Technical Supoort Lesson 5
Technical Supoort Lesson 5
Technical Supoort Lesson 5
The wires from the address bus tells the memory modules where exactly (i.e.
which address) that data must be retrieved from or stored.
And the control wires send commands to the memory modules, telling them what
kind of operation is being done – for example, if it is a write (store) or a read
Single Channel vs.. Dual Channel
Single Channel vs.. Dual Channel
1-Dynamic RAM(DRAM)
• Dynamic RAM gets its name from the fact that
the information stored in DRAM needs to be
constantly refreshed.
• Refreshing involves reading the bits of data
stored in DRAM and then rewriting the same
information back.
2-Static RAM (SRAM)
• Static RAM (SRAM) • Dynamic RAM (DRAM).
• The chips are more complex • Slower but Cheap enough to
Faster but more costly than make it possible to use it in
DRAM “30X in price and size” large quantities in PC systems.
• Used for cache memory in • DRAM use capacitors to store
systems “L1,L2,L3” 1s and 0s must be continually
• SRAM does not use capacitors refreshed to make sure the
to store 1s and 0s. data is held.
• Instead, SRAM uses a special
circuit called a flip-flop it does
not. be refreshed because it
uses the flip-flop circuit to
store each bit.
3-Read-Only Memory (ROM)
• is a type of memory that you cannot write to.
• Information is written to ROM chips by the manufacturer, and this
information cannot be changed.
• One of the major uses for ROM is storing the system BIOS (Basic Input-
Output System), which contains Power-On Self-Test (POST) routines
memory bank is the number of memory slots needed to fill
the data path of the processor.