Arts 6 Lesson 1 Quarter 2
Arts 6 Lesson 1 Quarter 2
Arts 6 Lesson 1 Quarter 2
Both sides
Both sides are not
are equal equal
• Balance can be achieved in 3 different ways:
a. Symmetry- in which both sides of a composition
have the same elements in the same position, as in a
mirror-image, or the two sides of a face.
b. Asymmetry- in which the composition is balanced
due to the contrast of any of the elements of art. For
example, a large circle on one side of a composition might
be balanced by a small square on the other side
a. Geometric shapes- are precise areas that b. Irregular shapes- are non-geometric,
can be made using a ruler or compass. These free-form shapes and can’t be measured
shapes can be simple or complex and mathematically
generally give an artwork a sense of order.
Examples are triangles, squares, rectangles,
circles or other polygon figures that can be
measured mathematically.
Color Is one of the most dominant elements. Color is the visual
property of the pigment of an object that is detected by the eye and
produced as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.