Branch - and - Bound - Knapsack
Branch - and - Bound - Knapsack
Branch - and - Bound - Knapsack
Amit 1
I still don't really understand how to use the Branch and
Bound algorithm. Ella, How would I use Branch and
Bound in order to solve the problem of what are the best Of course I can
items to pick to maximize my utility? help.
Ella BRANCH-and-BOUND is a method in which E-node
remains E-node until it is dead.
Applied for optimization problem
A state space tree for all possible solutions are
Partitioning or branching on a particular node based
on the previously available best solution
x1 = 0 x1 = 1
x2 = 0 x2 = 1 x2 = 0 x2 = 1
If we are able to write Tom, you are right that the method of
down all possible solutions complete enumeration would work. But
in the enumeration tree, as the problems get bigger, complete
then why don't we enumeration would take too long
compute the objective for because the number of possible solutions
each solution, and simply explodes exponentially!
pick the best one? This is a
method so simple that
even a cartoon turkey
could think of it!
Shall we solve the 0/1
knapsack problem
And we’re done! Yahoo! Google! Bing!
Thank you Ella.
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