Classification of Algae
Classification of Algae
Classification of Algae
Types of flagella
Assimilatory products
Thallus structure
Method of reproduction
Fritsch divided algae into the following 11 classes
1.Chlorophyceae (green algae)
2. Xanthophyceae (Yellow-green algae)
3. Chrysophyceae
4. Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms or golden brown algae)
5. Cryptophyceae
6. Dinophyceae
7. Chloromonadineae
8. Euglenineae
9. Phaeophyceae (Brown algae)
10. Rhodophyceae (Red algae)
11. Myxophyceae (Blue green algae/cyanphyceae)
1. Class Chlorophyceae (Green algae)
The main pigments are essentially identical to those found in higher plants -
chlorophyll a and b, carotenoids and xanthophylls.
Chloroplast usually have pyrenoids
The food reserve is starch, which frequently aggregate around the pyrenoids.
The cell wall is composed of cellulose and the cell are typically eukaryotic
Flagella if present are of equal length and are usually inserted at interior end
Reproduction takes place by vegetative, asexual and sexual (iso, aniso and
oogamous) methods
Class Chlorophyceae have been divided into nine orders
Order I:Volvocales (eg., Volvox)
Order II : Chlorococcales (eg., Chlorella)
Order III: Ulothrichales (eg., Ulothrix)
Order IV: Cladophorales (eg., Cladophora)
Order V: Chaetophorales (eg., Fritschiella)
Order VI: Oedogoniales (eg., Oedogonium)
Order VII: Conjugales (eg., Zygnema)
Order VIII: Siphonales (eg., Vaucheria)
Order IX: Charales (eg., Chara)
2. Class Xanthophyceae ( Heterokontae or Yellow-green algae)
The main Pigments are chlorophyll a and e, β carotene
and xanthophylls.
Plastids without pyrenoids
Reserve food material is oil
Cell wall mainly composed of pectic substances with little
The cell is typical eukaryotic with anteriorly inserted 2
unequal flagella - shorter flagella are whiplash type and longer one
tinsel type.
Reproduction by vegetative , asexual and sexual
(Isogamous) methods.
Class Xanthophyceae has been divided into 4 orders
Order 1: Heterochloridales (e.g., Heterochloris,
Order 2: Heterococcales (e.g., Myxochloris)
Order 3: Heterotrichales(e.g., Tribonema)
Order 4: Heterosiphonales (e.g., Botrydium)
3. Class Chrysophyceae
Phycochrysin is the dominant pigment which imparts brown or
orange colour to these algae.
The chromatophores have naked pyrenoid like bodies.
The food reserve is chrysolaminarin and leucosin.
The cell wall is calcified and non cellulosic.
The motile cell have two anteriorly inserted unequal flagella.
Sexual reproduction is very rare when present it is isogamous