• Amaterasu-mi-kami
- Goddess of the sun
Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto Susa-no-Wo-no-Mikoto
-God of the moon - God of the storms
and sea
Gets pa Aristotle?
The Kojiki and Nihongi are considered as sacred scriptures on
Shinto. These books are compilations of ancient myths and
traditional teachings, and considered to have a dual purpose:
• Political
Its purpose is to establish the supremacy of Japan all over the
• Moral
Its purpose is to explain the relationship between the kami and
the human beings
Kojiki – It is composed of three book: the first is the Age of kami and the
third and second one discusses the imperial lineage.
At Shinto Shrine
-Also called ceremonial worship, this includes a visit to shrines.
Kami Worship
-Is a religion which revolves around the belief in and worship of
and or spirits.
Kami is translated in English as “spirits” more than visible beings,
and can be classified into three types: The Ujigami ( clan of
Concept of Pure and Impure
-Does not have clear distinction between what is right and wrong,
but there are acts which are considered as evil since it causes or
signify impurity.
KAMI Description
Susanoo - Wind/Storm
Tenjin - Education
Things that are considered Impure/Sin:
• Women who menstruate (Menstruation Houses or Taya)
• Women after child-birth
• Being struck by a thunderbolt
• Illness
• Bitten by an Insect
• Having sexual relations with one’s parent or one’s child
• Having sexual relations with animals
To compensate for committing the sins mentioned above, they are required to
make offerings.
Concept of Death
-Death is considered as the worst form if impurity in Shintoism they
dislike death, shintoists believe that death is the continuation of life,
that even if one dies he or she will continue to receive blessings of the
kami. “Death was a Taboo”
-Dead body
-had a contact with the dead body
-Had a miscarried after more than four month pregnancy
-The way to appease kami is through purification, living in harmony with
-The value the virtues of Beauty, Truth, Goodness and Morality.
-To achieve purity rituals often involve cleansing with water (
As mentioned before, Shintoism is a religion in Japan that was able to co-
exist with other religions such as Confucianism and Buddhism. The
Japanese people have always been seen as very nationalistic, and this
has always been attrib- uted to the myths provided by Shintoism, such as
tracing back their ancestry to the deities, particularly Amaterasu. It has
served as a vehicle for patri- otism, as taking care of the Japanese
people's needs in this present world, and it promotes high veneration and
Vehicle for Patriotism
Aside from Shintoism providing the Japanese people with the pride of
believing that they came from the deities and that their rulers have
descended from the heavens, there are some aspects of Japanese
history that they interpret as having divine intervention and therefore
have also become a source of fervent patriotism.