have had no vomiting and no seasickness. My companion, Mr. Gupta, is very
kind to me. He looks to all my comforts. The voyage is sure to widen my mental outlook and
add to my knowledge of the sea, ships and the people on the continent.
We are having a beautiful time. We pass our time chatting, playing and reading
books and newspapers. The other day we had a thrilling and exciting cricket match. It was a
great fun to see cricket being played on board a ship.
I have made several new friends. One of them has invited me to play a visit to
Hamburg, in Germany. Another friend has invited me to Paris. I may visit Paris for about a
week on my return journey.
I am keeping quite fit and healthy and there is absolutely nothing to worry about
me. Give my best regards for our beloved mother.


What can be said about Tommy during his travel?

A. He has vomiting and seasickness
B. He is worried about his family
C. He keeps quite fit and healthy
D. He has just been in Paris
Text-6c: Personal Letter: synonym/meaning of word/expression
Dear Dhilla,

I have been sailing on the bosom of the blue sea for the last four days. I am feeling
comfortable. I have had no vomiting and no seasickness. My companion, Mr. Gupta, is very
kind to me. He looks to all my comforts. The voyage is sure to widen my mental outlook and
add to my knowledge of the sea, ships and the people on the continent.
We are having a beautiful time. We pass our time chatting, playing and reading
books and newspapers. The other day we had a thrilling and exciting cricket match. It was a
great fun to see cricket being played on board a ship.
I have made several new friends. One of them has invited me to play a visit to
Hamburg, in Germany. Another friend has invited me to Paris. I may visit Paris for about a
week on my return journey.
I am keeping quite fit and healthy and there is absolutely nothing to worry about
me. Give my best regards for our beloved mother.


“… sailing on the bosom of the blue sea …” (1st sentence, 1st paragraph)
The underlined word is synonymous with ….
A. depth
B. middle
C. ground
D. outside

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