Advance Web Technology
Advance Web Technology
Advance Web Technology
Prepared By
Mr. Sudipta De
⚫ Know the techniques for improving the accessibility of an HTML document.
⚫ Know the techniques involved to support reach web development application.
⚫ To understand the web development and database technology.
⚫ To give the fundamental skills he needed to understand the concept of web
⚫ To learn fundamentals of client and server set Pro scripting
⚫ Acquire knowledge about functionalities of world
wide web.
⚫ Explore markup languages features and create
web pages using them.
⚫ Learn and design Client side validation using
scripting languages.
⚫ Acquire knowledge about Open source
JavaScript libraries.
⚫ Able to design front end web page and
connect to the back
end databases.
1.Harvey & Paul Deitel & Associates, Harvey Deitel and Abbey
Deitel, “Internet and World Wide Web - How To Program”, Fifth
Edition, Pearson Education, 2011.
2. Achyut S Godbole and Atul Kahate, “Web Technologies”, Second
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
• Web technologies are the various tools and techniques that are
utilised in the process of communication between different types
of devices over the internet.
• Let’s break it down into two pieces: ‘web’ and
• The web, in this case, refers to the World Wide Web, more
commonly known as www. It first came into being in 1989 when
famous scientist and engineer, Tim Berners-Lee, came up with an
efficient mechanism to share resources between scientists all over
the world.
⚫ The basics, which TECHNOLOGIES?
will cover web browsers and some web
app development fundamentals
⚫ Programming languages and frameworks which are used in
the development of websites
⚫ Databases that are used at the backend to store data
required or collected by websites
⚫ Some protocols, that is, rules for communicating on the
⚫ Graphic, audiovisual, and other multimedia elements
⚫ Some data formats that are usually used to transmit data over the
⚫ Other miscellaneous web technologies
• A network is a group of connected, communicating devices such as
computers, printers and other electronic devices.
• An internet is two or more networks that can communicate with each
other (composed of hundreds of thousands of interconnected
• It is the largest network in the world that connects hundreds of
• Thousands of individual networks all over the world.
• Private individuals as well as various organizations such as
government agencies, schools, research facilities, corporations, and
libraries in more than 100 countries use the Internet.
History of Internet
Early Networking
⚫ Advanced Research Projects Agency
⚫ Created ARPAnet
• Created in 1947
• Voluntary organization.
• Is an organization dedicated to worldwide agreement on
international standards in a variety of fields (scientific,
technological, economic activity).
• ITU-T(International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunications
Standards Sector)
⚫ Web pages are generally sets of text files coded with special notation
called Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) that is interpreted by a
web browser program reading the file.
Internet & WWW
Search engine:
⚫ Finds information related to a specific topic
Java Server Pages are used for creating
dynamic web applications. The Java code is
compiled into byte code and run by Java
Virtual Machine (JVM).
It supports multiple programming
paradigms such as object-oriented, and
functional programming. It can also be used as
non-scripting language using third party tools
such as Py2exe or Pyinstaller.
It is also a server-side scripting
language with an embedded database system.
Sr. No. Key Static Web Page Dynamic Web Page
Definition Static web pages are generally simple On other hand Dynamic webpages are the
HTML written pages which serve as pages written in some more complex
response from browser to server in which language such as ASP.NET in which data
1 all the information and data is static in is rendered after some interpretation and
nature and it does not get changed until capacity to produce distinctive content for
someone changed it manually. different calls.
Complexity As mentioned in above point as data in Dynamic web pages on other hand does the
static web pages is static and do not require interpretation process which make data
2 any interpretation before rendering so static dynamic in nature and due to which
web pages are simple in complexity. dynamic web pages become complex in
complexity as compare to static web pages.
Language Static web pages are generally written On other Dynamic web pages are written
3 used in simpler languages such as HTML, in more complex languages such as CGI,
JavaScript, CSS, etc. AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET, etc.
Rendered For static web pages data do not On other hand for Dynamic web page data
Data changes until someone changes it is first interoperate at server side and due
4 manually and hence data is static in to which it does not remain same on every
nature. call and this makes data dynamic in
Time Static web pages due to static data take While Dynamic web pages due to
5 less time to get load. dynamic data take comparatively more
time as compare to static web pages.
Database In Static web pages generally no On other hand in case of Dynamic web page
6 involvement database is used for data redecoration.
of database for data redecoration.